Sequel: She's Dancing Alone

Dark Eyed Dreamers

The Used

I woke from a cool breeze running over my bare shoulders causing me to shudder. I frowned as I shook before replaying the events of the previous night in my head. Guilt flooded my figure as I looked at the materials scattering the floor. I felt myself begin to panic, my breathing becoming shallower and shallower before I heard a soft, incoherent mumble and realised there was a limb around my waist. I looked to my left, admiring the sleeping human that had his face leaning on my shoulder. The innocence that covered his face was so apparent despite the sins the boy had committed before falling asleep. My heart beat was still painfully fast but I felt more calm and able to think. Jack had taken just as many risks I had in the early hours. And those risks were little things that had made me trust him so much more than I thought I already could. As I admired his face I thought about how he’d offered to wait as long as I’d wanted, silently promising that he would be here for me and no one else.

As he slept his lips were slightly pulled upwards at the corners, it was something barely noticeable but I was able to see it clearly. The purple rings under his eyes were only slightly visible; despite his lack of sleep he still obtained such beauty in his features. His hair was swept across his face but left his eyes visible. I suddenly began to feel more and more exposed. I quickly glanced across the floor looking at the various items of clothing before fixing my gaze firmly on Jack. I made sure to be as gentle as possible as I lifted his arm from around me. With my free hand I grabbed the nearest item of clothing which happened to be Jack’s underwear. I slowly replaced myself in my former position before smoothly slipping the boxers on beneath the comforter.

“No fair,” I heard a mumble making my eyes snap back to Jack. His body was in exactly the same position as it had been less than a moment ago and his eyes were still fully shut. I frowned lightly, wondering if my mind had just been playing tricks before Jack answered for me. “I’m fully naked and you’re stealing my clothes,” he sighed with his eyes still shut and his arm still hanging limply around me.

“Finders keepers,” I grinned although he couldn’t see, as I leant my head back on the pillow. The smile grew across his face as his eyes opened. I grinned in reply. His eyes were so full of life; they sparkled in the light of the sun and seemed to obtain more colour than usual.

“I find it. Can I keep it?” He asked jabbing a finger into my bare shoulder. I rolled my eyes and rolled onto my side.

“Only if you make it food,” I replied feeling a slight twinge in my stomach.

“Why would I? That’s what women are for,” Jack stated in fake ego. I sent him a stern glare to which he laughed lightly and kissed my forehead. “I’m kidding Annie; I’ll get up in a minute.”

“You get up and I’ll sleep so I don’t have to witness anything that could scar my innocent eyes,” I decided shutting my eyes and leaning further into the pillow.

“Liar,” I heard him smirk. “You’re not innocent.” He whispered making warmth rush to my cheeks. “And can I look at you an inappropriate manner whilst you’re asleep?” He asked right before I quickly lashed out and hit his chest with one swift movement. “Ouch okay I was only asking!” I heard his quiet laughter as he sat up and shuffled around the room. It wasn’t long before that sleep I’d spoken of visited me.

I awoke not much later. As I glanced around the room I noticed I was the only one in it. I sat up; making sure it was just me before standing and picking my shirt from the floor. I slipped it over my head and made my way to the window. The only car on the drive way was Jack’s meaning he was still here and his parents were at work. I nodded to myself in confirmation that it was in fact acceptable to walk around in my boyfriend’s underwear. I ran my fingers through my hair as I descended the stairs. The sound of a radio and the scent of toast filled the air making me close my eyes and smile as I took it all in. I reopened my eyes and leant against the door frame. Jack was now fully dressed and flipped through the pages of a magazine while bread lay on the grill.

“You’ll end up burning that,” I commented making him look up from the paper. I could see him send a welcoming smile before returning his attention to the print and extending a hand in my direction. I took it and walked closer planting my chin on his shoulder.

“What’s up?” He asked as he let the page he had between his fingers drop and looked at me.

“Nothing,” I smiled shaking my head.

“Are you sure?” He asked looking concerned.

“I’m positive,” I replied as he turned and let me lean on him.

“I do love you so much you know?” he whispered and kissed my hair. I let out a small laugh.

“You tell me enough,” I commented.

“No I don’t,” he argued. “After all you’ve done for me. You didn’t have to do anything, I love you anyway,” he finished. I pulled away from him, looking him in his eyes and smiling.

“Nothing’s been too much of a problem,” I said before laughing, it sounded so stupid. “And anyway, it’s all worth it,” I shrugged before sniffing the air.

“What’s that smell?” He asked with just a confused expression as I wore my eyes widened before turning to the counter opposite where we were stood.

“Jack I told you you’d burn it!”
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Thanks so much to everyone who's been commenting on the sequel! I can't believe people are commenting this early. And thanks so much to people who've been commenting these chapters aswell. I'm really sorry but I'm kinda busy and my internet won't open up another tab so I can't mention commenters and I'm sorry if I didn't mention you yesterday because my battery died before I could post everyone. There's drama coming up and thank you all! Once again here's the [url=""]sequel[/url]. I'm in an awesome mood today considering the pain I'm going through. I got no more metal on my teeth and I came home to the most amazing guy telling me he loved me. Life is sweet.