How to Make a Human


By MassRomantic


Banner by TelepathicHotDog


Banner by KissTheStarsWithMe

Bobbie is tall, awkward, lanky, and a terrible liar. Everything a teenager hates to be when moving homes. It also doesn't help that she has a severe case of diarrhea of the mouth and can't stop herself from making an ass out of herself in any given situation.

Bobbie is in her senior year of highschool and has found herself landed in a new school. With her prodigy sister, her German grandparents, and her odd new group of friends, it's doubtful that she'll ever get married. Plain and simple? She is one awkward lady.

There are many ways to make a human, and here is one of them.
  1. Step One: Add the Family
    Where we meet Bobbie.
  2. Step Two: Add the School
    Where Bobbie goes to school.
  3. Step Three: Add the Ridiculously Creepy Desk Mate
    Where Bobbie meets Ron.
  4. Step Four: Mix with a Dash of Insecurity
    Where Bobbie is starved for attention.
  5. Step Five: Add a Pinch of Lonliness
    Where Bobbie is questioned.
  6. Step Six: Stir Lightly with Possibile Friends
    Where Bobbie is invited to lunch.
  7. Step Seven: Heat to Emotionalism
    Where Bobbie is consumed by panic.
  8. Step Eight: Add a Dash of Rivalry
    Where Bobbie meets a Bear.
  9. Step Nine: Take Foot, Place in Mouth
    Where Bobbie serves detention... sort of.
  10. Step Ten: Lightly Mix with a New Friend
    Where Bobbie finds out about her visitor.
  11. Step Eleven: Flatten the Shyness, Add Aggression
    Where Bobbie fights with Demetri.
  12. Step Twelve: Bake Until Humiliated
    Where Bobbie rides a rollercoaster and abuses a child.
  13. Step Thirteen: Mix Until Cousin Appears
    Where Snobby and Ben are reunited.
  14. Step Fourteen: Add Family Fun
    Where Bobbie has dinner.
  15. Step Fifteen: Sprinkle a Hint of Drama
    Where Bobbie witnesses a WTF moment.
  16. Step Sixteen: Add a Favor
    Where Shane is overprotective.
  17. Step Seventeen: Burn Perfection Slightly
    Where Bobbie is attacked.
  18. Step Eighteen: Add a Spicy Oma
    Where Bobbie and Demetri go to the principal's office.
  19. Step Nineteen: Add Drugs?
    Where Shane is... hahaha.
  20. Step Twenty: Add... What the Hell?
    Where Bobbie... what the hell?
  21. Step Twenty-one: Add a Wounded Ego
    Where feelings are shared.
  22. Step Twenty-two: Add One Big Step.
    Where Bobbie says something that seems like nothing.
  23. Step Twenty-three: Mix with a Project
    Where Bobbie starts a project.
  24. Step 24: Add Possibilities
    Where Bobbie tries to get a job.
  25. Step 25: Add Dissappointment
    Where Bobbie works.
  26. Step 26: Bake Until Invitation Settles
    Where Bobbie gets invited
  27. Step 27: Add Shots
    Part One of a Drunken Adventure
  28. Step 28: Add More Shots
    Part Two of a Drunken Adventure
  29. Step 29: Lightly Brown with a Change of Heart
    Where Bobbie is hungover and handles her problems head on.