Sequel: She's Dancing Alone

Dark Eyed Dreamers

Oli Sykes

I ran and ran and ran. Laughter was spilling from my lips as my feet slapped against the sidewalk.

“Brianna Ashton!” I heard Zack squeal as he picked himself off the floor and came running at me. I came to a halt, crashing to my knees and laughing hysterically at the events that had recently taken place. Zack had bent down to tuck the lace on his shoes into the side but while he was bent over my hands just happened to find their way inside the rim of his jeans. While they were in there I slipped causing the jeans to fall down to his ankles and exposing his deep grey boxers to the rest of the street. Alex and Rian were laughing their asses off and I’d taken off while he was pulling his pants back up.

I knew with it being Zack I wouldn’t get too far and soon enough he turned up behind me pulling me to my feet and hoisting me over his shoulder.

Zack! Put me down right now!” I screamed suddenly finding the whole situation less funny.

“No way girl,” I heard him growl as the others continued to roar with laughter.

“Zack! Put me down! Zack! It was just a joke!” I screamed over and over again, kicking my feet and pounding him on the back.

“Just a joke?” He asked.

“Yes! Just a joke!” I screamed as he came to a halt.

“Alright then,” I felt him shrug. I let out a sigh of relief before falling hard onto my ass. A cold liquid splashed everywhere before I realised, I was sat in a pond. My hair was stuck to my face as I took in Zack’s expression. He looked victorious as he folded his arms across his built chest and walked away.

“Merrick!” I screamed climbing from the pond and taking a run at him. He turned around just in time as I slammed into him causing us to both go flying to the ground. As my wet hands came into contact with his stomach he yelled for me to get off him. “You’re a horrible boy!” I yelled at him as the others continued to crack up with laughter. I finally got up off him, ringing my sleeves over his face first before walking over to Alex and hugging my arms to my chest. I huffed.

“I love you,” Alex laughed hugging me with one arm so he didn’t get wet.

“Oh well, it’s getting late, I’m gonna go get changed and I’ll see you guys tomorrow,” I nodded.

“Okay, see you later girl,” Alex said kissing my forehead and hugging me without a care for his clothes. I returned his hug before jumping on Rian who groaned in distaste at the moisture now on his shirt.

“See you Bri,” he laughed lightly returning my hug. Finally I stomped over to Zack. If looks could kill. He looked sheepish as I stopped dead in front of him, a look of hatred spread across my face. I leant forward and kissed his cheek lightly before laughing myself. I saw his face soften in relief and he stretched his arms to hug me. I quickly hugged him before saying my goodbyes to everyone and skipping into the direction of my house.

It had been over a day since that art lesson that made my life look up. I got inside and danced up the stairs to my room. After reaching it I shut the door behind me, jumped on my bed and lay face up with a huge smile on my face. Nothing had really been bad since it happened. Jack and I had been hanging out a lot and all of us were genuinely happy. Nothing was awkward; we were all at ease, despite the fact that some of us had more intimate relationships than others. I felt vibrations against my leg and took the phone from my pocket. Looking at the caller ID I saw Jack’s name flashing across the screen. Flipping the phone open a smile instantly washed over my face.

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This is terrible. I apologise. Oh and look at that, I've hit 8 stars and I'm only on chapter 14. You know what that means. Expect a lot of emails tomorrow (;
abnurmel, kelseybarakitten', trishaBOOB, Insanity At Its Best (aka Kaytee) slashXdash. Thank you so much. You deserve this for your kind words. I'm gonna start writing the five chapters now just for you guys.
