Sequel: She's Dancing Alone

Dark Eyed Dreamers

Panic! At The Disco

“Wake up!” Jack shouted pulling the covers from me and exposing me to the cool air of the room. I instantly tensed before shivering and groaning.

“Jack, how did you even get in here?” I asked yanking the comforter back up over my face.

“Your mom let me in,” he answered before once again pulling the sheets away. I groaned and sat up on my hands.

“Fine, why are you here so early?” I asked wiping my eyes as I let out a yawn.

“We’re graduating stupid!” He exclaimed causing my eyes to widen.

“Please tell me you’re kidding,” I choked as the panic flooded my veins. His eyebrows furrowed in surprise as he came and sat next to me.

“That’s a good thing, it means no more school,” he stated matter-of-factly. I shook my head slowly and hugged my knees to my chest. His chin rested on my shoulder causing me to tense at the touch.

“No Jack. I’m leaving for college in a little more than a month, I won’t see half of you,” I admitted burying my face in my arms.

“Anna you really need to stop worrying,” he sighed causing me to lift my head and send him an incredulous look. “I’ll see you and when I don’t see you, I’ll ring you,” he nodded. I bit my lip.

“We have to get ready,” I whispered. He nodded again in understanding.

“I’ll let you change.” With that he kissed my forehead and left the room. I leant back on my bed, grabbing a pillow and clamping it over my face I screamed into it whilst kicking my bare feet. Today was gonna be long.

As the caps were thrown into the air hugs were exchanged. The first person I hugged was Kara who was stood to my left.

“Freedom!” She cheered pumping her fist in the air. I giggled as she pulled away and saw Rian approach from behind her. I pointed over her shoulder making her turn and run into his embrace. I sighed before feeling a tap on my shoulder. I turned to face Jack and greeted him by kissing his lips quickly.

“How you feeling?” He asked as we walked towards the others.

“A little shaky, but I’m good,” I confirmed smiling at him. “Lewis!” I yelled as Louise caught site of me. I could see a grin pull on her face as she shook Alex’s arm to grab his attention. She pointed a finger at Jack and me causing him to look over and nod. We met in the middle of the distance and the guys instantly split into conversation.

“I’m a big girl now!” Louise exclaimed bouncing in front of me. I rolled my eyes and let out a slight laugh.

“Grow three inches, then we’ll talk,” I teased earning a disgruntled frown. “So what are our plans now?” I asked breaking the boys from their conversation.

“Well, us and Rian are gonna meet with Zack, spend some bro time together, then we’ll take you guys out later?” Alex offered looking from me to Louise.

“Sounds good to me,” Lou responded nodding in my direction. I smiled at her before agreeing. “We’ll go do stuff with Kara beforehand then,” she decided.

“Well then it’s set. You girls can spend a day together, and we’ll all meet up later,” Jack grinned. I smiled as he pulled me into his chest. He and the others were arranging places to go, stopping every so often to ask me if I was okay on a place. When it was time to leave I wrapped Jack in a hug, he began to place kisses along my jaw. I shoved his shoulder earning a grunt from him.

“You have to go get to your boys,” I reasoned.

“Way to make me sound gay,” he exclaimed earning a laugh from me. “They can wait anyway,” he shrugged.

“Yeah but my lesbians can’t,” I teased pulling away from him. His lip jutted out as I rolled my eyes. “I’m seeing you later anyway, just go, have fun,” I urged before kissing his cheek.

“You’re right. Later, love you,” he smiled squeezing my hands.

“You too,” I smiled before turning and walking in the direction of Louise who was speaking to Kara. On the way over I noticed a familiar looking girl. Her eyes met mine with an awkward smile before she dropped them again. The black haired boy with his arms around her was presumably the one she’d cheated on Jack with, but who could be sure? I shook my stare and carried on walking past Jenna just as a pair of arms swooped around me and lips attached to my lip. I froze, horrified as I attempted to push the weight away but saw Jon grinning wildly. I stepped backwards away from him, but out of the corner of my eye I saw Jenna. Her full focus was now back on me.
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I'm back! I apologise, I can't mention commenters because I'm an hour late right now but I'll mention everyone in my next chapter. Comments and bye!