Sequel: She's Dancing Alone

Dark Eyed Dreamers

Sierra Kusterbeck

I was lay face up on my couch at four in the evening. I hadn’t dressed, showered or rung Alex. I wasn’t planning to. I’d thought long and hard and I still hadn’t come to a decision. So there I was lay in a bathrobe thinking about what to do. A ringing cut me out of my thoughts and I picked myself up off the sofa. Without a second thought I opened up the front door. I instantly regret it.

“Hey Bria- What are you wearing?” Louise’s voice boomed. I winced at the sound and tried to talk my way out of it.

“I, uh,”

Brianna Marie Ashton, get up stairs and take a shower right now! We have a prom to go to in a matter of hours and you look like you just woke up!” She screamed. I stayed quiet, speechless. Her face was covered in anger. Damn girl.


Now!” I quickly turned and ran up the stairs two-by-two with my tail between my legs. Despite her height, Louise was scary when she wanted to be. I ran into my room and heard her following me. Oh god, the dress. I snatched the dress from the door of my closet along with anything else I’d need and folded them over the top of each other so the dress wasn’t obvious. I bolted back out the door only to be met face-to-face with the blond. I ran past her and into the bathroom. I locked the door behind me and mentally cussed. Well, there’s my answer.

After taking a shower and changing into the dress. I placed my hands on either side of the porcelain sink and looked at myself in the mirror. I towel dried my hair before grabbing a small make up bag from under the counter.

“Uh, Louise,” I called from behind the wooden door.

“Are you nearly done?” I heard her call back.

“Uh, well, I’m half way there. Would you mind waiting down stairs?” I yelled hopefully. I heard her let out a low sigh from the other side of the door and held my breath for her answer.

“Yeah sure, but hurry, I haven’t phoned Alex and I know he’ll be waiting,” came her reply. Oh god, I’d forgotten to call Alex. I shook my head, no time to think about that now. As I heard her feet travel down the stairs I dashed out of the bathroom and bolted into my room. Closing the door behind me I set out everything I would need.

Putting one last curl to the underneath of my hair I gave myself a quick once over in the mirror. I thought I looked okay, now the question is, how mad does Louise get? I grabbed the bag still hung on the wooden hanger and slowly made my way to the door. Placing my hand on the cold metal I sighed. There was no going back now. I made my way down stairs. The atmosphere I was creating for myself was suffocating me more and more with every step I took. I finally reached the end of the stairs, stepping down onto the floor I called for Louise.

“Lou, have you rung Alex?” I called routing for my phone. 1 New Message. I rolled my eyes and opened the message.

“Yeah I have I just,” she began turning the corner from the living area. Catching site of me she lifted her eyebrows but a grin was on her lips.

“What happened to our agreement missy?” She asked gesturing to the outfit I was wearing.

“Well, I dunno, I liked the black one. I’m sorry,” I apologised.

“Well I’m glad you ignored me,” she smiled walking over and wrapping me up in an embrace.

“Really? You like it?” I asked pulling away from her.

“I do! I was wrong, you have good taste,” she teased. I shot a glare at her before returning to the phone in my hand.

“Who’s it from?” She asked. I opened the message and involuntarily smiled.

“Jack,” I replied. Quickly typing in my reply I shoved the phone back into my bag. “The guys are gonna come and get us in Alex’s car. They should be here soon,” I nodded. Louise stood grinning at me. “What?” I asked suddenly feeling paranoid.

“Nothing,” she replied shaking her head.

Louise and I were perched on two different sofas when the doorbell rang again. I quickly took to my feet and scurried to the door. I twisted the handle and pulled the door back revealing Alex. He had a welcoming smile on his face. A grey pinstriped shirt hung from his frame, the top two buttons undone and a black tie around his neck. Dress pants hugged his legs and he was leaning casually against the door frame. For the first time since I’d met him he was wearing something other than skinny jeans.

“Alex!” I exclaimed quickly hugging him.

“Hey girly,” he grinned returning my hug. “You look good,” he complemented.

“You too! You should stop routing through the girl’s section more often,” I joked earning a roll of the eyes from him.

“Yeah yeah, promise,” he smirked. I stood aside to let Alex in. He moved past me and made his way towards the room Louise was still in as I frowned.

“Alex? Do you know where Jack is?” I asked.

“Right here,” I heard a voice from behind me. I turned around to see Jack stood before me. He took in my appearance as I did his, taking in every detail. Like Alex, he was wearing black dress pants. His shirt was plain black and a tie had yet to be tied around his neck.

“Whoa,” I whispered to myself before noticing he’d heard. “You clean up well Barakat,” I commented. A wide smile spread across his face and I swear I saw a blush touch his cheeks.

“So do you,” he mumbled before hugging me and letting himself inside. I closed the door behind him and followed him towards the room the others were in.

“Took your time,” Louise mumbled rolling her eyes. Alex was sat next to her on the sofa, one arm around her shoulders.

“What time is it?” I asked tilting my head to the side.

“Half six,” Louise replied nodding her head. Hell. That meant there was only a half hour before prom was scheduled to begin. Eyes would be fixed on the people walking through the doors and I would be no exception.

“Anna? Are you okay? You’ve gone really pale,” Jack commented. Worried looks spread around the room as I snapped out of my daze.

“I’m gonna puke,” I blurted out before making a dash for the stairs.
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Long update! One more chapter for tonight. I'll see what you make of it. abnurmel, kelseybarakitten', adri and mmmxkkxthanks are all legendary. Roll on final chapter! I have one hour to complete it. Think I can do it? Comments will make this possible