Sequel: She's Dancing Alone

Dark Eyed Dreamers

Craig Mabbitt

I turned to look at Jack’s sleeping figure. He was lay on his side, still fully dressed with one arm tucked beneath him. Strands of hair were stuck to his face with dry tears. The only sound in the room was jack’s small shallow breaths. He hadn’t been able to tell me what was wrong. Not that I wanted to drag it out of him whilst he was like this anyway. I glanced over at the clock sat on the desk next to my bed.


I leant over and grabbed my bag hung from a chair and took out my phone. Opening a new message I knew straight away who I had to speak to.

Shmalex, Jack stayed here last night, he wasn’t doing too well. Any plans for today? – Bri.

Waiting for my reply I felt warm light pouring through the blinds and settling on my face. I lay with my eyes closed letting the heat radiate off my face before I felt small vibrations hitting my side. Jack stirred slightly next to me as I hit a few buttons and opened up the reply.

Jeez thanks for telling us a day AFTER we spent an hour trying to find him. We thought he’d been abducted by some sort of hungry tiger walrus crossbreed. And nothing yet but it’s a nice day. I was thinking we should all get down to the beach –Al.

I took in the warm air. Winter had finished so we hadn’t spent any time at the beach recently. It was a nice idea. I turned to the lifeless boy next to me and whispered his name.

“Jack, Jack wake up,” he began to stir again and whined lightly.

“Jack, come on,” I continued as his eyes half opened. The longer parts of his hair covered his face as he lifted his head to look at me.

“Shit, my head,” he moaned before taking a deep breath and carrying on. “Morning, where’s the fire?” He muttered groggily. I turned onto my side to face him and picked the hair from his eyes.

“Alex wants to know if we wanna go to the beach today, he’s gonna ask the guys along,” I explained as my arm returned to the sheets. Jack closed his eyes and turned his head towards the blind. Telling that the sun was shining on his face he turned back with his reply.

“Sure thing, what time is it?” He asked grabbing onto the pillow and leaning his head on it.

“Twenty minutes ‘til noon,” I confirmed. His eyes bugged slightly as he suddenly woke up.

“Oh god, I’ve been asleep that long? I’m sorry Bri,” he began to apologise. I simply laughed at him and lay onto my back.

“It’s fine Jack, now do you want to go to the beach or not?” I asked rolling my head to him. He offered me a relaxed smile before nodding his head, yes. Sending a quick ’we’re there’ to Alex I hopped off the bed and walked over to my closet.

“I’m gonna go take a shower, you can sleep or wake up I don’t care, I won’t be long,” I instructed pulling an outfit out and strolling along the hall.

After towel drying my hair I walked back into my room to get everything ready finding that Jack wasn’t there. I shrugged it off, packing everything I’d need into the bag that was hanging from my chair. I made my way down the stairs taking several steps at a time and slung the bag over the coat rack. I walked into the kitchen only to see Jack sat with a large glass of water looking a lot better than he had before. I took a box of lucky charms off the counter and sat opposite him, dipping my hand into the box.

“So, how’s your brain?” I asked casually.

“Giving birth,” he replied taking a long drink from the glass in hand. “But better than it was before, I’ll be fine in a minute,” he assured me. I rolled my eyes and bit into a marshmallow.

“Want me to drop me off at your house?” I asked.
“Well, I already have my car, and if it’s okay with you I could just drive us over to mine, get some stuff and then I’d drive you there?” He offered. I nodded and shoved another handful of cereal into my mouth before discarding the box. Jack tilted the glass to his lips and finished off the water before standing and laying it on the counter. I made my way back to the door, picking up the bag and fishing for my damned phone. Pulling it out, I saw a new message from Alex.

Beach is a go! Meet you whenever you get there –Al.

I opened the door and we both stepped outside. I locked up and stepped over to the Honda Civic parked in the drive. Jack yawned and opened up the doors, it didn’t take long until we arrived at his house. Shortly after we arrived he was ready and we set off down the highway. Our journey was filled with singing and laughter as we talked and sang along with the radio.

“Today’s gonna be good,” I concluded.

“Hell yeah it is!” He replied with a grin.

“By the way how’s the band coming along?” I asked out of nowhere. Did I mention they were in a band? Oh... Well, I have now!

“Amazing, hey open the glove compartment,” he instructed gesturing to the box in the dashboard. I did as he said and pulled out a CD in a blank case. I frowned and looked at the small circle.

“What’s this?” I asked turning to look at Jack who had a grin spread across his face.

“Put it in!” He exclaimed. Once again I did as I was told, slipping the disk into the player and waiting as the music began to play. The grin never left his face as chords and beats entered my ears. I faintly recognised the melody but it didn’t hit me until the vocals kicked in.

“Oh my god that’s you!” I screamed causing Jack to laugh.

“Yeah, we’ve been recording in the studio quite a bit, we’re gonna bring out an EP album thing, whatever soon so hopefully we’ll get some attention,” he explained.

“Just like you Barakat, doing it all for the attention,” I smirked.

“Hey that isn’t what I meant!” He wailed as I laughed.

Pulling onto the stretch of sand furthest from the sea the car came to a halt. Alex’s car was next to Jack’s as we pulled up and we could see him setting things up with Rian a short distance from where we were. I got out of the car and took some stuff out of the back with Jack before walking up to join the others. I dropped what I was holding and ran up to Alex, hitting him repeatedly before he could say anything.

“Bri! Ouch! What was that for?” He exclaimed out of shock.

“For not telling me you guys were planning on bringing out a record! How could you not tell me?” I whined giving him my best sad face.

“It was supposed to stay a surprise,” he rolled his eyes and glared at Jack over my shoulder. Turning round Jack had his hands held in the air. “And how come I was the one who got hit anyway?” He pouted. I shrugged.

“Because you’re name starts with ‘A’ and ends in ‘lex’?” I asked. He rolled his eyes and laughed in return. “But I’m really proud of you guys, you deserve this,” I told him wrapping him up in a hug which he quickly returned.

“Someone wanna help me set up all this stuff?” Jack asked removing his hood and picking up a handful of beach supplies. Me and Alex looked at each other still enjoying our hug.

“Nah we’re good!” Alex replied turning back to Jack.

“Yeah I’m fine right here!” I added.

“I’ll help,” Rian muttered, coming into view with a towel over his shoulder and a bag in hand.

“What’s up with you?” Jack asked taking in Rian’s weary state.

“Dude, I am never drinking alcohol ever again,” he whined causing us all to erupt into laughter. I wonder how long that’d last.
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