Sequel: She's Dancing Alone

Dark Eyed Dreamers


After we’d sorted out the mini fire I told Jack he should never touch anything that was small enough to put on the stove or insert into a microwave. Of course, he’d protested, screaming “But you wanted toast!”. I’d groaned and dragged him away from all flammable objects.

“Jack, you could set rubber on fire.”

I could feel the pressure rising in my lungs and promptly began coughing and spluttering everywhere. In just a week, I’d gone from sky high to rock bottom. I groaned and discarded the tissue I had into the trash. My cell phone began to ring causing the stinging in my head to worsen. I winced before flipping the device open.

“Hello?” I whispered into the receiver only half-prepared for any loud screams entering the phone.

“Brianna! My god, are you okay? I heard you’re sick. Is it good for me and the guys to come over?” I heard her screech. I rolled my eyes and cleared my throat before replying.

“Sure, whatever,” I sighed.

“Well, we don’t have to if you don’t want. You can rest,” I rolled my eyes once more.

“Kara, come over. It’s fine,” I confirmed nodding to myself as if she could see. A short catch up took place before we finally hung up. As I placed the phone on the side I lay on my side, feeling the few hours that had taken place take its toll on me. My eyelids grew heavy and I saw a lot of black. Do you know that feeling when you close your eyes for what feels like a split second and you reopen your eyes and you realise you’ve actually slept for quite a long time? I had that. It kept happening, but after a few times I woke to find a room full of people all talking and spread in front of me. I frowned and sat up in my place. “How did you guys get in?” I asked.

“The front door,” Louise shrugged from where she sat cross-legged on the floor.

“Right,” I frowned before taking the in the faces in the room. Jake was an extra to the room sat watching me from the floor. When my eyes finally landed on him he gave me a shy smile and looked to the floor, he was still nervous around our group for some reason. “I feel so stuffed up in here,” I groaned holding my head in my hands.

“Wanna go for a walk?” I heard Jack ask from beside me. I nodded my head which was still clasped between my fingers.

“I’ll come along,” Kara chirped from the floor. I lifted my head and nodded once more before turning to Jack who simultaneously took to his feet. The others caught their conversation back up as we made our way to the front door. Jack and Kara made their way through the door as I stopped to put on a jacket. Locking the door behind me, our journey began. We were silently confirming to walk a few streets at first but our feet lead us down unknown routes and soon we were all giggling in conversation. That was, before we saw Jenna.

“Shit,” I whispered to myself totally forgetting about the other people beside me as all my memories came flooding back.

“What?” Kara asked as both of them turned to me before following my gaze.

“Nothing!” I yelled a little too enthusiastically and carry on trying to walk at a faster pace.

“Wait,” Jack trailed off as I saw Jenna’s expression mirror mine. The guy she was with had been the same one at graduation, making this a million times worse. Please, don’t let them make a scene. I heard the male muffle a yell and Jenna whisper harshly as she tried to pull him away from our group. “Is there a problem?” Jack asked quietly at the uneasy couple. I winced and attempted to pull Jack away with Kara.

“Yeah but she cheated on him as well!” I heard the guy shout just loud enough for us all to hear making me jump and panic flood through me. I saw Jack frown and step forward.

“Jack, it’s okay. You can go back,” Jenna tried to assure him while tugging on her partner’s hand. “Robbie. Come on,” she said sternly.

“Jen he has a right to know!”

“This is none of our business,” she snapped turning to fully face him. Everyone suddenly turned silent as Jack looked between everyone, the confusion on his face was more than evident.

“What’s going on?” He asked softly. The guy, Robbie, turned to look at Jenna who sent him a warning. However, he turned back, clearly ignoring her. I could feel myself begin to shake as Kara came over, she knew what was coming.

“Dude, graduation,” he began in a hushed tone, keeping his eyes on me the whole time.

“Oh Robbie leave them alone!” Jenna finally snapped letting go of the boy’s arm and pushing him roughly. The boys looked at her in shock but her face quickly turned red with angry. “This is none of our business,” she repeated with venom in her tone. “What went on between me and Jack doesn’t mean that you have to try and ruin Anna,” she continued now causing a scene in the middle of the street.

“Can someone please tell me what is going on?!” Jack yelled looking at all the knowing faces around him.

“She kissed some guy at graduation,” Robbie answered earning shocked looks from Jenna and Kara. Jack was looking at me, his eyes emotionless. He didn’t need me to say anything; the irregular pulsing in my veins was enough to confirm it for him.

“Robbie you’re a selfish asshole!” Jenna screeched breaking the silence as her palm came into contact with his face. More silence enveloped us as Jack’s face remained hard. Kara and Robbie were looking at Jenna in horror but my eyes were on Jack’s, pleading.

“Jack. That isn’t it,” I whispered.

“Who was it?” He asked in a flat tone. I hesitated for a minute.

“Jon,” I answered. His face suddenly turned into a frown as he studied my expression.

“Jon, from the party, Jon?” He asked for confirmation. I simply nodded before feeling myself tear apart, why was I doomed to a life of unhappiness?

“Jack, he kissed me. I promise. I pushed him away and he took me by surprise. I’m sorry,” I winced. Jack slowly made his way over, taking hold of my forearms and studying my expression. “Jack, I promise you. It’s the truth,” I pleaded. He simply nodded.

“I believe you,” he confirmed. I could feel myself flush with relief as I clung onto him, closing my eyes and breathing in everything about him. I didn’t care that the others were still surrounding us. All I needed right now was confirmation that Jack really did trust me. I didn’t care about anything else.
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I hope you all learnt a lesson. I'm glad I got twice as many commenters after I posted that crappy chapter. Now keep commenting or you'll be getting more like that. This one's long for all the new readers and all the old subscribers who comment me. Thank you all so much.