Sequel: She's Dancing Alone

Dark Eyed Dreamers

Owl City

I sighed as I sat down next to Rian. We were back at school again but one topic hadn’t left my head. Alex took a place opposite me on the picnic bench.

“What’s up girly?” He asked slurping on the straw of the milkshake he had in hand. I shook my head, nothing. “I’ve known you for long enough Annie,” he said softly taking my hand in his. “I can tell something’s making you upset; you’d tell me if it was serious?” He asked. I nodded in confirmation.

“I’m scared about graduating,” I answered. It wasn’t a lie; it just wasn’t the whole truth. He offered me a reassuring smile, squeezing my hand lightly.

“We all are,” he answered putting his cup on the table before letting go of my hand. I sat looking at my hand he’d recently let go of.

“Honestly, don’t worry about it,” Rian whispered tying an arm around my shoulders. I leant my head against his shoulder as his arm dropped. I was aware of the people coming to the table, but I didn’t say anything, I didn’t even greet them. That is until one person came into site. Jack was with some guys, Adam and Jason who I recognised from the party being two of them. I ignored them though, lifting my head from Rian and walking away towards Jack. No one made any protest, I could feel their eyes on me as I walked away but Ii didn’t pay any attention. I tied my arms tightly around Jack’s middle before he had a chance to lay eyes on me.

“Whoa, miss me?” He asked with a chuckle as I buried my face in his chest. I hesitantly lifted my face to meet his, I could feel the fear pumping through my veins. I was hoping he could see it. His face dropped all most instantly as my eyes fell onto his. “Brianna, what’s wrong?” He asked quietly.

“Uh, we’ll see you later Jack,” I heard Jason mumble awkwardly as the group of boys all left.

“Bri...” he pleaded. My breath caught several times, not allowing me to form sensible sentences. “I-I, uh, worried. I don’t-.”

“Anna, calm down,” he whispered tying his arms around my back without breaking eye contact once. I felt horrible, selfish. I was demanding his attention due to my own insecurities.

“I’m sorry,” I winced as I hid my face in my hands.

“What are you talking about?” He asked confused. “Bri, you said you wanted us to be open with each other. You can tell me, I love you for you, you don’t have to try and explain yourself.” I pulled my hands away, looking back up at him from beneath my lashes into his frantic eyes. The expression on my face was pained.

“Jack, I don’t want you to leave me,” I confessed. His eyes softened as he planted a soft kiss on my forehead. “I love you Jack,” I added. “I can’t have you leave me.”

“I know sweetheart,” he whispered leaning his forehead to mine. “I’m not going to leave you,” he half smiled.

“No,” I sighed closing my eyes and shaking my head slightly. “I need a promise. I need you to promise me you won’t leave,” I demanded. I looked back to his face. He bit down on his lip for a brief moment as he studied me.

“I promise,” he finally whispered. I closed my eyes, staying in his presence for a moment until I felt his hands wrap around mine. “Come one,” he urged pulling his face away and guided me towards the table I had only recently left. Lunch went fast, allowing for a few more hours before we all met up and got a ride back with Alex. My fingers were laced with Jack’s as I stared out of the window. For some reason his promise only made me feel slightly better. His head was leant on my shoulder as he spoke to Alex from the back seat. Louise was on the other side of Jack with Rian in the front seat. Everybody was paying attention to the conversation, adding quirky comments every now and then as they reminisced and discussed plans for summer as I watched passing vegetation. I was never one for talking when I was in a mood like this.

Thoughts constantly plagued my mind and worries kept me constantly unsettled. I turned my head as I heard all the boys laughing. Louise’s eyes were rolling as she shoved Rian from the front seat. Then my eyes landed on Jack, his laugh made a small smile tug at my lips despite the lack of knowledge of what had happened. His eyes fluttered up to meet mine as he grinned. I turned around in my seat, leaning back against the edge of the door allowing Jack to snuggle into me further. I ran my fingers through his hair as Alex turned on the radio. Him, Louise and Rian all began singing along while I continued to play with the dark locks. I noticed Jack’s eyes fall closed and smiled to myself at the look on his face. There were few things I needed to function, Jack had become one of them.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm gonna break your little heart
Watch you take the fall
Laughin' all the way to the hospital
'Cause there ain't nothing surgery can do
When I break your little heart in two
I'm gonna break your little heart in two

lottie2427, softbatch, slashXdash, UnderScore_, erratic