That Was Once Heartless.

The Beginning.

The one time I’m not late or even upset, my parents are worse than ever, blaming me for even more stuff than before. Then as soon as I’m about to stand up for myself they knock me back to the ground. Once I was free, I ran outside and kept running for my life. What started out once as a great life for me, turned into a horror story the next minute. This thing they call family was not a word I’d describe as my family. The horror of my past kept flashing through my mind. Yes I was finally free of that pain I’d suffered for so long. As I got lost in these thoughts I noticed a car go by, it was dark silver Honda Accord, much like my parent’s car so I ran even faster though my legs couldn’t take it much longer. As I was running I came across a park and remembered that there would be a police station nearby. Looking around, I saw two tall figures come out from the shadows behind me. Thinking this was no time to stop, with tears running down my face, I ran a little further until I ran into two policemen. I told them my story and they just laughed and were about to walk away from me. I started to cry even harder, I was panicking now and sounding even more desperate before I could see they were starting to believe me. I noticed those figures from the shadows were getting closer to where we were standing. I also noticed it was my parents who were those figures. When my parents got close enough to speak to the policemen, the police had turned so I was shielded and my parents couldn’t see me. They kindly asked the police if they had seen their poor, little, lost daughter who had ran away after a disagreement with them. The police not believing a word of this, just answered with a polite no, turned and started to walk towards their care with me in front of them. We didn’t realize that our shadows were revealing my own. My parents called out to question them about this as they were suspicious, thinking it may belong to their daughter. Seeing that it was their daughter, they asked for her back but the police refused and told them they would have to come to the station to answer some questions, but before they could say anything else, the parents quickly turned and disappeared into the darkness. The police turned to each other, but thought better about chasing them as they needed to get the little back to the station. As they were getting in the car, she thanked them for what they are doing for her. Once they’d reached he station, they asked if she had any other family like aunts or uncles she could live with. She told them no but then mentioned that they were foster parents and she just a baby when she was given to the orphanage. The police assured her that they were going to try their hardest to find her real parents.

As the weeks passed the police kept turning up with dead ends, thinking they’d never find anything. Then one day they thought they had found a lead hat looked truly promising. They took the girl along for the questioning just in case it didn’t turn out they weren’t her parents.
We they’d reached the destination of what could be her real parent’s place; she looked with astonishment at the huge house that was placed in the middle of nowhere. The police got out and requested that she stays in the car. She agreed and watched as they walked up the marble steps to the front door of the house. As she watched them knocking on the hard wooden door and a young lady opened the door. The police showed their badges so she closed the door again to remove the chain to allow entry. Before Lisa looked away, she tried her best to get a look at the ladies face but no luck.
An hour passed and still they hadn’t come to take her in. ‘Maybe they aren’t my parents.’ Different things kept running through her mind whilst she kept waiting and hoping that they were her parents and she could get away from the nightmare forever.

While the police were questioning the parents they heard a scream coming from outside. They got to their feet, ran outside and reached for their radios. The house owners came out and ordered the police to tell them what was going on. The police explained that they may have found their daughter. The woman was shocked. ‘Could’ve they really found our daughter?' She was immediately brought out of thought and back to reality.

From a distance you could’ve probably hear the screams of a little girl of the age twelve crying in pain with every hit she felt across her skin. “Please stop!” she cried out in pain as she felt another blow to her now badly bruised body. “I’ve done nothing wrong to deserve this pain.”
“Haven’t done anything wrong? You have got to be kidding me!”
His voice full of anger and despair. “But…?” she started before another cry out in pain. “What have I done?” she kept questioning hoping he’ll stop.
Just like she hoped he paused for a quick moment before hitting her harder then ever, just one hit and a bruise appears without a second delay. “If you didn’t go to those pigs then this wouldn’t be happening right now,” he finished with another fatal blow.
The girl was in tears even more then before, screaming in agony as each blow hurt more then the last. As the hits got worse then before, the more she screamed.
The police where finally able to track down the deranged parents and this time hoping they’ll make it in time before that one final blow which could end the little life. They reached the warehouse and one of them stormed in before his mate could get out of the car. As the other cop came in he saw it all. A little girl no older then twelve brutally bashed and just left there with a note. The first cop went over to check on the girl. The second officer joined his mate who was now holding the little and showed him the note left behind.

~The Police~

This little girl may have never been our daughter but we loved her so much. She was so special to us until she started searching for her real parents. It destroyed out lives with her looking for them. We don’t know why we felt so much anger towards her. But the love we felt for her turned to hatred and made is try to murder our little girl.

Lisa who only wanted to meet her real parents.

We are sorry for our sins and knowing that won’t change what we’ve done but that’s all we can say. When you have finished reading this, my wife and I would be at the station turning ourselves in. There is no excuse for trying to destroy ones life who is only trying to fin her real parents.

~Anika and Marcle Sutorius~

After the cop had finished reading the heart-filed letter he looked to his mate who was checking the little girls pulse. He smiled happily as he felt the slightest pulse. They checked her into the hospital.
After a month of intensive care she was finally awake, her eyes were still full of tears and her body ached so hard. The policed who have been so kind to her, handed her the letter from the site, those tears that just sat in her eyes started to fall down her pale face which still hadn’t got its radiance back. She thanked them for this as she never know how much they really loved her and now after three years she hadn’t had any proof until now. The next day, still being stuck in the hospital, she finally got to meet her real parents and got along with them so well, the tears of pain turned to joy and she finally got to smile once again.

One year had passed and this little girl was now thirteen and not so little as she was previously, now lives the happiest life she could ever wish for. She was allowed to see her foster parents once a month so they could know everything that was going on in her life. She has a fantastic life at school with heaps of friends and great marks which topped all of the classes. The girl who was once darkened with no one around her, no one she could trust, not one single person caring about her has now become one of the popular girls in her school. Her life was now bearable and she had even forgiven her past of what pain she received from it.
As this was the beginning of a new month, she went to the station once more to tell her foster parents everything that happened since the last time she saw them. When she had reached the station, her faithful police friends who helped her through that tragic past told her that her foster parents were released. She was so thrilled to hear the delightful news and asked if she could go see them. They agreed at which she got back into the car and they drove to her foster parent’s house, which had looked like it had been abandoned for years. She walked up to the front door and knocked, as the door opened. The girl confused, walked in and looked around. Nothing was out of place since she was last there. She walked into the kitchen and found a note on the counter explaining they’ve moved far away and won’t return until they could forgive themselves for causing that much and pain to their only daughter. The girl walked out of the house with her head down and falling down her face as she headed to the car. She showed the police and her parents the note her fosters had left for her. Feeling really sorry for her, the police told her they’ll do their best to keep track of her fosters so when they could forgive themselves she’ll be able to see them once again.