Broken Glass, Broken Hearts, Broken Staal

Obviously, Clearly, Uncaring

I laid down in my room waiting for Cam to call me. After he left the hospital I knew he was pissed and would confront Eric. When I thought of his name I instantly cringed.


Just waiting on an angel to take me out of my hell
I’m falling for you
Just DROPPING out of thin air
You came out of nowhere right out of the blue
When heaven sent you

My phone started blasting Heaven Sent by Hinder and I dashed to pick it up.

“Cam where are you!” I yelled into the phone, “You’ve had me so worried!”

“Danielle seriously calm down. I just needed to think” He spoke. I nervously fidgeted with my nails. I really hope he didn’t talk to Eric.

“So what did happen between you and Staalzie?” he asked. I sighed in relief; obviously he didn’t talk to Eric.

“Cam I really don’t want to talk about this on the phone.” I stated. I actually didn’t want to talk about it at all, but if I said that he would pry.

“Then I’m coming over” he said. I went to refuse but he already hung up the phone. I stood up grabbing my grey jeans from my closet and throwing a greenish v-neck shirt. I heard Cam banging on my door so I walked towards it and flung it open. Turning around I made my way to the couch and sat down. I heard Cam following me and his arm wrapped around me.

I turned my head towards him and cried silently into the crook of his neck. He rubbed my back in small circles and kept telling me how it will all be better. I really wanted to believe him, but I knew it was false hope. He put his hands on either side of my head and wiped away my tears.

“Danielle, what happened.” He asked. I really didn’t want to tell him, but I had to.

“Cam, Eric cheated on me. I went to his hotel room the other night in Buffalo to surprise him because we haven’t seen each other in a while, and he was with another girl. He kept telling me she meant nothing to him, but obviously she meant something because he didn’t run after me when I left, he just kept fucking her.” I stated through my tears. Cam pulled me into another bear hug.

“He then came here last night. He kept trying to explain, but I wouldn’t let him. We got into a big argument, and he got violent. I didn’t know what to do, so I locked the bedroom door and stayed in there. When I came out later he was gone. I don’t understand. He said he loved me. Why did he cheat on me? Am I not pretty enough? Why did he lie to me.” I sobbed into his neck.

“Danielle never say that. You are pretty, you deserve better then him” he said. I nodded my head standing up.

“Where you going?” He asked, bounding to my side.

“Out. You are coming too.” I said dragging him out of the apartment towards my black mustang. I sat in the drivers seat and pulled out of the driveway.

“Where we going?” he asked turning the radio station up.

“Dinner. I’m starving.” I said as I pulled into an Italian restaurant.

We walked up to the hostess and she sat us at a table while throwing flirtatious smiles at Cam. I sat down across from him. Cam’s gaze was on the girl’s ass as she walked away. I kicked him under the table causing him to jump.

“What was that for?” he asked, rubbing his knee.

“For looking at her like she was meat.” I snickered, causing Cam to blush.

The waiter came to us and we ordered our drinks and our meals. Cam always tried to make me laugh. He genuinely cared about me that is why he was my best friend. Our food was put in front of us. We talked about the upcoming Stanley cup playoff rounds. Cam wanted me to go with him but I wasn’t sure.

The waiter came over with our check and I paid him. Standing up to leave I turned and looked over at the table near us. Their sat Eric talking to the girl he was with when I caught him cheating. I instantly tensed up, causing Cam to look. His jaw got rigid and he walked over to Eric. Eric saw us and he stopped eating and walked towards us.

“Danielle look, we need to talk.” He said putting his hand out to me. I instantly shrunk back hiding behind Cam.

“Don’t even talk to her Staal. You can’t do this to her. You told her you loved her, but then you go screw some other girl.” Cam said, balling his fists at his sides.

“Let me explain.” He pleaded.

“No Eric. Obviously you throwing a fit in my apartment and going out to dinner with her explains it all.” I said turning on my heel.

“Danielle wait!” he shouted causing many people to stare at us.

“Eric, were over. You never cared. Go have fun with the whore.” I said while I walked towards the door.

“DANIELLE DON’T!” he yelled. Eric started chasing me but Cam grabbed him.

“Leave her alone.” He spat, and pushed him aside.

I stood against my car door waiting for Cam to come outside. Finally he did and I sat in the drivers seat. Cam’s face was rigid. He looked pissed. Quite frankly, I cannot blame him. I stepped on the gas driving towards home. I dropped Cam off at his house.

“Don’t do anything you will regret.” I said while he walked towards his door. He nodded his head and I drove off. Eric obviously didn’t care about me.

I parked my car in the lot and walked into my apartment. My message machine was blinking. I had over twenty messages. And they were all from Eric.