Sequel: Walls
Status: finished. the story continues in the sequel.

Story of a Girl

Ignoring The Heart

Alex groaned while getting up. The cold weather had made him even more reluctant to get up and go to school. He walked out of his room and up to the kitchen, opening the cabinet to find something that would please his stomach.

"A week and a half. That's all that's left of school until Christmas break. A week and a half." he then half smiled to himself, "Also that's when we get to go to Halifax." He settled on a pop-tart and a glass of OJ.

He sat and ate at the bar, while his mom and dad buzzed in and out of the kitchen. He got dressed, and as he was leaving, saw Sydney emerge from her room and go into the kitchen.

"Morning." he said, walking back in. She gave him a half smile, "Morning. Aren't you supposed to be leaving for school?" she said playfully. he rolled his eyes. "Aren't you supposed to be still asleep?" she shook her head, her chestnut hair moving slightly. Alex envied that she rarely ever had bed head.

"Nope. V and I are going to go out. she wants to ice skate and I told her I'd try to help her. Plus, Zack doesn't have school and I was going to surprise her by asking him to come by." Alex chuckled. "Doesn't she have school?" Sydney shook her head, "Nope. She's home-schooled and so she does all her work for the week on one day, so she can do whatever she wants the rest of the week."

"When did you two become such good friends?"

Sydney laughed and shrugged, "I guess it was when we hung out two days ago. She really is a nice girl. Quiet at first but once you get her energy up, she's like a whole other person." Alex nodded, grabbing his back pack, "Just like you, Syd." and walked out the door.

Sydney stood there, in a slight state of shock. She was beginning to realize that Alex was falling for her. She had thought that he was, and so she decided to ignore it. But the feeling in her heart was telling her that she should just take a chance. He had done so much for her. But, like she had be prone to do, she decided that she'd continue to ignore it. she shook her head and then headed back to her room to get her clothes. she walked to the bathroom and took a shower, then walked out in her towel and sat on her bed, brushing the locks with her fingers for a few minutes. Her cell buzzed and she walked over to answer it.

From: V
I just woke-up. I need about two hours. wanna get breakfast before we head out?

Sydney laughed. V hated eating at home, and hated breakfast even more. But V knew that Sydney would want to eat, and Sydney had learned that V would go to food places and just get a drink.

To: V
sure. we can stop by Starbucks. they have good muffins and pastries and stuff. : )

Sydney walked back into the bathroom and blew dry her hair. she let didn't straighten it, so the soft waves framed her face. She put on some base, a light bronzer and mascara. She nodded at her reflections and walked out. She sat on the couch and watched almost two hours of Scrubs, when she got a text from V, telling her that she was on her way to the Starbucks. She texted back that she would see her there, then she pulled on her winter gear and was out the door, locking it behind her. She walked out to her car and turned on the radio along with the heater. She drove carefully, the winters cold creating ice on the roads and sidewalks. When she got to the Starbucks, she spied V standing in line. The girl had on skinny jeans, and a winter jacket. It was blue plaid and had a fuzzy hood. Sydney couldn't help but laugh, because she was sure that the black haired girl had to buy it here. She walked into the warm shop and got in line behind the girl.

"What are you planning on getting?" Sydney asked. The girl turned around, and gave her a smile then bit her lip. Sydney noticed that she did that often. "I don't know. I normally don't drink the hot stuff because it's never been cold enough for me to. What's good?" Sydney thought a moment, and then replied, "The mocha latte is good." the black haired girl nodded and when they ordered that's what she got, along with a fruit cup. Sydney ordered her caramel macchiato, along with a banana-nut muffin.

The two girls sat at a table and drank their coffee. "How's living with Alex?" V asked. Sydney laughed softly and shrugged. "It's the same. He was shocked when I was up at the same time as him this morning. I have a feeling that he's going to skip school since he knows that we're going ice skating." the black haired girl half smiled and shook her head. "Do you not like the coffee?" Sydney asked. She was afraid that she had suggested a drink that V wouldn't like. She knew that the black haired girl didn't like caramel, but she didn't know what she would've liked. The girls eyes widened. "Oh, no. It's good. Just a little too hot for me. I can't drink things that are too hot or too cold, it hurts my teeth. I think it's from when I had braces." Sydney laughed lightly. "Have you ever been ice skating?"

"When I was eight, once. It wasn't that great of an experience." Sydney cocked a brow, and took a sip of her coffee. V laughed softly and took a deep breath. "It was at the Galleria in Houston. They have an ice skating rink in the mall, and I completely wiped out. In front of a huge group of people that went to my school, might I add." Sydney couldn't hold in a small laugh. V shook her head, taking a bite of strawberry, "Oh no, there's more. I kept falling. and ended up with huge bruises that were there for WEEKS. I looked like I had gotten into a fight with a brick wall." she paused, then half smiled, "I guess I kinda did." Sydney laughed and then the two talked idly, while they finished their food. Once finished, they walked back outside. "How about I follow you to your house so we can have just one car. Save gas and whatnot?" Sydney asked. The girl nodded and they were off. Sydney pulled in behind her and then the girl sprinted to Sydney's car.

"Fuck it's cold." Sydney laughed, and nodded. "Probably a whole hell of a lot colder than what you're used to." the girl gave her a look and Sydney laughed.

They drove to the ice rink and the two got out of Sydney's car. her phone then vibrated.

From: Zack
Just woke up. you guys there yet?

To: Zack
Yeah. we just walked inside. :)

she shoved the device back into her pocket, and the two paid and got their skates.

"I bet you I'll fall on my ass as soon as I get out there." Sydney laughed and she went in front of the girl onto the ice. And as V had predicted as soon as her blades hit the frozen water, she was on her ass. Sydney heard a string of cussing and then she tried to stand up. Sydney watched, and when she had regained her balance, turned around and started to do a few laps. She skated for a while and spied the black haired girl next to the wall.

"Come on, V! You gotta have some courage."

"Kiss my ass, Ne." she said, a slight, playful, scowl on her face. She held onto the wall for a bit, and then ventured out to the middle where Sydney was. "I think it's so cool that you can do pirouettes and jumps." Sydney raised an eyebrow, "How-"

"I took ballet when I was younger." she said quickly. Sydney nodded. "Do they sell hot cocoa here?" Sydney nodded, and the two got off the ice, Sydney helping V so she wouldn't fall. Sitting on the steel benches, a cup of cocoa in each girls hand, Sydney tried to put her thoughts together.

"V, can I ask you something?" the girl raised an eyebrow, "Depends."

"Why didn't you believe it when we assured you that Zack cares deeply for you?" the girl bit her lip, and thought a moment. she took a deep breath, letting it out slowly through her nose and then looked down at the cup in her hands.

"I was with this boy once, when I was sixteen. I fell in love with him and he claimed he loved me too. But he was only using me. And then the next guy that I fell in love with, abused me. Physically and emotionally. So I don't deal well with the 'L' word." she paused, a smile pulling at her lips, "But Zack. Zack's different. He..." she trailed off, "I can't explain how he makes me feel, really. And he treats me like I've never been treated. And honestly, it scares me."

Sydney smiled, "Don't be scared. I mean, love is scary, but once you take the dive it's worth it." the girl nodded then, looked up, a stubborn look in her pale blue eyes, "Then listen to your own advice." Sydney's green eyes widened. "I know how Alex looks at you. And I know how you look at him. I've seen it. He loves you, and you love him." Sydney shook her head.

"He's just a friend. If he does love me, then it's in a friend way. Not romantic." V rolled her eyes. "What? It is!" Sydney's voice went up a few octave's. V rolled her eyes again and then sipped her cocoa. She was shutting down, giving up on trying to convince Sydney, and Sydney didn't understand why. "Why do you do that? Shut down whenever someone argues with you?" She looked at Sydney, and the green eyed girl saw something in V's eyes that ripped at her soul. "Joshua." she said simply. they finished their drinks and went back out on the ice.

Sydney was skating around, her mind elsewhere when she saw V fall on the ice. She laughed quietly and watched as she scrambled to get up, and try to skate fast to the entry. Sydney looked over and saw Zack skating towards the black haired girl. She laughed as they collided and fell onto the ice. Sydney was about to skate towards the couple when she felt a hand grab hers. She whipped her head around, and met the chocolate eyes of Alex.

"I knew I shouldn't've told you where we were going." she said, which made the boy laugh. He pulled her off the ice, and they sat and watched Zack and V skate. "

"Well I knew what you would be doing, and I didn't want you to feel like a third wheel. So I texted Zack and he came and got me." Sydney shook her head, a slight smile on her lips. "What about Rian, Jack, and Amanda? Just left them at school by themselves?" Alex laughed and shook his head, "Jack has Amanda and Rian has Kara. I think that they'll be okay." she rolled her eyes, "You're going to flunk out, I can see it now."

"Hey!" they laughed, and Alex threaded his fingers with Sydney's. "I'm going to apply for the work program with Jack for next semester." she rolled her eyes, but kept their fingers laced.

"Will you actually work?" he laughed and shook his head.

"Nope. We're planning on going to his house and playing video games." Sydney rolled her eyes.

"Figures." she watched Zack and V skate for a while and then the two came over.

"I'm beat. And hungry. Let's go out for lunch?" the black haired girl suggested. the other three agreed and the four of them took off their skates, "Wow this feels weird. I've shrunk a few inches." V said, a small laugh escaping her lips. Zack picked her up and she squealed, laughing. Zack smiled and put her back on her feet, giving her a light kiss. Sydney shook her head smiling at the two.

"So where for lunch?" Sydney asked right before they stepped outside. the black haired couple both replied at the same time, "Subway." Alex and Sydney laughed, "Subway it is then." V rode with Zack, so Alex rode with Sydney.

"Syd?" Alex asked softly.


"I...uh...nevermind." Sydney's brows drew together in confusion. When she looked over, Alex was staring out the passenger door window.

"What's on your mind?" he bit his lip.

"I'd tell you but then-"

"You'd have to kill me?" she finished, and he laughed, shaking his head, "Not what I was going to say, but sure, that fits."



"Why do you think that two people who haven't known each other very long, could possibly be in love?" Alex bit his lip, and wasn't sure who she was exactly talking about. He thought she could be alluding to them, but she continued before he had a chance to reply. "I mean, V, she told me today that she's been through some rough stuff. Not exactly what I've been through with...but still some rough shit. And yet, she's able to move on from that and let herself be with Zack." she paused, and Alex saw tears come to her eyes.

"Why can't I be like that, Alex? Why can't I be that strong and just let go of what Daniel did?" they were in the parking lot by then and Alex pulled her to him.

"Syd, babe, you ARE strong. You don't dwell on it, and you've started the process. It's not going to right itself overnight."

"But, it's been months, Alex. MONTHS." she said, and he sighed.

"Syd, people sometimes take years to sort all of that out. It's okay. You have friends that will stick by you. And we'll always be here for you. If you need to talk about it, or just need to be around us, we're here for you." he said in a soft and comforting voice. A voice that warmed Sydney to her core. she sniffed and lifted her head from his chest and he gave her a smile, wiping the tears from her face. Alex pressed a kiss to her forehead.

"'re golden."
♠ ♠ ♠
Sydney is finally realizing things. hmmm...

I would love to hear your comments?

not much to say on this one, really.