Sequel: She's Dancing Alone

Dark Eyed Dreamers

Patrick Stumph

“Are you kidding me?” I groaned looking at the dresses Louise had set out across my arms.

“Get in there!” She exclaimed shoving me towards the changing rooms. I stared at the sparkling hinges of the grey door in front of me.

“Do I really have to?” I asked turning to look at her cautiously.

Yes!” She scoffed before shoving me backwards into the ‘changing room’. I rolled my eyes. Women. I suppose I should probably carry on where I left off. Basically Jack and I had talked for hours that night about anything until we eventually fell asleep. This had happened every night since as well. I smiled just thinking about it. That was two weeks ago. Today was Sunday and Louise had dragged me out of my house at 10AM to go find her a dress for her that Alex would like. But when we arrived the main focus had been on me, something I hated when it came to clothes shopping.

“Can’t you just sort your own dress out?” I called from behind the door.

“Nope, we’ll get mine later,” she hollered back. I cussed under my breath, hanging two of the dresses that were in my arms on a brass hook opposite the mirror. Staring at the dress in my hand I grimaced: purple. A shudder ran down my spine, I had never been a fan of purple and this thing was covered in the stuff. I rolled my eyes but slipped into the dress. Pushing down on the cool handle I stepped out of the changing rooms, I felt slightly exposed as a couple of other people along with the staff walked past. I folded my arms and avoided Louise’s eyes.

“I love it!” She exclaimed, clapping her hands like a giddy child. I scoffed in response. Typical. “What? You don’t like it?” She asked in shock.

“You know just as well as I do that I hate purple,” I stated firmly. Louise rolled her eyes and made her way over to me.

“Yeah but it isn’t really purple, it’s more of a... blue kind of red,”

“It’s purple,” I cut her off. She looked back down at the material she was holding in her fingers.

“Yeah it’s purple,” she muttered. “Well I think you suit it anyway,” she grinned hopefully.

“No,” I retorted. Her face turned into a childish frown before she let go of the dress and crossed her arms.

“Fine, go try on that white one I picked out for you,” she sighed in defeat. I quickly made my way back behind the door. I willingly dragged the dress over my head before looking at the two dresses hung on the handle. I picked up the strapless white dress, holding it to myself and examining it in the mirror. The black material tied around the waist acted as a belt and was held together by a small diamante broach. I quickly got changed before taking a look at myself in the mirror. The dress was nice, it looked okay at least. The belt was made from some sort of stuff but smooth material so it looked nice, but it was a pain in the ass to move. Even so I made my way back outside the door. I stood bare foot in front of the blond as she looked me up and down. I began to feel slightly self-conscious. Some guys walking past the window of the dress shop stopped to look and whistled before moving along causing me to blush and shuffle on my spot.

“I think that’s probably the best one,” Louise nodded. I smiled lightly. The dress hung a few inches above my knees, making me feel less classy than normal, but Louise was normally the expert in these situations, so I took her advice. I let her mess around with the dress a bit before promising to buy it. She told me she’d be waiting outside before I walked back into the small room to change. I’d totally forgotten about the other dress sitting on the wall behind the door as I walked back in. I glanced in the mirror to give myself a last check before my eyes caught the dress over my shoulder. I stared long and hard at it, glancing between the dress on the wall and the one I was wearing. I decided to try the black dress on anyway. After discarding the white dress on the floor and fitting the black one over myself I adjusted my hair and looked in the mirror. The dress was once again strapless, it had a black belt which tied together with a gold twist and was placed higher up. The bottom of the dress was layered and hung below my knees.

I looked into the mirror from many different angles, first from the front, then the side, then the other side. The longer I looked at the dress the more I liked it. Plus, the belt didn’t get in the way. I ended up holding back an excited squeal as I kept turning and looking in the mirror. I looked down at the white dress on the floor I noticed how unappealing it now looked. I thought about the promise I had made with Louise. Like hell I’m passing this up.

I changed back into my normal clothes and exited the changing room, bringing the three dresses with me. I hung the white and purple dresses on a rack and made my way with the black dress over to the cashier so I could pay for it discreetly.
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Anyone heard Sex Sells - Grips & Tonic? I know it's really sexist/offensive towards women but I can't help but like it.
And what is that woman saying?!
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Insanity At Its Best

4 more updates today if I can type that fast.