Sequel: She's Dancing Alone

Dark Eyed Dreamers

Max Green

I was excited, smitten and petrified all at once. Excited for if Jack asked me to be his date, smitten because it was Jack and petrified... well, because it was Jack. Sleep was something I missed that night. Instead my heart decided to run a marathon and keep me wide awake. I decided not to get my hopes up though. He might not even bother to ask, and if he does, he probably only wants to go as friends to patch up the friendship which had suddenly decided to take a turn for the worst.

Approaching my locker I twisted the dial. The all too familiar numbers flashed past my eyes and within the blink of an eye the thin metal door swung open and I began to load sheets and books into it. I felt a tap on my shoulder and naturally turned around. There in front of me stood Jack, he had a small smile spread across his face as he looked me in the eyes.

“Hey,” he greeted. I opened my mouth to talk but was stopped by Jack raising his hand. “Before you say anything I just want you to know I’m really sorry for storming out of your house like I did. I was behaving like a child and I shouldn’t have dealt with the situation in such a poor way and I truly am sorry. Think you could forgive me?” He asked jutting out his bottom lip. I rolled my eyes before replying.

“Okay first of all,” I began. “Hey Jack! How you doing? Yeah I’m great, what did you do in biology?” I overenthusiastically acted out a conversation with myself causing him to laugh. He seemed so much happier. “Second of all, of course I accept your apology and I respect the fact that you came and said this to me,” I smiled. A wide grin wiped across his face as he leant forward and wrapped me in a quick hug.

“So, next thing,” he continued biting his lip as he pulled away. “Well, I don’t know if this is the right time to ask you this but I’m pretty sure you know what’s coming up next month,” he continued looking kind of nervous.

“Prom,” I confirmed nodding my head.

“Yeah,” he mumbled. I felt my heart pound against the binder pinned to my chest. Was he really going to ask me? What would be my answer? I couldn’t think straight but I was dying for him to ask me. “Well I was wondering if you wanted to,”

Annie!” A girlish shriek called, cutting Jack off and causing both our heads to snap in the direction of the voice. Before my head was fully turned around I was slammed into my locker by ashort petite, and far too strong for her own good, blond. I groaned and stood upright, just as I was about to return her hug Louise pulled away and started rambling. “Alex asked me to prom! Oh my god I’m so happy! I seriously thought I’d be the last person he’d ask but- Oh, hi Jack,” she giggled embarrassed. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to interrupt you, go ahead and talk, I’ll wait,” she nodded.

“No, no, it’s fine. It can wait,” Jack smiled reassuringly at the girl.

“Are you sure?” Louise asked from her spot in front of me.

“Yeah sure, see you around Lou, see you later Bri,” he smiled turning his attention to me and kissing my lightly on the cheek before walking past and leaving my cheeks to flush. I carried on watching him as he strolled down the hall with a skip in his step. I was vaguely aware of Louise talking at me but I didn’t listen, I was too busy savouring the tingling sensation on the side of my face.

“Oh my god, what is this?” Louise exclaimed making a grab at the neck of my shirt. My eyes bugged and I snapped my head back at her, pulling the collar back up.

“Nothing, just a mosquito bite,” I lied. What a dumb lie.

“Wow, you must seriously think I’m stupid,” Louise replied from astonishment. “Now come on who gave it you?” She asked determined. I knew I couldn’t trust her with the truth, she wouldn’t realise how difficult things were and it’d be all around our group before the day was out.

“Uh, no one you know, it doesn’t matter,” I stammered.

“Ooft you liar! You’re terrible at this, come on tell me who did it,” she grinned. I could feel the sweat building on the back of my neck as I tried to find a way out of the terrifying situation. Then I saw a familiar boy walk past out of the corner of my eye.

“Rian!” I yelled pointing my finger to him. He stopped in his tracks and turned his attention towards us.

“Hm?” He asked stepping towards the two of us. Louise turned around and looked at him with a shocked expression on her face.

“You were the one who savaged her neck?” She asked in disbelief. Rian cocked a brow of his own before seeing the pleading look on my face.

“Yeah, nothing serious though. I had a bet going against Zack that I wouldn’t do it,” he shrugged casually. “I did,” he added with a smirk. Damn. The boy was a far better liar than me. Louise then turned back to me, her brows raised and an amused smirk dancing across her face.

“Brianna Ashton!” She exclaimed. I rolled my eyes, walking away from her and subtly whispering ‘thank you’ to Rian as I passed. The shrill ringing of the bell called all students to next period. I had chemistry with Alex that gave me some time to prepare for the lesson after: art. Jack, Alex and I would all be in the same room. I was nervous, I wasn’t gonna lie.
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