Sequel: She's Dancing Alone

Dark Eyed Dreamers

Kyle Burns

Watching as the hand on the clock ticked closer to the twelve, I had totally lost the point in the lesson. The piercing sound of the bell rang through the air and within seconds my bag was slung over my shoulder and I was out the door. I hadn’t seen Jack all day, and it was getting to me. I felt at a lack of knowledge, not something I liked.

“Anna baby,” I heard Alex’s voice chime from behind me. Maybe he could shed some light on this situation. I stopped in my tracks, composing myself before turning around with the best fake smile I could muster.

“Allie,” I beamed as he walked over, arms held wide. As my arms wrapped tightly round his neck my feet were lifted off the ground and I was spun in a full circle.

“How you doing, baby girl?” He asked whilst taking my hand in his.

“I’m good now let’s go eat, I’m hungry!” I exclaimed yanking his hand in the direction of the cafeteria. I heard his soft giggles as he caught up and walked at a pace next to me.

“That looks good,” Alex commented taking a fork and digging into the pasta I’d just bought as he took his place in the seat opposite me.

“Get your own or you owe me three bucks,” I replied blankly slapping his hand away.

“Alex trying to steal your food again?” Zack asked turning a chair around next to Alex so he could sit on it backwards. I simply nodded to which Zack shrugged his toned shoulders and stole a fry from Alex’s plate.

“Hey!” He whined pouting at the younger boy.

“Hypocrite,” I mumbled. “Anyway, you getting any closer with released that EP?” I asked referring to the band as I shoved a fork of the pale spirals into my mouth.

“Actually, there’s a change of plan,” Alex beamed. I gave him a questioning look as I swallowed back the food.

“Go on,” I urged warily of the smirks playing on both boy’s faces.

“Well, I got a little phone call from a guy at Hopeless records this morning and...” Alex began before trailing off. My eyes grew wide, the pasta I was about to shovel into my mouth falling off back into my plate. “They want to sign us!” Alex exclaimed. A loud thud was heard from our corner of the cafeteria as I pounced across the table sending Alex flying to the ground. An array of condiments and food came with me, but thankfully, not on me.

“I am so freakin’ happy for you guys!” I screamed. By this point the majority of the room were turning and staring at us before going back to their conversations with a mere ‘that was weird’ or ‘anyway where was I?’ I held Alex’s cheeks between my hands and sat on his torso. “My babies you’re growing up so fast! Oh my god I can’t believe you’re actually getting signed this is insane!” I blurted out in one breath.

“Whoa! Jesus, slow down Bri! How do you talk so damn fast?” Alex asked baffled.

“It’s one of my many talents that come with boobs,” I grinned just as Rian approached, a milkshake in hand as his jaw dropped and brows raised causing Zack and Alex to erupt into obnoxiously loud laughter.

“So I take it you told her about Hopeless?” Rian asked sitting down in a seat next to Zack, only turning it to the new circle formed on the floor.

“That I did,” Alex nodded. “Everyone knows apart from Jack, where is he today anyway? I saw him in Spanish class but he took off before I could walk to physics with him,” he commented. I bit onto my lip, trying to hide my stupid blush from the others by hanging my hair in front of my face.

“I dunno, he was in English last period but I lost him as soon as it ended,” he frowned. “Speaking of, from what I’ve seen of her Jenna isn’t in the best of moods either. Do you think maybe they had a fight?” Zack asked turning to the other two.

“Well it wouldn’t surprise me, she has been cheating on him for god knows how many months. You’re bound to get a little uptight about that right?” Rian asked. The others murmured a few ‘yeahs’ and nodded their heads before Alex, thankfully, changed the subject.

“Uh, Bri. D’you mind getting off me? I’m starting to get a few strange looks from the faculty members around here and considering where you’re sat I’m not really blaming them,” I felt some colour rush to my cheeks as the realisation of where I was hit before laughing it off. I took to my feet and offered Alex a hand back up, well, my day just keeps getting more and more normal.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm totally stumped.

Scratch that, I have one.
FIVE stars! Hell yeah I love you guys.
List of loves: JAZR - For posting the comment that got this story to five stars and Angel_xo, abnurmel and kelseybarakitten' - for being regular commenters, then I know it's worth while.
Well, I promised you three updates in one day, and that's what I gave you. I'll try posting at least another two tomorrow because that's when school restarts and I don't want to end up abandoning this story like I have been doing with other ones. Like I said in the comments though, this story's not got a very nice ending because it's based on something that I've actually heard about All Time Low but yeah, I hope you enjoy it anyway. :D