Sequel: She's Dancing Alone

Dark Eyed Dreamers

Cobra Starship

Opening the door Jack instantly let himself into the house wrapping me up in a hug.

“I missed you,” I commented returning his hug and nuzzling my face under his chin.

“Hm, you too. Long day,” he mumbled into my hair. I extended one of my feet, kicking the wooden door shut. Jack kept his arms around me while walking forwards causing me to waddle backwards. I eventually pulled away to unlock the back door and let us both out into the garden. The sun was setting to the front of the house, causing the garden to fall under layers of shadows and golden shades. I sat walked across the stone floor, making my way to the large area of grass and lying down on my back to watch the mixture of fluorescent colours glide across the sky. Jack soon followed, tying his arms around my middle and curling up to me. I lay with my arms stretched and my hair fanning out around my head. The cool breeze sweeping over our bodies was soothing.

“How long are you gonna be recording?” I mumbled before turning to face him. His eyes drifted up to meet mine before his shoulders shrugged lightly.

“Well we’re just starting, but I don’t think it should take too long, maybe a few weeks or a month. I’m not too sure,” he answered honestly. I let out a short sigh before sitting up. Jack mimicked my action moving into my side once again.

“It’s gonna be a long few weeks,” I muttered. Jack rolled his eyes before tapping the end of my nose.

“I’ll see you every day, and I’ll come over to see you if it makes you feel better about it,” he compromised. I laughed lightly.

“I’m not gonna make you drag yourself over here every night, if you need time to yourself you don’t need to come round,” I smiled.

“I’m gonna want to see you too. I’ll just come over,” he began. “Actually, what are you doing tomorrow?” He asked changing the subject.

“Uh, nothing why?” I asked taken a bit off guard.

“I wanna take you out,” he announced. I raised my brows in response.

“Are you sure? You don’t have to,” I argued to which he groaned and clamped his hand over my mouth.

“Stop it,” he laughed. “I’m taking you out so we can spend more time together,” he concluded.

“Well, yeah but, school, then the studio, then going out?” I asked uneasily. “I don’t want you to feel overworked,” I explained.

“I won’t be now where d’you wanna go?” He asked changing to subject. I let out a long breath as I thought. We were always watching movies so there wasn’t much point in going to see one.

“Pizza hut,” I grinned. The grin on his face matched mine as he replied.

“Okay then. I’ll come and get you after we finish for tomorrow,” he shrugged. I smiled at him and turned to lie on my stomach.

“So how was recording?” I asked as he leant back on his hands.

“It was so much fun,” he gushed. “But Alex was in total awe and didn’t know when to start singing,” he added whilst laughing.

“I’m taking it you got a run through of how everything works then?” I asked folding my arms and leaning my face on them.

“Yeah, we start recording Rian’s parts tomorrow. Then Zack, then me,” he nodded extending his arm to tuck some hair out of my face.

“Sounds fun,” I smiled.

“It is,” he beamed. I couldn’t believe he was living out the dream, I was so proud of all of the guys. I just didn’t want to lose them to fame and fortune.

“What songs are you doing at the minute?” I asked shutting my eyes.

“One called Hometown Heroes, Party Scene, and stuff like that,” he replied. I could hear the grass crunch as he lay down next to me. I opened my eyes to see him looking up to the darkening sky with a small smile on his face. His eyes sparkled even in the dim light and loose strands of his hair danced in the air gliding past us.

“This is your dream isn’t it?” I whispered. His lips pulled back to show his teeth in a wide grin.

“It’s all we’ve wanted, we’re finally getting recognised and it’s amazing! Plus, I’ve got a good girlfriend who’s my best friend and everything’s going right at the minute,” he began before turning to look at me. “Everything’s going just how I want it to be, I love it Bri.”
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Hello 96 subscribers, I think you should comment my story. I'm sorry about how short and crappy this update is, but it's an update and that's the main thing. I'm watching Pendulum's set on the Download Festival webcast and I'm going to a party in the minute. By the way I love LoveShadows18, masonsgirl, abnurmel (x2), Hopelessly Waiting, erratic, adri, allieierox3, UnderScore_, slashXdash and almost.easy (x2) because they comment me. You're beautiful. Goodbye.