Sequel: She's Dancing Alone

Dark Eyed Dreamers

Urine Jimmy

I woke up with a smile on my face. The events of the night before replayed in my head as I sat up and stretched. I picked myself out of bed and made my way into the bathroom. I was still wearing clothes from the night before as I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked a mess but I didn’t care and pulled open the cabinet. Quickly brushing my teeth and changing into an old jersey and some sweats I descent down the staircase. After a quick inspection of the lower floor I realised no one else was in the house and made my way into the living area. I picked the smooth black remote up in my hands and switched the TV on, flicking my legs up onto the sofa next to me. Crappy soap operas kept me company for a few hours. In one particular episode a teenage girl had been sent overseas by her father, thus leaving her friends and lover behind so she could start her new life.

I rolled my eyes just as the bell on my front door rang. I got to my feet and opened the door to reveal none other than Alex. He had a smile pasted across his face as he stepped past me and followed the sounds coming from the living room.

“Hey to you too,” I muttered sitting back on the couch that Alex was now perched on. I lay across the sofa, resting my legs across Alex who just stared at the television.

“Brianna, why do you waste your time watching these stupid shows?” He asked. I shrugged.

“It’s not as if I watch them regularly. Just on days like today,” I retorted.

“Anyway what are your plans for today?” He asked changing the topic.

“I dunno. This?” I sighed, more of a question than an answer.

“Fair enough. So what’s going on with you and Jack?” He asked out of the blue. I felt a warm rush to my face but couldn’t help but smile a little.

“Nothing big. Why do you ask?” I muttered.

“Well, I was over at his before. And not only was he bouncing off the walls but he wouldn’t shut up about you,” he explained. I tried to bite back a smile but it overcame my face.

“What was he saying about me?” I asked. Alex’s eyebrows lifted a little as his forearms rested across my ankles.

“Why are you so keen to know?” He replied.

“I have a right to know what someone’s said about me! Just tell me!” I squealed bouncing my feet lightly in his lap. He let out a low chuckle, looking at his hands as he patted the bottom of my leg with one of them. The time he took in replying was almost torturous but I held in. For some reason I was dying to know every word of what Jack had said about me. I wanted to picture the expression on his face as he said my name. I wanted to know.

“He was telling me about how great a time he had with you last night,” he began smirking at me. “But he wouldn’t tell me what was so great. So I want you to tell me,” he finished. I blushed furiously and hid my face in a throw cushion. “Aw, come on. You can tell me about your dirty secret,” he teased. I groaned before pulling the pillow away.

“Nothing.” I stated.

“And you expect me to believe that?” He asked sounding offended. “Tell me,” he whined jutting out his bottom lip. I rolled my eyes.

“Nothing. We just went outside and talked and stuff,” I murmured.

“You so planted one on him.” My head snapped up and I stared wide eyed at him.

“I did not!” I argued. He merely raised his eyebrow at me. “Okay maybe I did,” I admitted in defeat.

“Good!” He yelled grabbing me in a hug.

“Alex you just cracked my rib,” I stated calmly to which he just hugged me tighter. “Get off me fat ass!” I screamed attempting to push him away but failing miserably. He pulled his arms away from me and sat me on his lap.

“Go get dressed,” he instructed. I furrowed my brows.

“What?” I asked.

“Go get dressed!” He repeated. I rolled my eyes and rose from his lap.

“Okay! Okay! I’m going,” I sighed out of frustration. I dragged myself up the stairs and quickly changed before coming back down and sitting on Alex’s lap. “Where are we going?” I whined leaning my head against his chest.

“I want to spend the day with you and Jack,” he said simply before taking the remote from the table and turning off the TV. “You look nice by the way,” he commented before leaving the lounge. I was hot on his tail as we left my house, locking up on our wait out the door.

We took Alex’s Audi. The journey was full of chatter and singing to the songs on the radio. It didn’t take long for us to pull up to Jack’s house. The exterior of the building was well kept. The front lawn was on a slope. A neat square of green grass lay perfectly next to the stone steps. Alex was the first out of the car. The door shut quietly as if not to disturb the serenity of the quiet neighbourhood. I let out a small sigh. Opening my own door I jumped out onto the sidewalk and made my way up the steps after Alex who knocked lightly on the door. Within moments Jack appeared at the door. His hair lay perfectly with a few stray strands flying off in different directions. His attire consisted of a loose hood and tight fitting jeans.

“Alex, what are you doing here again?” He asked.

“I was hoping me and Bri could spend today here. That good with you?” He asked. Jack’s eyes travelled from Alex to his right to see me. My lips turned up in a smile as did his.

“Hey Anna,” he spoke softly. The look on Alex’s face was one crossed between mischief and amusement. I ignored it as Jack moved to the side allowing us to slip past him. As Alex walked ahead of me into the back room Jack caught me by the waist and planted a kiss on my cheek. I grinned wildly at him and he did the same before we scurried after Alex. My day was already starting to look up.
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N'aww. Okay so I have 305 readers, 65 subscribers and 95 comments. Considering there's 20 chapters I'm expecting some of you silent readers to start commenting. No one's gonna judge you for reading a freakin' fanfic. Do me a favour!
abnurmel, Hopelessly Waiting, Angel_xo and allieierox3 left amazing comments. I love you.
Oh and Aiden was amazing. I met every single one of them. They're such nice guys. But yeah, I want at least 5 comments on this chapter or no updates for you.