Sequel: She's Dancing Alone

Dark Eyed Dreamers

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I woke up when I felt Jack kissing my cheek. I grunted lightly shielding my eyes from the light with my hand before opening them.

“Sorry, I wanted to let you sleep but it got boring,” he explained in my ear. I rolled my head to the side to look at him and caught him smiling. I was too tired to smile in return, simply trying to keep myself awake.

“What time is it?” I asked groggily rubbing my eyes knowing I’d be regretting it when my mirror resembled a panda.

“It’s almost noon.” My eyes widened and my brows rose before I frowned.

“Jack, why couldn’t you wake me sooner?” I whined.

“Hey,” he argued gently before kissing my forehead. “If I’d woken you sooner you’d complain it were too early, so stop complaining,” he smiled.

“I’m allowed to,” I retorted letting my hand fall between me and Jack and closing my eyes once more. “I’m a woman,” I explained letting out a small giggle at the end of my own joke.

“Correction, you’re my woman. And I’m banning you from complaints,” he joked drumming his fingertips against the exposed skin on my side. I could feel my side tingle but ignored the feeling. I let out a heavy sigh and lifted myself from the bed. “Where are you going?” He asked. When I turned around he was lay on his back with his hands beneath his head and his attention on me. I shrugged.

“Just gonna go help myself to your food,” I replied backing towards the door. I saw him shrug lifting himself from the bed and ruffling his hair.

“I’m gonna get ready, I’ll be down in a minute.” As he walked past he quickly, but casually, caught my lips before moving out of the room. I followed the same route but took a detour down the staircase. Sure enough not long after I’d helped myself to a box of cereal and greeted Jack’s mother I was joined by him. I leant back against the counter top and watched as he grabbed a glass and poured himself a drink. He hummed a tune to himself the whole time, one I faintly recognised.

“So how’s the band coming? I haven’t seen you play in a while,” I frowned at the realisation.

“We’re doing pretty well. The album comes out on your birthday and I know you haven’t, which is why you’re coming with us tonight,” Jack decided with a grin on his face as he sat down on the kitchen table.

“Oh really?” I asked with a brow raised as I folded my arms.

“Well, you haven’t mentioned having anything else on tonight and you have no school work considering school’s over,” he pointed out taking a sip from his glass in hand.

“Yeah but what if I don’t want to come?” I asked to which he rolled his eyes.

“Anna I know how much you love our shows. And the venue’s really close so I can just get one of the guys to bring you back if you feel sick or get tired,” he bargained.

“You’d let another guy bring me home?” I teased with a smirk playing on my lips.

“Not in a million years,” he smiled before taking another sip of his drink.

“Of course I’ll come along. And you won’t need to get anyone to bring me home.” I grinned and tilted my head.

“In that case,” he began pushing himself away from the ledge and setting the glass on the side. “Would it be okay for you to stay the night here again?” He asked placing a hand on my side.

“Well duh, where else would I stay? I think my room’s been sold to a hobo by now,” I replied as if it were common knowledge making Jack laugh. “How come you asked? You never normally do.” I commented and raising an eyebrow. A small smile tugged at his lips as he shrugged.

“I dunno, I just wanted to make sure everything was okay,” he shrugged when his eyes dropped a little. I placed a hand on his shoulder to regain his attention and looked deep into his eyes.

“Why wouldn’t it be?”
♠ ♠ ♠
Hopelessly Waiting
But Mom Jeez

Thanks to all of you that were encouraging my band. I'm feeling a little bit better. The next chapter will be filled with more stuff than this and before you guys think the last chapter has nothing to do with it, it does. They won't just carry on with their lives after something like that. A lot of things that don't seem relevant right now will all come together soon and maybe one or two chapter's will be in Jack's point of view. There isn't too long until the end of this story, or this part of it. I still can't decide whether I should carry on with a dividing chapter or make it into another story, because I have a feeling at least half of you wouldn't subscribe to the new story. I'm not sure. You guys vote for me!
Sequel or dividing chapter?