Sequel: She's Dancing Alone

Dark Eyed Dreamers

I Am X-Ray

Jack had been acting strange recently. He’d joke around with friends but when it came to me, he was nothing but sweet: sickeningly sweet. It got me confused at first, but when it didn’t stop after a few days the paranoia kicked in. I began to test it out, waiting until he got deep into conversation before adding my input and seeing how quickly his mood would change. Every time, without fail, it would be instantaneous. Every time, without fail, his immature comments and bellowing laughter would transform into warm smiles and touching gestures. I’d asked him what was wrong on several occasions but each time he’d say nothing was wrong and everything was perfect. As much as I’d wanted to, I didn’t believe it. I’d asked him if it were something to do with Jon but he’d just tell me there was nothing to worry about.

“Yeah but did you see her face when he wrote that shit on her car?” Alex laughed as he recalled the events that had taken place between Adam and our history teacher the day before graduation.

“Dude she looked like a tomato!” Jack roared leaning forward and smacking hands with Alex.

“What did it say?” I asked tilting my head.

“A lot of obscenities. Let’s leave it at that,” Rian replied laughing just as hard while Jack giggled and nuzzled his face into my neck and tied his arms further around my waist. See what I mean?

I tensed within his hold causing him to pull away and toss me a confused look. I kept my eyes fixed in front of me, slowly loosening up. Jack ignored it and tried resting his chin on my shoulder, but enough was enough. I got up and walked into Rian’s kitchen. I pulled a glass from the cupboard, filling it with water and leaning my hand against the countertop as I sipped it. I felt a pair of arms slip around me from behind and for the first time in my life, I found his company annoying.

“Annie, what’s wrong?” He cooed.

“My name’s Brianna,” I stated.

“Is it something I’ve done?” He asked with sadness in his tone. I should have stopped right there, told him I was just PMSing and let the guilt overwhelm me, but it didn’t. And that was enough to make me feel guilty. I brushed it off, moving from where I was stood so Jack’s arms fell from around me and washed my now empty glass. Jack remained hot on my heels like a lost puppy when I didn’t reply, urging me to say something. “Please, I don’t know what I’ve done, at least give me a clue,” he pressed causing me to snap back around and look his straight in the eye.

“Doesn’t that sound familiar Jack?” I asked, the realisation made his whole frame visibly flood with regret.


“No. I don’t want to hear excuses Jack.” I cut him off. He searched my face for a few seconds as he bit his lip before sighing in what I presumed was defeat. He opened his mouth to speak and I internally got my hopes up that maybe he’d give me the real reason for his sudden split personalities.

“I dunno.” Was his reply. I grimaced at his reply. Was that it? How could he not know? He knew himself better than anyone else ever could.

“Jack, I thought we were going to be open with each other? No secrets? Whatever happened to that little promise we made? By the way you’re acting I’m pretty sure that there’s something going on, something that you’re not telling me and I can’t help you with. Do you know how frustrating it is when the person you care most about is keeping something from you and won’t let you help them with it? If you’re not going to tell me what’s going on Jack then don’t bother stirring up this shit,” I yelled before storming past him and towards the front room. I could feel six eyes on me as I stormed into the room, grabbing my bag quickly before turning on my heal and darting towards the front door,

“Brianna.” I heard Jack attempt from behind me but it only urged me on to slam the door with as much force as possible. It didn’t take me much time to get home. After bursting through the front and my door, I collapsed on my bed. It was then that the tears really came. I needed to get that off my chest, but by doing so I could have ruined everything I’d ever dreamed of. Who was I kidding? Jack’s presence hadn’t annoyed me; it was my own feeble insecurities. I tilted my head just as a tear rolled past my nose and looked at the time my clock was displaying.


I didn’t care how early it was. I felt terrible, and the only way of fully getting things off my mind, so I thought, was sleep. I shut my eyes and for the first time in a long time, drifted into sleep without a tall thing figure lay next to me. I don’t think the tears even stopped when I was sleeping. And there you have it, our first fight.
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I apologise for not updating. This time it wasn't because of lack of comments: I enjoyed all of them, thank you all so much. It's my best friend's birthday this saturday! Birthday wishes for Ciar. And holy fucking shit All Time Low are coming to England. I'm not even exagerating I've been crying since I got home seven hours ago. No stopping, this has made me so unbelievably happy because I asked Alex directly if I could get an interview next time they came over here and he said yes. Which brings me to my next point.
If anyone wants me to ask All Time Low a question from them, leave a comment and I'll include them all in the interview which will be recorded and posted after the show.
Thank you all, I love you.