Sequel: Walls
Status: finished. the story continues in the sequel.

Story of a Girl

Late Night Talks

Sydney and Amanda were sitting in the air conditioning of the coffee shop until their coffees were ready.

Sydney wasn't answering anymore questions about her and Alex. She was asking Amanda questions about school and her and Jack.

"So, you and Jack?" Amanda's cheeks flushed.

"Yep. For almost two years." Sydney raised her eyebrows suggestively and Amanda laughed.

"Wow. I can see why you and Alex get along so well."

Sydney rolled her eyes. They stood up when their names were called and then on their way back to the practice pad started to feel guilty so they stopped by the gas station and bought the boys some RedBull. They walked in, and sat back down on the couch as the guys finished a song. Jack walked over and sat on Amanda. She made a face, but kissed him. He slid off and sat on the floor, pouting. Amanda laughed and handed him a drink. The other three walked over and each took one. They sat around, all of them talking, sans Sydney. She looked at her phone and smiled at how much time had passed. She glanced up and saw that Alex's eyes were trained on her, as if trying to read her mind.

Sydney sipped her iced coffee and just watched the others. She felt oddly comfortable around these people that she didn't know that well at all. Her phone vibrated. She looked down and rolled her eyes. She got up, telling the group she had to leave and walked out the door. She was halfway down the block when she heard the familiar car engine. She turned and sure enough there was Alex.

"Come-on. I'll take ya home." she shook her head.

"I really, appreciate it, but I don't think that's a very good idea." he kept following her slowly. she soon turned and he had to park.

So Alex, being ever so persistent, got out and caught up with her. She kept walking, her expressive green eyes hidden behind her yellow sunglasses.

"Why don't you want a ride home?" she sighed looking over at him.

"Because then I'll have to take you inside to meet my mother." he raised an eyebrow.

"Why?" she sighed again.

"Because I have to bring any boy I know over. She has to meet them then decide if they're 'worthy' enough to hang out with me." Alex raised an eyebrow again.


"Yes really. And most of the time she doesn't. So let's just let me walk home and then all will be fine." he sighed and then thought a moment.

"Wait. Let me take you almost all the way home. I'll drop you off a block from your house." she raised an eyebrow and cocked her head to the side.


"Because, it's getting colder and you're wearing shorts." she bit her lip and then relented.

"Fine." he smiled, but they kept walking.

Soon they were at a park, and Sydney went to the swings. She sat on one and began to pump her legs. As she swung higher and higher, Alex watched her. There was some other reason she didn't him taking her home, he just knew it. But he knew enough about her from just today and the two prior parties that she'd tell him when she was ready. She stuck her tongue out at him and he laughed, shaking his head. Suddenly she was airborne, and she landed, rolling in the grass. He walked over laughing, and she rolled over laughing as well. He sat down next to her, and she threw some leaves at him. He made a shocked face and she only laughed more. Her cell vibrated and she made a face looking at the text. She sighed, getting up, her mood broken. She brushed her hands on her purple shorts and Alex couldn't help but be a little sad that she wasn't smiling anymore.

"I've really got to go now." he nodded and the two walked to his car, it getting suddenly dark. Alex looked over, noticing that she was shivering. He unzipped his hoodie and handed it to her. She gave him a funny look, her green eyes questioning.

"You're cold. Just bring it by the practice pad tomorrow. At about the same time?" she shook her head but slipped the jacket on, her tiny body warming some.

Once in the car, Sydney gave Alex directions to her house. When they were at the end of her street, they just sat in the heated car. Alex gave Sydney a smile and she half smiled back.

"Thanks Alex. For today. It's just what I needed." he grinned.

"No problem." she sat there and then got out. Alex watched as she left, watching the streetlights lighting the way to her house. He waited until she was inside to switch gears and drive to Jacks.

Sydney watched Alex leave from her window, hugging the hoodie closer to her body. She sighed, taking it off and then heading back down stairs to tend to her drunken mother.

"Sydney, you'll never be like me right? You'll let mommy decide what man is good for you? I didn't and look at what I've been through."

Sydney didn't say anything, just helped her mother to her room. She tucked her into bed and left two aspirin for in the morning. She walked out quietly and sat on the couch, the t.v. on, but she wasn't watching it. She was simply waiting for her father to get home so she could do the same for him. She was watching an infomercial for a workout when the front door opened. She waited until he was sitting down to walk over. He had taken off his shoes but was struggling with his jacket. Sydney helped him take it off and then he gave her a slight smile.

"Sydney, you're such a wonderful daughter. How are you your mothers?" she didn't say anything again. She helped him as much as she could to the room where her mother was stone cold asleep.

"Sydney, listen to me. Don't let that bitch pick who you should love. Love whoever you want."

Sydney only nodded curtly and then helped him into the bed. She left two aspirin and a cup of water next to his bed as well. She walked out of their room and then back to the living room. She curled up on the couch and cried herself to sleep.

She wanted something so much better than this.
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