Sequel: She's Dancing Alone

Dark Eyed Dreamers

Jimmy Eat World

“Closed!” I demanded clamping my hand over Jack’s eyes while holding the towel to myself. You see, Jack’s amazing timing meant he had to come around to my house as soon as I’d set foot out of my shower. He let out a small huff before replacing my hand with his own.

“Okay, okay, I’m not looking,” he confirmed as I cautiously pulled my hand away. He made no sign to shift his hands so I turned to my closet, pulling out appropriate clothing and scuttling off into the bathroom I’d only recently left. I quickly got ready, towel drying my hair and making sure to brush my teeth before applying my makeup. I left the room to see Jack still sat with his hand over his eyes. “Can I open them yet?” He asked. I folded my arms and giggled.

“Yes you can,” I replied watching as he dropped his hand. As he took in my attire I saw an amused but pleasant expression creep onto his face.

“Why are you all dressed up?” He asked smiling at me as I walked over to him.

“I’m not,” I frowned sitting across his lap.

“Well you don’t normally put this much make up on,” he commented leaning his face into my neck. “And you smell good,” he sniffed causing me to hit him. “Not that you don’t usually,” he added. I rolled my eyes just as my phone vibrated on the bedside table. Jack handed it to me allowing me to catch the caller ID before picking up.

“Hello sweetheart,” I greeted with a smile on my face.

“Hey girly,” Alex greeted. “Are you dressed?” He asked to which I rolled my eyes.

“Of course I am stupid, what time is it anyway?” I questioned.

“We have something like a half hour left. I’ll get everyone else at my house and if you can keep Jack entertained ‘til then I’ll just message you,” he confirmed. “Although I don’t doubt for one minute that you could keep him entertained,” I heard him mumble.

“Gaskarth if you were here right now I’d have you breathing through a tube,” I threatened causing Jack to lift his eyebrows as he placed his chin on my shoulder. “But yeah, I’ll do that,” I laughed.

“Good, I’ll see you no later than an hour,” he stated.

“Okay, Love you Allie,” I chirped.

“Love you too,” he replied before we both hung up the phone.

“Not as much as you love me I hope,” Jack mumbled nuzzling his face into my neck.

“Nope, I love Alex more. Sorry,” I replied making him jut out his bottom lip in a pout. The look he offered me made me almost feel guilty. “Aw, Jack you know I’m kidding.” I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck.

“What’s going on anyway?” He asked. I grinned as I pulled away from him.

“I can’t tell you,” I replied shaking my head.

“Aw. Why not?” He asked frowning.

“I’m under strict orders not to,” I explained.

“Is this my birthday present?” He asked excitedly.

“I can’t say anything!” I replied taking to my feet and skipping from the room.

“Tell me!” He demanded following me.

“I can’t!” I squealed running away from him.


“Never!” I laughed before running down the stairs. As I reached the final step I was about to run to safety when a large weight came crashing on top of me. “Ooft!” Was all that escaped my lips as I came into contact with the floor. Thankfully the weight had put his arms around me to absorb some of the blow but not enough to stop me groaning in slight pain. Lips found their way to the base of my neck and began attaching themselves as I caught my breath. I let my eyes fall shut as a smile flickered onto my lips. An hour sounded good.
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Insert interesting things in the next chapter. Greyscale Rainbow, thegetupkay, coolconverse2234, adri, slashXdash. I've decided I'm content with 116 subscribers. It makes me feel like I've succeeded at being a mibbian.