Sequel: She's Dancing Alone

Dark Eyed Dreamers

Quinn Allman

Louise has spent the rest of the day dragging me around trying to find her dress. She ended up with a blue one-shoulder dress but I wasn’t paying too much attention. I know. I’m a bad person. She still didn’t know I had the black dress in the large bag I kept clenched in my fists. That night when I got home I hung up the dress and picked out little things to wear with it. Afterwards I sat cross-legged on my bed with my back to the wall and picked out my phone. I dialled a few numbers; the ringing lasted for no more than a couple of seconds before I heard an answer.

“Hey Brianna,” I heard Jack greet me. I could hear a grin on his face.

“Hey Jackman, why so smiley?” I asked tilting my head into the phone. I heard his soft laughter fill my ears before he replied.

“Um, I dunno, I guess I’m just happy right now,” he confessed. I smiled and lay on my back across the bed with my head hanging off one end and my feet pressed up against the wall.

“Wanna come over for a bit? I haven’t seen you since Friday,” I explained tapping my heels against the wall.

“Sure thing, I’ll be over in five minutes,” he agreed.

“Okay, see you then, g’bye Jack,” I replied.

“Bye sweetheart,” he mumbled before hanging up the phone. I struggled to place the phone on my bedside table and pressed the play button on my CD player. The sounds of Fall Out Boy leaked through my speakers as I sang along. A little over five minutes later I heard my door open and shut. By this point I had MTV playing on the small TV on the shelf in the corner of my room.

“Hey Jack! Where’s your box?” I teased as he appeared at the foot of my bed.

“Like I haven’t heard that before,” he rolled his eyes before collapsing onto my bed. I was sat on the floor in front of the TV shuffling through different CDs.

“How’s it going Barakat?” I asked not lifting my eyes from the album covers.

“Pretty damn good thank you,” I heard him reply as his fingers wove into my hair.

“Good,” I replied looking up at him and smiling. He returned my smile and let his eyes drift to my wardrobe in one of the corners of my room where I’d hung the dress.

“Is that a dress I see?” He asked with a smirk on his lips. I followed his gaze and tilted my head at the material on the hanger.

“Yes it is, me and Louise went prom dress shopping,” I shrugged returning to my albums.

“Oh, am I not allowed to see it?” He asked looking back at me. I rolled my eyes and looked back up at him.

“Jack it’s not like we’re getting married, you can see it if you really want to,” I laughed light-heartedly.

“Yeah, not yet maybe,” he muttered referring to the first part making me chuckle. “Do I get to see it on you?” He asked knotting his fingers in my hair once more.

“If you really want to,” I sighed. “But you can help me sort my CDs out first,” I bargained holding up a ‘Dude Ranch’ album. He hopped off the bed and began sorting through my disks with me, occasionally stopping to dance to something that was playing on the TV in the background. Within a few hours we’d forgotten about the dress hanging on the door and I was curled into Jack’s side watching what I could of the programme on TV. My eyes battled to stay open and Jack rubbing circles on my back wasn’t helping the situation even slightly. I frowned lightly, feeling myself drifting in and out of sleep.

“Anna, if you want to sleep, then sleep. I’ll stay with you,” Jack whispered in my ear. His words were enough to send me over the edge as I fell into a long slumber.
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thanks kelseybarakitten' (:
keep me updating, i'm getting distracted!