Sweetest Girl


I was walking until the sun sank down. I was going to give up hope. I had went to many different places where ravers, that I knew back home, would hang out if they lived here. I was currently walking down Main street; heading back to PCH. My feet hurt and I was in a need of a line. My hopes were crushed about ever finding ravers in California.

"Hello." someone said from behind me. It was a females voice I was sure. It was light and delicate. I turned around and my hopes were back up. The girl was about my height with bright pink hair down to her rib cage. She had on a pair of yellow neon skinny jeans and a rainbow shirt that matched her socks, shoes, necklace and the bow in her hair.

"Hello." I said with a soft smile. I turned around and faced her. I crossed my arms over my chest. "Heading to a party?"

"Yeah actually." The girl said with a smirk. "I was wondering if you were going as well." The girl smiled pulling out a pack of Camel fresh's. She put one between her lips and lite up.

"I only go to raves." I said. I was hinting about it and I knew she was already strongly buzzed so I knew she wasn't catching on.

"This is a rave dear." The girl smiled through the blue smoke. "I'm rain." The girl said extending her hand with a certain glint in her hazel eyes.

I bit my bottom lip. My organs were shaking with excitement. I grabbed her hand and with a smile I said, "Nice to meet you Rain. I'm Legs."
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm sorry it's so short. It was needed though.
I don't really like this chapter either.

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