What you get me into

Would you mind if I came

"Evgeni, you must not worry."

"Please, I need to know what is going on."

"It happens often and I always come back unharmed."

"Where do you go?"

"Can we talk at our apartment?" I asked.

"No. This isn't your problem."


“I am sorry.”

“It’s alright. I just want to make sure you’re ok. You’re my best friend.”


We changed and got ready for a few interviews.

"Alexandra, we understand you have fainting spells."

"Uh, I guess that is what you can call them."

"Is there a cause."

"Yes but it will remain unknown to the public and my teammates."

"Will you be alright?"


"Thanks Alexandra"

"Thank you." I said. I walked to the door and met up with Evgeni. We drove home and I went up and changed into sweats. I had them from Alexei's Russian team. It was his tee-shirt and hoodie along with his sweatpants. They were big on me. He was 6' 1" and I am only 5' 0". I am small but powerful.

My phone rang and it was a number I did not know.

"Hello?" I said in Russian.

"Alexandra Fedotov?" the voice asked. He sounded so familiar.

"Who is this?"

"It’s me, Nikita Filatov."

“Niki?” I asked.

“Yes, it’s me, Niki. Oh Little Alex.”

“Niki.” I said. I started to cry.

“Oh Little Alex, I miss you. I miss both of you. Please do not cry.”

“I need you. Why didn’t you call or write?”

“I was afraid to remind you of Big Alex.”

“Well I needed you. Are you in Columbus?”


“Would you mind if I came?”

“Not at all Little Alex, not at all.”

“Oh Nikita.”

“Are you in the NHL yet?”

“Yes. I’m in Pittsburgh but I will be able to leave. Give me the chance.”

“I miss you Little Alex.”

“I miss you Nikita.”

“I love you Little Alex.”

“I love you too Nikita. Goodbye.”
