Sequel: She's Dancing Alone

Dark Eyed Dreamers


“God, I don’t know what to do,” I finally cracked crossing my legs and burying my head in my hands. Louise, Carolyn and Kara all stayed silent before I felt the mattress lift beside me. “Why did she have to see?” I asked myself while shaking my head.

“Bri, it’s okay. Just don’t mention anything to him,” I heard Carolyn say. My eyes met her to send her an astonished look.

“Don’t mention it? Like I have any choice! There’s no doubt Jenna will tell him,” I began to panic.

“It sounds stupid, but don’t. He might not even know,” she explained. “You shouldn’t say anything to him before he approaches you, you’ll be able to tell how he feels about it.” I nodded in understanding just as a car horn echoed from the open window. I glanced between the girls who sent me nervous looks in return. “Come on.”

As we descended down the staircase I brushed the dress I was wearing and allowed Kara to open the door. We had been at her house for a long period of the day after all going home and changing in preparation for the meal. As we exited the house I shuddered at the light breeze, wishing I’d brought some form of jacket. Both Alex and Zack approached, looking at each other before at the four of us, stood silently in a line.

“I’ll take this one,” Zack announced smiling and swiping Carolyn’s hand up in his. She laughed lightly presumably forgetting about the events that had taken place upstairs. I looked around, noticing that Jack was leant against the passenger door for Rian’s car. Rian had his back to us as they enveloped in conversation. I cautiously made my way over, Kara following behind. I came to a halt a few feet from them both earning their attention. A nervous smile spread across my lips waiting for their reaction. Both boys soon smiled in return before Rian turned to Kara and kissed her gently. I tried to make my breathing as normal as possible as I looked at Jack. He pushed himself off the car and took my hands in his.

“You’re hot,” he commented making me laugh quietly in relief. I cleared my throat quickly as he pulled me forwards. Opening the door for me I slipped past him and into the seat. Once the door was shut I leant back, sighing as I heard the door opposite me open. Kara slid in, giggling as she did before Rian and Jack entered the front doors. The journey was almost silent. Neither Kara nor myself dared to utter a word to the boys in case of letting something slip that we shouldn’t have. I caught myself brushing my arms repeatedly, I couldn’t help it, I felt dirty. I turned to Kara who bit her lip and distracted herself. As we pulled up at the restaurant I instantly made my way from the car. I recognised my surroundings, the place being the same as where Jack and I had first eaten together. I shook my stare as the other car pulled up beside ours. I was soon greeted by the other girls and their lovers. As we all entered the building I caught site of a familiar figure in the corner, taking a jacket from one of the brass hooks on the wall and slipping it over his shoulders. His face was obscured by chocolate brown locks but how he held his body made it clear who it was.

♠ ♠ ♠
Short and terrible, rushed again.
Hopelessly Waiting x2
erratic x2
Pandora !

before my battery dies