Sequel: She's Dancing Alone

Dark Eyed Dreamers

Zack Merrick

“Are you kidding me?” Alex screeched from his end of the line. My jaw bolted shut at his surprise outburst. “Brianna I can see how much you like him and you’re actually considering saying no to him?” he yelled.

“I never said I was going to say no,” I argued weakly.

“Well you said you might not say yes. And if it isn’t yes then what is it Brianna? Because there’s only one answer I can think of,” he continued to yell. I was in shock; Alex had never gotten this mad at me before. It made me wonder what I had done that was so offensive towards him.

“Alex you’re-”

“Do you really like Jack? Because if you did you’d realise this could be the only chance you get with him, and he really likes you, and-”

Alex, you’re scaring me.” There was silence on the end of the line before I heard a short breath.

“I’m sorry Anna,” came his muttered reply.

“It’s okay, but I can’t really handle screaming right now,” I confessed. There was a sigh from his end of the line.

“You should go for this Annie,” he began ignoring what I’d said. “I can tell you really want this, and he lo- really likes you. Honestly, you two are gonna be there for each other for a long time, you could at least give him a chance,” he reasoned. I bit my lip, thinking his words over. A chance could do a lot of things. A chance could make me the happiest person alive and a chance could break one of the best friendships I’ve had. It’s a risk. Some things are too risky, things you wouldn’t dream of. But with graduation being only two months away this could stop Jack just forgetting me and moving on. But this could also make it the most painful thing I’ve ever experienced. However, if I rejected Jack things would just carry on how they are. If things carried on how they were I’d get the overwhelming urge to kiss him in public, hold his hand and do all those kinds of things I knew I couldn’t. One chance that could be all it takes.

“I’m gonna call Jack,” was all I said.

“What? Are you sure?” He asked frantically. I nodded my head as if he could see.

“I’ll call you later.”

“Okay, make sure you do. Love you Bri,” Alex said softly.

“Love you too Alex. Bye,” I replied before hearing the familiar dial tone. Hesitantly I pulled the phone from my ear and hung up the call. I pressed my fingers to the buttons and listened to the sound of small beeps until the combination was complete. I shook my head, snapping myself from the stare I’d developed on the device. I pressed the green button and help the phone to my ear. It didn’t take long before I heard Jack’s voice oozing through the receiver.

“Hey,” came his smooth voice. My eyes shut momentarily and shudders ran down my spine at the sound.

“Hey,” I choked. I winced at the horrible sound.

“What’s wrong?” He asked hearing my voice crack.

“Nothing, I’ve just been thinking,” I began hoping he’d understand what I meant.

“About us?” He asked cautiously.

“Yeah, us,” I confirmed swallowing back my fears.

“Have you made a decision?” He asked carefully. I smiled at how caring he was being.

“Yeah I have,” I whispered. All the memories of me and Jack laughing and smiling ran through my head. I shook my head lightly. “If the offer still stands that is,” I added just to make sure. I heard a small chuckle from his end of the line causing a smile to tug at my lips.

“Of course it does,” he confirmed. My stomach started doing back flips and my heart tried to crawl up my throat when I heard those words leave his mouth.

“Well, I don’t want to risk anything between us. I don’t want us to argue and end up hating each other or something although it seems unlikely,” I clarified.

“It’s okay Anna. I understand. I didn’t want to pressure you into this when you didn’t want it,” he began.

“What? Oh no! No, Jack I wasn’t saying no. I want to be your girlfriend, I really do, god!” I rambled running a hand through my hair.

“You do?” He asked sounding astonished.

“Yeah,” I began softly. “Jack I really want to, I will be. I just don’t want anything to get that bad. Can we be really open with each other? Because I really want this to last,” I explained.

“Yeah, wow,” I heard him trail off. I grinned wildly.



“You mean so much to me,” I whispered.

“I’ve waited so long to call you my girlfriend,” he breathed. I closed my eyes and pictured the look on his face. “I can’t wait to see you,” he finished making me smile.

“Why is it you only have to say little things like that to make me grin like an idiot?” I asked lying down on my bed.

“The same reason you make me feel like my heart’s smiling,” he finished. I felt my heart beat a bit faster as he said those words. Why was it he had this effect over me? How could one boy do so many things to me? It felt so strange, but it didn’t worry me. At this point, nothing could bring me down.
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The heart smiloing bit was stolen from allieierox3 because I thought it was unbelievably cute. multicoloredthoughts, abnurmel, almost.easy, Hopelessly Waiting. = <3.
Bad times, my plans to stay at my cousin's and go to warped tour this year has totally backfired because we're not flying over this year. This sucks. Well, I'm just gonna have to deal with coming so close and being let down. Comments may cheer me up.