Sequel: She's Dancing Alone

Dark Eyed Dreamers

Bob Bryar

“Are you sure you should have any more of those things? You look like you could go over any minute,” I commented taking a sip of my own bottle.

“Hey, don’t underestimate me Brianna, I can handle my drink,” he smirked. I giggled at his remark and turned to look at the people scattered around the lawn.

“So, when did you lose Jenna?” I asked furrowing my brow. When I got no reply I turned to look at Jack who was staring at the floor, his lip was bitten and he was shuffling his feet.

“I uh, I don’t know, she,” he began suddenly sobering up, but cut himself off when a new song came on. “Hey what time is it?” He asked, ignoring my question. I chose to let it drop and took my blackberry from the bag slung over my shoulder.

“Just gone midnight,” I replied shoving the phone back in place. When I looked back up Jack was closer to me, his hand was still on the cooler and his eyes were roaming my face. I tilted my head as if to tell him to say something. He ignored my gesture but spoke anyway.

“How many of those have you had?” He asked pointing to the bottle in my hand.

“Well, this is my fourth,” I answered, not taking my eyes away from him once.

“Down it,” he smirked. I raised my eyebrow and giggled at his random outburst.

“What, you want to get me drunk now?” I asked. He looked in thought and then nodded earning small laughs from both of us. I felt fluttering within my chest at the sound of his laugh. It was so gentle and soft, a soothing sound, and it calmed me. I smiled at him as he continued.

“Well, if it’ll make you do it I’ll finish mine as well?” he reasoned holding up his occupied hand.

“Oh no, Barakat, you need to lay off a bit,” I smirked only to see him pout. I rolled my eyes and held the drink to my lips. I felt Jack’s eyes on me the whole time I was letting the liquid slide down my throat, but I ignored it. Taking the bottle away and tossing it off somewhere behind my shoulder I saw him grin. I shook my head a little bit as Rian walked over. It was safe to say, Rian had had just as much, if not more than Jack. His arms went round both mine and Jack’s shoulders in an attempt to keep him upright.

“Hey guys how’s it going, you having a good time?” He slurred giggling with the rest of us.

“Yeah dude we’re good,” Jack laughed before Rian took his arms back and placed both hands on Jack’s shoulders.

“Man, I am so proud of you y’know?” He stumbled. Jack looked amused as he helped to support his friend.

“Oh really, why’s that?” He asked grinning.

“Just, for accomplishing everything with me, we’re seniors man!” Rian exclaimed holding his hands and stumbling to the side. All three of us began laughing until Jack suddenly froze up. His eyes were set behind Rian, his expression was unreadable and he stood motionless. The colour had drained from his face, he looked sick.

“Jack? What’s up?” I asked, concern taking over me. Jack suddenly snapped out of his trance and averted his eyes to the floor.

“Nothing, I’m fine,” he lied. Frowning, I turned to look over my shoulder. I was instantly pulled back round by Jack who had both his hands on my shoulders.

“Uh, do... D’you wanna go someplace else?” He asked suddenly. I offered him a strange look but saw the pleading in his eyes. Once again, I dropped it. I nodded, there were a lot of things I wanted to ask him but in a house where drunken people keep spilling into you isn’t the best environment. I collected all my belongings before leading Jack out the front and passed the lawn. As he took his keys from his pocket I immediately snatched them earning a confused look from the tall teen.

“You don’t seriously think I’m gonna let you drive like this do you?” I asked cocking an eyebrow. He stared at me blankly before reaching over and taking the keys from my hands.

“You’ve had four,” he pointed out. “We’ll walk,” he finished linking his arm with mine and leading us from the house. It was silent as we walked, but not awkward. Jack looking like he was off in thought as I watched my feet kick the sidewalk. I didn’t know where we were going, hell, I didn't think either of us had a clue, but we kept walking. Considering the time there were no vehicles on the road. The only light illuminating the streets were those of the late night stores and street lamps. I tugged Jack into a small burger house and went right up to the counter. After ordering food we took a table at the window, I tried forcing the soda down his throat to make him sober up a little and relieve him of the killer hangover he was going to suffer but he rammed a cheeseburger in his mouth before I could get the straw near his face.

I sat playing with the fries in front of me for a while before looking up at Jack. He sat eating and either ignoring or not acknowledging my gaze. Casually I picked up a fry and launched it in his direction.

“Hey!” He whined jutting his lip out at me before I burst into a fit of giggles. He proceeded to pick up another fry and launch it right back at me hitting me square in the face. I grunted as I heard his laugh. Scowling I took the soda from off the table and began to take small sips.

“So,” I began earning his attention as he played with the remains in front of him.

“Hm?” He mumbled, prompting me to carry on. I racked my brains to find an easy way to say the next thing, but there was no real easy way. I just had to ask him straight.

“You’ve been acting kinda funny tonight,” I stated, and then awkward Jack returned. I could tell he didn’t want to talk about it but I wasn’t one to give up.

“You don’t have to tell me anything in detail but it’d really help me if I knew what’s making you like this,” I assured him taking the nearest hand to me and grabbing onto it. His eyes fixed on our hands for a long moment before he said anything.

“It’s just, me and Jenna, we’re going through a rough time is all,” he murmured slipping his hand away from mine and into his lap. I let out a long sigh.

“Jack, seriously, at least give me an idea. I’m worried about you,” I confessed. It was then that he looked up at me and our stares locked, his eyes were filled with fear. He looked hurt.

“We should go,” he responded blankly before standing up.


“I’m just gonna go get my car, I’ll explain everything on the ride home,” I nodded in understanding as I stood with him. The walk back was just as silent as the walk there, only this time, the silence was awkward. By the time we reached the house, still blasting with music, both of us were barely making any sound. Watching as his car came into view I wondered, just how bad were things?
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Okay for some reason today my writing isreally bad terrible and it's annoying me. It's nice to see I already have three subscribers and thank you to Lady_Plague_6661 for commenting. However I do expect comments for this story. I'll try to update as regularly as possible but I'm no mind reader, so if at any one point I get no comments for a chapter I will not update. There's my warning. So I've started you off with two really bad chapters but I don't really want to waste my time with long introductions so I've launched straight into the story. Now that all that's cleared up, thanks for reading and please comment/subscribe. If anyone could make me a banner that'd be amazing and I'd post it on here and I hope you enjoy this story :)