‹ Prequel: Fate

Our Lives Before Fate Interveined

I'm Dying To Know You Love Me


After the events of last night the Jonas family is moving out today. Nick and I spent the whole day together in my room, talking. I was sad to see them leave but at the same time I was happy. Mr. Jonas fired my dad as the Jonas Brothers representative at Hollywood records, much to my dad's surprise. Mr. Jonas said he didn't want someone who hated his son to run their career's. I had a nice laugh when my mom told me that, not to her face of course.
"How far away are you moving?" I asked for the millionth time.
"Hannah I've already told you, across the street."
"I know. It's just I love that I get to see you everyday still." I hugged Nick close, resting my head in the curve of his neck.
Nick chuckled and kissed the top of my head.
"I know babe."
I kissed Nick's neck before I pulled away.
"I love you." I stated.
"I love you." Nick smiled pulling me closer. He kissed me sweetly on the lips.

* * * *

Nick's P.O.V.

I laid on my new bed, starring at my new ceiling in my new room. Yeah lots of new. And to go along with all the new I think I have new feelings for Hannah. Every time I'm around her I have this need, this want, to be with her. I mean really be with her, and that makes me feel like a horny teenager. Oh what am I thinking, I am a horny teenager. There's nothing wrong with that. I love Hannah and she loves me, but I don't want to pressure her or anything. Man I am so confused right now.
"Hello Beautiful
How's it going?
I hear-" My phone rang.
I opened my phone quickly, I needed to hear her voice.
"Hey." I sighed into the phone.
"Hi Nicky." It wasn't Hannah.
My heart stopped right there. I knew that nasally voice.
"Miley?" I asked, I hadn't talked to her in months. She's been avoiding me for some reason.
"Yeah. Look I'm sorry I haven't been in touch lately-"
"Lately? Try five months. I tried calling you many times." I cut her off.
"i said I was sorry. I've been busy."
"Busy? To busy to call your boyfriend?"
"FYI Nick, you're not my boyfriend anymore. I thought you would have gotten the hint when I ignored your calls. I found someone else."
"I'm glad you found someone else, because I did too." I said then hung up the phone. She really knows how to upset me. That's one of the reasons I broke up with her, she's always starting fights with me.
"Hello Beautiful
How-" I answered my phone quickly.
"What?" I asked without thinking.
"Bad time to call?"
"No sorry. I thought you were someone else." I quickly apologized.
"Oh. Who?" Hannah asked.
"No one important." I answered.
"Alright? My parents left. Do you wanna come over?"
"Yeah. I'll be over in a minute." I hung up the phone. I stopped at my dresser and grabbed a small box off the top. Tonight was the night. I made my way out of my house and to Hannah's.
Hannah was waiting for me on her porch.
"Hey." She greeted.
"Hi." I kissed her cheek.
I followed her into the house and up to her room. She pushed a button and the stairs came up then locked into place.
"So what's up?" I asked.
"Nothing. I just wanted to see you." Hannah said with a shrug.
I pulled her into a hug. We stayed that way for a few minutes.
"Is everything alright?" She asked.
"Do you love me?" I asked.
"Of course. You know I do." Hannah pulled away enough to look me in the eyes.
"Good. Now close your eyes and hold out your hand." I instructed. Hannah gave me funny look but she still did as I asked. I pulled out a small velvet box from my pocket. I placed it in Hannah's palm.
Her eyes flew open. She moved away from me as she opened the small box. Inside was a ring.
"Oh Nick." Hannah looked up at me tears in her eyes, "It's amazing."
"It's a promise ring." I took the ring out of the box and slipped it on her right ring finger.
Hannah admired the ring. she turned to me and kissed me.
"I love you." She said.
"I love you. And I promise to always love you." I said kissing her again.
♠ ♠ ♠
He gave her the promise ring,So we all know what's happening in the next chapter right? I'm going to warn you now it's going to be a little.....steamy?
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chapter title: Missing Evanescence