Till death do us part, Forced to be a Vampire's Slave

Please God, just kill me.


“Olivia.” A voice whispered into her ear, or was it shouted? She couldn’t be sure cause her head was pounding something fierce. Suddenly she felt a sharp pain in her hand and she screamed as she sat up.

Olivia looked down at her left hand and realized that her pinky was broken, bent in a completely unnatural direction. Tears filled her eyes and she looked at the man sitting in the front seat of whatever car they were in.

“You need to learn to wake up when I tell you,” He said before turning back to the front and starting the car again.

“Sorry.” Olivia whispered, hugging her broken finger to her chest and trying to stifle the sobs that were threatening to burst from her. She didn’t need to ask to know that he wouldn’t be pleased one bit by that noise.

So she suffered in silence, trying to distract herself by staring out the window. From what she could tell it was most likely early morning, maybe 4 am. The car was speeding so fast that everything passed by in a blur of lights but it was obvious that they were in a city.

But what city? She had been near Chicago when her car broke down but if he had been driving this fast the whole time she was passed out then they could be hundreds of miles from there.

“We are in Milwaukee.” Henry said, without turning around.

“Oh.” Olivia nodded to herself, she used to come here as a child with her parents. Her parents were probably freaking out, because she hadn’t returned home that morning.

The car jerked to a stop and she flew off the seat and onto the floor, landing on her injured hand. This time she couldn’t hold back the sobs, they came like a flash flood.

She heard the door nearest her head open up and then she was grabbed by her shoulders roughly and dragged from the car.

They were parked in front of a huge warehouse with no windows or light coming from anywhere as far as she could see.

“Keep your mouth shut or I will break something else.” Henry hissed into her ear, grabbing her wrist and dragging her along behind him. When they reached the door he used his free hand to push a code into a keypad so quickly that his hand was a blur.

The door opened silently and they walked quickly inside. It closed just as softly behind them and they stood in complete blackness.

Then she heard it. Screams. Sobs. Cries for help were coming from everywhere around her.
“Welcome to your new home.” Henry whispered in her ear.

Just then she heard a clear, female voice, scream, “Please God, just kill me!”
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter two loves!