Broken Glass, Broken Hearts, Broken Staal

Stupid Drunken Nights


It’s been two weeks since my last encounter with Eric. I have managed to avoid him, but he’s persistent. He calls me every day, he just doesn’t give up! He even sent me flowers with one of those people who sing a song. It was getting downright annoying. I knew that I should talk to him but I just can’t. He hurt me in more ways then one.

Honestly I thought he loved me. We’ve been dating for years I never realized our relationship had any problems. How long he has been cheating on me? Did he have many other girls? All these thoughts raced through my mind whenever I closed my eyes. Seeing as I couldn’t keep the thoughts away I hardly slept. I would stay up late hours in the night listening to rock music and sleep never overtook me.

Cam stayed at my place a lot to keep me company. But I knew he was just keeping an eye on me and making sure Eric stayed away from me. Cam was probably the one person in my life who kept me sane. After the encounter with Eric my social life pretty much ended. I didn’t want to leave the house in fear I’d see him.

So just like last Saturday I sat at home eating ice-cream while watching That 70’s show. Cam was spending the night at his old college friend’s house and was reluctant to leave me but I convinced him. I just sat back down to watch the show when my phone started ringing.

Just waiting on an angel to take me out of my hell
I’m falling for you
Just DROPPING out of thin air
You came out of nowhere right out of the blue
When heaven sent you

I picked it up and it was just a text from Cam. He wanted me to meet him at McDonalds for a late night Fleury. I texted him back okay and I ran to my room to get changed. Cam knew my weakness to get me out of the house. Fleury’s were my favorite thing at McDonalds.

I jumped into my car and drove fast. There was no one out on the roads so it wasn’t a long drive. Inside the cashier new me well and handed myself the fleury. I sunk down into our usual seat and began drinking it.

“Danielle we need to talk.” A voice spoke behind me. My body instantly tensed at his voice. My heart rate increased. I couldn’t be here. I had to get out. Everything in my head was telling me to run but I stayed glued to my seat with my eyes down.

“Eric I have nothing to say to you. And I’m meeting Cam here. So if you don’t want to get your ass kicked I advise you to leave.” I stuttered. My voice kept cracking. He slid into the booth seat across from me and leaned on the table.

“About that, Cam isn’t coming. I used his phone to get you here.” He kept looking down at the table. He tricked me. He freaking tricked me. I stood up to leave but he grabbed my wrist.

“Danielle please, just listen. That’s all I want is for you to hear me out. I’m not asking for you to do anything like take me back, no matter how much I want that, but I know I screwed up. Big time. And I just want you to hear me out. Please?” He looked into my eyes.

“Fine you have five minutes.”

“As you can tell, I screwed up big time. You were, well you still are, the best thing in my life even though you’re not in it now. I can’t stop thinking of you.” He started. I just had to interrupt him.

“Really? If I was then you wouldn’t have stayed with her you would have run after me at the hotel.” Crossing my arms across my body I stared him down. He looked down at his lap, he looked ashamed. Well damn right he should.

“You are right. I made the biggest mistake of my life that night. I didn’t even mean to do that with her. I was drunk as fuck.” His head was still hung low.

“Oh so that makes it right?” Practically yelling I went to stand up to leave.

“No it doesn’t. It makes me the stupidest person in the world. I didn’t even mean for it to happen. And honestly after you left she left. Your name kind of well um slipped out of my mouth and she kind of got pissed and stormed out…” At that part I just had to laugh. He deserved that.

“What about the other night in the restaurant then?”

“She’s been calling me non-stop. She kept calling me telling me she loved me. I finally agreed to meet with her to tell her their was nothing between us and that I was in love with a girl who doesn’t deserve to be treated the way I treated her. Danielle I want you back. You have no idea how much this is killing me.” I looked up and he was staring at me. He had tears going down his face.

“Eric I can’t. You don’t even understand how much you have hurt me. All these years you tell me you love me, and then you do this. Do you not love me? Am I not pretty?”I couldn’t hold back my tears anymore and I burst out crying. Eric was by my side instantly wrapping his arms around me. I cried into his shoulder. He started to wipe away my tears as I calmed down.

“Danielle Kane never say that about yourself. You are gorgeous, and that’s not just complimenting your looks. You’re intelligent, and I love your personality. You’ve always been there for me through the ups and downs in my life. I really do love you.”

“Eric I really do love you too. I just can’t completely let you in. I just can’t. I don’t completely trust you, and that will take time.” I started; I felt the tears coming again. He just hugged me tighter to his chest.

“ I don’t care how long it takes Danielle, I really do love you.”
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im not sure how i feel about this... idk hah