Sequel: She's Dancing Alone

Dark Eyed Dreamers

Every Avenue

I heard Jack’s door quickly open and shut and footsteps hurry up to me as I walked towards the restaurant with a smile on my face. I had to bite back the smirk threatening to sweep across my face as Jack appeared at my side. I gave him a slight shove and laughed quietly before he pulled a face and wrapped his arm around my back.

“What do they serve at this place?” Jack asked sarcastically looking around at the vast amounts of people consuming vast amounts of pizza. I rolled my eyes a little and laughed light-heartedly just as a waited came into view.

“Hey, want me to get you guys a seat?” He asked with a smile on his face. He was young; maybe a year or two older than Jack and I with dark brown hair brushed over one of his fluorescent blue eyes. The smile he wore was pretty but crooked as he approached and leaned against the wooden counter.

“Yeah sure,” Jack shrugged nonchalantly as the boy guided us to a free table in the corner. I slipped into a seat the waited held for me as Jack took a place opposite.

“Want anything to drink?” The waiter asked leaning against the back of my chair.

“I’m good for water,” I shrugged grabbing a menu and glancing over it.

“Same here,” I heard Jack giggle.

“Awesome!” The waiter replied stepping to the side. “I’m Jake by the way, holler if you need me,” he smiled walking away from us. I threw the menu at Jack as he sat with his chin upon his palm in a daydream. I laughed as he quickly snapped out of his gaze and frowned as he picked up the card.

“You’re so mean to me!” He pouted. I rolled my eyes and started playing with the fingers of the hand on the table.

“You know I’m only messing with you,” I smiled gliding my fingers over his own. His eyes drifted down to our hands and grabbed my fingers, lacing them with his own. We’d struck up small talk when Jake reappeared at the scene.

“Here you go,” he began placing the glasses in front of us.

“Thanks man,” Jack smiled up at him.

“Dude no problem. It’s pretty empty tonight,” he shrugged brushing his hair from his eyes.

“I know, kind of surprising,” Jack commented. This started up a large conversation between the two boys which I admired. After ordering Jake skipped off before returning shortly after with our food. “It was so funny to watch him storm off,” Jack grinned causing me to laugh hysterically.

“Oh god it sounds so much fun,” I chuckled out wiping the corners of my eye with a napkin.

“Yeah, I wish you could be there,” Jack whispered biting his lip. I smiled at him and placed the napkin on the side of the table. “Would you want to come along one day? I’d really like you to see how everything’s going,” he explained. I tilted my head to the side weighing up my possibilities. Eh, who cared? I was gonna say yes anyway.

“Of course,” I grinned. He smiled in reply.

“I’ll see if you can come along on Friday,” he nodded. I grinned; Friday was only two days away.

“I can’t wait now, way to get me excited!” I beamed to which he smirked. I rolled my eyes and shoved a fork in my pasta. “I’m childish, I know.”

“I love it though,” he shrugged pushing his now empty plate to the side. It was then that I realised how much I liked hearing him say ‘love’ in a sentence. I let the fork in my hands slide between my fingers and into the plate. It was then I realised how much I longer to hear him say my name after the word ‘love’. The colour began to drain from my face. It was then I realised how much I wanted to put his name after the word ‘love’. Oh god...
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Part 2.
Hopelessly Waiting
Sydney Taylor