Sequel: She's Dancing Alone

Dark Eyed Dreamers

Valerie Poxleitner

I licked some of the raw cake mixture off my fingers and looked at Jack. Yeah, me Alex and Jack were baking a cake. Why? They got hungry. I placed the tip of my index finger on the top of the silver spoon I was holding and pulled back slowly. I sensed Alex look up from the gloves he was playing with and take in the scenario I was about to cause. Letting go of the spoon a large amount of the mixture was sent flying across the room and splattered onto the side of Jack’s face and the neck of his hood. His eyes bugged as his hand came up to scoop the liquid off his cheek. Looking at the goo on his fingers he turned his eyes to me. Feeling the adrenaline run through my veins I let out a small squeal and gripped onto the back of Alex’s arms, hiding behind him. I saw Jack rush around to our side of the counter but I turned Alex towards him so they were face to face.

I saw Alex shrug and send the taller of the two an apologetic look. I pushed Alex forward into Jack and made my escape out into the hall. I dived onto the staircase opposite the door and lay down, staying out of view from the centre of the hall. I heard hurried footsteps make their way into the hall before coming to an abrupt halt. I could tell the footsteps belonged to Jack just as I could tell he was turning his head to look for me. I bit back my laughter as the footsteps shuffled away from where I was lay. When I could barely hear any movement I looked up and giggled lightly. A head quickly appeared around the door of the front room.

“I knew it!” He exclaimed as I clamped my hands over my mouth. I let out muffled screams as he made his way round to my side of the rails. His knees were on the stairs either side of me and a grin played on his lips. He lifted my hands away from my face as I kicked my feet lightly and bowed my head. We both sat giggling as I looked at his hood. There was a damp patch where the mixture had been and his face was clean which explained why it took him so long to catch up to me. I attempted to pull my arms together shielding me from the boy sat on my legs. “I think you owe me an apology,” I heard him chuckle. I pulled my arms apart, looking him dead in the eyes for a short moment before giving him my answer.

“No way, Barakat!” I giggled sticking my tongue out at him and grinning. His mouth opened to form an ‘o’ in reply as he stuck his own tongue out at me.

“Say sorry!” He whined jutting out his lip.

“Okay, I’m sorry you stink,” I nodded. His expression turned to one of boredom.

“I don’t stink. Therefore you owe me an even bigger apology,” he concluded leaning down and pecking my lips with his hands still on my wrists. He was about to pull away when I quickly pulled him straight back to me causing him to stumble lightly as I laughed lightly.

“Whoa, the stairs is a little public don’t you think?” I heard Alex chirp entering the hall as me and Jack pulled apart. Our attention turned to the boy who was now slipping his waistcoat over the white v neck clinging to his body. I could feel my face turning a light shade of pink while Jack just laughed.

“Where are you going anyway?” He asked still hovering above me.

“I gotta go do some stuff,” Alex replied fixing his hair in the mirror hanging on the wall before turning back to us. “Now get off my woman, I want to say goodbye,” Alex replied gesturing to me. We both laughed as Jack manoeuvred around me to let me up and hug Alex goodbye. “If he touches you in any way that makes you feel uncomfortable just ring me and I’ll come kick his ass,” he mumbled in my ear. Pulling away I slapped him on his chest making him laugh and Jack look at the pair of us with raised eyebrows.

“Remind me not to hug you whenever I say bye,” Jack giggled. I smiled and rolled my eyes.

“Yeah but you don’t make dirty remarks,” I muttered causing Jack to look cautiously between me and Alex. I merely rolled my eyes. We both said goodbye to Alex before watching him leave in his car. “Oh, damn.”

“What’s wrong?” Jack asked putting an arm around me looking worried.

“Oh, nothing I just came with Alex but now he’s gone. It doesn’t matter it’s not a long walk,” I replied.

“No it’s fine, you can stay here tonight,” Jack shrugged enveloping me in a hug.

“Jack. I’ve not told my parents or anything, honestly I’ll go home,” I sighed.

“You can ring them and tell them you’re staying here for the night. I insist that you stay,” Jack instructed pulling away and smiling at me. I smiled back before dropping my hands from around him and pulling him upstairs and into his room. When I got into the room I sat myself cross legged on the floor next to his guitar and began poking the strings. “So easily amused,” I heard him sigh as he stood leant against the door way. He walked over, casually turning on the TV on his shelf as he walked past. I grabbed the phone in my pocket and began typing a message. After quickly pressing the send button I looked up to see Jack sitting on the bed with his back to the wall. I jumped up onto the bed next to him and nuzzled my face into his chest. His arms went around me as we enjoyed each other’s company. After what I guessed was half an hour I was lay staring at the ceiling when a thought ran through my head.



“How long has it been since we put that cake in?” I asked.

“Oh fuck!” He exclaimed as we both scrambled off the bed and ran down the staircase. Making our way into the kitchen and grabbing the oven mittens Jack opened the door allowing me to pull out the ‘cake’. What was supposed to be an appetising dessert in front of me was a large brown circle with a black top and burnt edges. Looking up to meet Jack’s eyes the pair of us burst out laughing.

“Well, there goes that idea,” I laughed throwing the black heap into the silver trashcan located near the door.

“Yeah, I think we should just order a take out,” Jack concluded taking a leaflet from one of the drawers near the island. After ordering and collecting the food we were sat back on Jack’s bed, pizzas in hand while we watched a romantic comedy. “Why do they make such big pizzas?” Jack grimaced letting the piece of pizza in his hand flop onto the cardboard in his lap.

“Because not everyone’s as scrawny as you,” I teased.

“I resent that,” he scowled making me laugh and rest my chin on his shoulder.

“Aw I’m sorry Jacky.”

“Jacky? That’s a girl’s name!” He pouted. I rolled my eyes and closed the lid on my pizza box before resting it on a free shelf. Jack did the same with his before turning to look at me. “It’s getting kinda late,” he commented. Taking the phone from my pocket I noted that it was indeed nearing midnight.

“Shoot,” I mumbled. Jack giggled and opened the wardrobe at the end of his bed.

“Choose whatever,” he smiled before grabbing his own things and settling back on his bed flipping through the TV channels. I walked to the closet, picking out a plain shirt and some of his old gym shorts to change into. I skipped off towards the bathroom, closing the door to Jack’s room behind me as I changed into my personalised night wear. I’d done this many a time before so I made myself at home but remembered to stay quiet as I changed because I knew Jack’s parents were asleep. Creeping my way back across the floorboards with my clothes in hand I tapped lightly on Jack’s door. “Yeah,” he called allowing me entry to his room. I poked my head around the door and pulled a goofy smile at him before tiptoeing onto the medium blue carpet. The TV had been turned off while I was out of the room and the curtains were now drawn so the only light in the room was that of the bulb stuck in the ceiling. I noted Jack’s attire consisted of a plain white tank top and loose grey sweats as he smiled warmly at me. Turning the lights out and making my way across the floor Jack manoeuvred himself under the comforter which I soon joined him under. One of his hands acted as a pillow, resting beneath my head to pull me closer to him while the other wrapped around my middle.

“Goodnight Jack,” I mumbled sleepily into his neck before letting my eyes fall shut.

“Night Anna,” he replied kissing the top of my head and softly twirling my hair around his fingers. The smooth patterns ended up with me fighting between consciousness and sleep before I gave up my battle and spent a night dreaming of Jack Barakat.
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You guys are so lame! I wanted 5 comments and you gave me 3. That totally sucks. I want more on this onw because I made it long and cute. But thank you to Sarah Kickflip, kelseybarakitten' and almost.easy who actually commented. More than 3 comments please? I'll make the next chapter super good with a twist if you do.