
chapter two

When your little you cant help but think about what your going to do when you get older. You see yourself becoming famous. I never wanted to be famous, never wanted to be noticed, but at this moment i just wanted someones arms to pull me into their chest and my fears brushed away.
"Rachel!" I looked up at him from the floor. I could see the red bleaching my favorite white shirt. I could see his eyes, the tears falling, the hope that none of this was happening.


Stop. Dont think.Dont wish, dont hope. I closed my eyes listening to the sound of the wind, there was a reason im still here, theres still some small chance i can turn everything around.Something needs to be done.

i opened my eyes staring at my house the lights a blurr through my tears, it never looked the same anymore, there was no longer that glow. My little sister hadnt smiled since i left, she hadnt been able to look in anyones eyes. My older brother, though the many times he said he wished i was dead, cried everytime he passed my door.

Everything was my fault, and i knew it. But yet i could do nothing to fix it; but somehow i know, i know there is a way of fixing this,a way of making everything right again.

I sat at my deak my eyes wandering over the colorful walls. Kindergarden was in the past, and boys would hopefully not pick their noses here. I laughed silently to myself.

"What are laughing about?" asked a boy sitting next to me.

I looked him up and down before answering. "Boys." i stated.

He looked at meodd, before i continued. "They all picked their noses last year." He smiled. I laughed thinking he probably did too.

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i know the chapters are short but this is what im doing with this story. its not really my number one priority at the moment. clearly misunderstood, is. i will probably update this more than clearly misunderstood because i keep getting stupid writers block. but this is just to fill in when i do have writers block
hope you like it