Sweetest Girl


Zack had brought me back inside after a few more witty comments. I had assumed that he was going to be a buzz kill; but he wasn't- just a joy kill. The air conditioning cooled my hot summer skin. I threw away the beer bottle and followed Zack up to the second floor.

My stomach turned green and I stopped. I placed my hand over my stomach and groaned. I grabbed the banister. I glanced around and took a shaky breath. Pain shot through my head. I rubbed my temple and shut my eyes. It felt like my skull was splitting in two. Zack's footsteps stopped.

"Legs?" Zack asked. Even though my eyes were shut tight I could envision the concern painted on his face. He may be a male but he isn't that much of a jackass. I could see his brilliant green eyes clouded over with worry. The color would ever so slightly be drained from his cheek bones. His lips would be slightly parted. "Are you alright?"

I opened my eyes and Zack's face looked exactly as I had pictured. I smiled slightly. I held up my hand and sighed. "I'm fine." I wasn't going to shake my head. I felt sick to my stomach and my head was pounding. I needed a line. I walked past Zack and walked quickly to my room.

"Maybe you should sleep in my room tonight." I felt Zack place his hand on my shoulder. I was on a mission for drugs; I didn't need to be stopped. I shrugged off his arm and walked into my room; nearly slamming my door. Zack was smart; he could take a hint.

I walked over to my desk and sat in my orange computer chair. I opened my desk droor and smiled. I had close to fifty needles, seventy vials of dope, five ounces of pot, three pounds of coke and over seven thousand pills;ex. I pulled out the white powder and made three perfect lines. Well, as perfect as they could be, my hands were shaking. I brought the rolled dollar bill to my nose and snorted the lines in record timing. I cleared my nose a few times and nearly got shot into heaven. I put away my powder and took out what I would need for dope.

I filled the needle with the amber liquid and hit the vein at the bend of my arm a few times. I stuck the needle in my vein and pushed the drug into my blood stream. I threw away the needle and sighed. I was still stoned off of the weed when I snorted and shot up. Now my body was like jelly. Colors were more vibrant. My heart raced and my eyes were clouded over with intoxication. I put away my stuff and walked over to my bed.

My foot got caught on a cord and I put out my hand so I wouldn't face plant. I stood up on unsteady legs and swayed. I was trashed and I knew it. I was going to be up for days. I knew my crash would be at least two days long. I knew from personal experience. I had to bide my time.

At three in the morning I started a letter to my raver friend; Anna.

At four in the morning I smoked three more bowls.

At five I started cleaning.

At seven I took shower. The only thing that did was sober the pot out. I was in need for a blunt. I smoked two blunts. It wasn't until twelve that I headed down stares. My body temperature was rising. My eyes were red. I made sure I didn't have any coke on my nose. I walked into the kitchen and saw Matt in a pair of blue jeans and a green Irish shirt washing dishes and putting them in the dish washer.

He didn't know I was there. I poured myself a cup of coffee. "Morning." I mumbled. I took a few sips of my coffee and waited to be un-ignored.

"Didn't think I'd see you so early." Matt said as he put the last dish in the dish washer. He was putting the proper cleaning supplies in it. "I saw your light on at five this morning." Matt said as he turned the nob and the dish washer started. "What were you doing?" Matt tuned around, leaned on the counter, and looked at me. In his eyes I saw concern. In his voice I heard the faint hint of irritation. He was going to have to get used to my antics.

"At three I wrote a letter. At five I cleaned my room. I also took a shower." I shrugged and polished off my coffee. I placed the mug in the sink and sat on the counter with Matt watching my every move. I noticed that I was starting to see two of everything. I hadn't noticed it before. I shrugged my shoulders. "Nothing much to tell."

"Why were you up all night."


Matt nodded and looked at the ground. I could see from his stand point where small moments like this was incredibly awkward. I sighed. "I'm going to go for a walk." I hopped off the counter to go to my room to change and get things that I need.

It was time for me to be in search for a party. It's summer. There must be a party.
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I actually have plans for this story. I actually like how this is writter but it could be better.

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