Sequel: She's Dancing Alone

Dark Eyed Dreamers

Lacuna Coil

“Closed!” I demanded once again clamping my hand over Jack’s eyes. The sound of laughter escaped Jack’s lips as he took my hand away.

“There’s a door in the way, I can’t see anything!” He pointed out. We both grinned as I put my hand on the brass knob at the front of Alex’s door.

“You ready?” I asked to which he nodded excitedly. Pushing the door open a few screams were heard as blue blur hit rushed in our direction hitting both of us. From what I could tell, the laughter escaping the small blond clinging onto our necks was slurred and uncontrollable. “Nice to see you too Lou,” I greeted quite startled.

“Thank god you guys are here,” Alex groaned coming into view and removing Louise from our necks. He placed her to once side, smiling before embracing me.

“Hey Al,” I whispered before he pulled away and sent me a quick grin. His eyes then landed on Jack.

“Happy Birthday dude,” Alex exclaimed as the two engaged in a man hug. I rolled my eyes, turning to face Louise just as she stumbled over her own heel. I lead her inside before she could do any damage, Alex and Jack following. I looked around the room which had been opened up in order to create space for the number of people there. I noticed Jack’s siblings over at different parts of the room. Different sets of friends came to greet me and Jack and inform us on what had happened before we’d arrived.

After leaving Louise I made my way to the kitchen. I walked to the corner past the food scattered in bowls and packets around the island and pulled the handle on the door of the refrigerator. I glanced over the shelves, all full of alcoholic beverages. I rolled my eyes and laughed to myself, typical Alex. Pulling a bottle from the top shelf I popped the cap on the door before closing it and making my way back to the crowded room. Alex had his arm around a disorientated looking Louise as he talked to a few seniors in the corner of the room. I caught site of Kara as she walked over to me with a smile on her face.

“Hey Bri, have you seen Rian anywhere?” She asked tilting her head to the side.

“Hey, sorry, I haven’t. I haven’t seen him since I got here actually,” I frowned.

“Oh, it doesn’t matter. Thanks anyway,” she smiled as I did in reply. As she walked past me I sighed, scanning the room once again, my eyes finally landing on Zack and Carolyn. As I’d already spoken to most of the people in the room I decided to walk over to them. I was half way across the room when I heard a familiar voice.

“Anna, come over here,” I heard someone call. Turning to look where the voice came from my eyes landed on Jack. He was with a group of guys who I didn’t recognise but with nothing more than a wide smile I made my way over.

“Hey,” I whispered as I approached. His arm went around me almost protectively as the other three males took in my appearance.

“Hey,” he replied swiftly kissing my cheek. “This is Jon,” he began pointing to the brown haired male closest to me. “Jason,” he pointed to the blond next to Jon. “And Adam,” he finished with the second brunette.

“Hi,” Adam nodded a grin plastered across his face. I smiled in return and looked at the others who smiled, Jon adding a wink. I could feel myself blush lightly before placing my arm around Jack’s back, leaning closer into his side and sipping on the bottle. The boys erupted into conversation which I could care less about listening to as my bottle slowly got emptier.

By the time midnight had rolled around people began to leave, others passed out and a lot more alcohol had been consumed. The majority of closely packed people dancing in the living room were intoxicated. I’d made my way back into the kitchen; a few couples were stood around talking and drinking as I grabbed yet another bottle.

“How’s it going?” I heard a slurred voice. The owner was Jon who soon appeared in front of me.

“Hi,” I replied giving him a weak smile.

“You’re not talking much,” he stated letting out a low chuckle. “So how long have you been together?” He asked taking a large gulp of the can in hand before placing it behind me.

“Almost two months,” I replied biting my lip.

“Aw, not too long then,” he smiled placing a hand on my side. I shrugged his hand off hoping he’d take that as a sign that I was uncomfortable.

“Well, we were very close before that anyway,” I nodded.

“What’s this?” He asked grabbing the necklace Jack had given me two days prior.

“Just, something Jack gave me,” I replied letting out an awkward laugh.

“How cute,” he chuckled once again placing his hand on my side. “Are things really serious with you two then?” He asked. I opened my mouth to reply just as Adam walked over.

“Hey! Brianna, Bri-Bri, Annie girl,” he greeted enthusiastically knocking Jon’s hand from me as he did. I sent him a thankful look and let out a low sigh. I saw Jon frown lightly before Adam placed his elbow on his friend’s shoulder. “How are we all? Having fun?” He asked smiling.

“Yeah, it’s all great,” Jon replied looking agitated.

“Oh, by the way Brianna, Jack’s been looking for you. Said he couldn’t find you anywhere,” Adam rolled his eyes.

“Thank you,” I whispered sending him a quick smile before quickly slipping away from the pair. Running my fingers through my hair I made my way back to the dance floor quickly going to look around before I felt a pair of hands on my hips. I turned to see Jack with a smile on his face.

“Thank god it’s you,” I sighed wrapping my arms around his neck. “Having a good birthday?” I smiled forgetting about the awkward events in the kitchen.

“Oh, it’s been amazing. Thank you all so much for this,” he gushed bringing our mouths together quickly before we both pulled away grinning. In the short moment I realised there wasn’t a strong taste of alcohol on his breath.

“You’ve not been drinking?” I asked furrowing my brows.

“Yeah way to make me out to be an alcoholic,” he rolled his eyes.

“You know what I mean. It’s your birthday!” I exclaimed shoving my bottle to his lips. He chuckled lightly, taking the bottle from my hands and pressing it to his own mouth.

“Yeah, but I’m having fun as it is. Plus, I want to remember tonight,” he reasoned. I nodded in understanding before letting out a silent yawn. “You tired?” He asked.

“A little,” I replied shutting my eyes and leaning into his chest.

“I could take you back to mine if that’s what you want?” He offered.

“No, it’s fine,” I sighed. “Anyway Alex has got you a room set out upstairs. He thought you’d have passed out by now,” I giggled.

“Sounds like me,” he admitted. “Well fine, I’ll come and sleep with you.”

“No, it doesn’t matter, you don’t have to,” I argued.

“It’s fine, I’ve witnessed the best part of the night. I’m good to go when you are,” he shrugged.

“Okay, but I haven’t danced with you yet,” I pointed out. He flashed me a smile, taking my hand and pulling me towards the large amount of people in the room. We danced for a long while before finally pulling ourselves back from the group.

“Hey Alex,” Jack called out to his best friend over the music. Alex lifted his face from talking to Louise to meet eyes with Jack who held my hand firmly in his. “We’re gonna call it a night,” he began.

“Oh I see how it goes,” Alex smirked causing me to roll my eyes and Jack to let out a small amount of laughter.

“Yeah whatever,” he laughed.

“Okay, second room on the left,” he gestured upstairs. “Don’t try any other rooms, you don’t know what’s going on,” Alex cautioned. I winced lightly, as did Louise.

“Got it, night,” I heard Jack reply sending the guys a small wave. Making our way up stairs and straight to the room Alex had instructed. The door had a piece of paper decorated in neat writing on the front. Jack’s room. Stay the fuck out. Jack pulled the sign from the door, both of us laughing as we tossed it to the ground. I stepped passed Jack who held the door open, turning the light on and taking in my surroundings as he closed and locked the door. I let out another yawn, crawling under the sheets of the bed and wrapping them tightly around myself. Jack removed his jeans and hoodie before crawling in next to me and pulling me closely into him.

“Night Jack,” I mumbled into his chest as his hand ran through my hair. I felt him press a kiss to my head making me look up at him. I smiled pressing my mouth to his quickly.

“Night Brianna, I love you,” he whispered. I sighed in content leaning back into his chest and letting my eyes fall shut.

“I love you too,” and with that and the calming patterns he was tracing on my back I fell into a deep sleep.
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Very long update for you. This is for all the people that commented straight after i posted my last update. abnurmel, kelseybarakitten', and jesskidding. Thanks and goodnight!