Sweetest Girl


My suspension was correct about the ravers in California. It was amazing. I was currently sitting on a bright green sofa in the basement of Spunk's, I had just met him a few moments ago, house. There was fog that covered the floor, fast techno music, black lights and multi colored lights. He was on the richer side of town. I had only been here for three hours and I was gone. I was coked out, tokes out, shot out and on my way of being drunk. Needless to say I was trashed. My heart was beating rapidly. Spunky walked towards me with a smile.

Spunky was taller then me. His hair was a sandy blond that flipped to the side. His eyes were a dark brown; nearly black. He had dimples much like Matt. He had on a pair of purple skinny jeans and a white fitted tee. It had a V neck and he was rather buff, so it looked good. I smiled at him. "Hello." Spunky said sitting next to me.

"Hello." I said with a small smile. I had danced for two hours before I sat down. Spunky took a gulp from his Grey Goose.

"Enjoying yourself, Legs?"

"Yes, very." I said with a smile. I was melting into the couch and I was feeling good. I felt Spunky lean in and I felt him press his lips against my ear. A chill raced up and down my spine. The hair on the back of my neck stood up. I felt a familiar throbbing.

"Glad to hear that." He whispered. I felt him flick his tongue over my ear and I shuttered. I nodded and sighed. I felt my muscles tense up.

"Why so tense?"

"Don't know." I sighed. I looked over at Spunky and smiled slightly.

"Here." Spunky said handing me the Grey goose bottle. With a smile he said, "this will relieve all tension."

I took the bottle and took a few swigs. It burned going down but the pain subsided a few more gulps down the road. I felt the alcohol begin to work in my system. I had lot control of my body. I was jello in Spunk's hands.

The night went by quickly with my intoxication. There was dancing that involved grinding on one another. Spunky kept supplying my drugs and alcohol. We danced with glow sticks until our body's were slick with sweet sweat. There were make out sessions that came with groping.

I was standing by the front door; deciding that it was time for me to head home before Matt flipped shit. I was almost sure that he had already sent a search party to look for me. It was almost six in the morning. I started to stumble down the side walk. I only got a block away and I could still hear the music pumping through the speakers at Spunk's house.

It was still fairly dark outside. I was seeing double and triple of everything. I was unsteady on my legs. My mouth was dry and I was seeing people from back home walking down the side walk. A black SUV turned down the road and I held up my hand to block the high beams from my eyes. I stopped walking and almost fell over.

The car came to a screeching halt. The passenger and driver's door swung open. I felt my stomach turn sour. My breath hitched in my throat. I sighed when I saw Zack and Matt running towards me.

I soon felt a pair of hands on my shoulders. I looked up and saw Zack was holding my shoulders. I could see the concern and relief on his face. I looked over and saw the same thing painted on Matt's face.

"Where have you been?" Matt asked as he caressed my cheek. I knew my eyes were red as ever and I smelled of all sorts of drugs. I knew Matt smelled it because I saw his facial expression change to rage.

"We were worried about you." Zack whispered as he let me go. I stood in front of the men and swayed in the early morning wind. I was trashed and they knew it. I felt light headed. My eyes closed and I couldn't open them.

"What are you on?" Matt asked with a stern tone. That was the last thing I heard before I felt the side of my face hit the concrete.

I was out.
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