Sequel: She's Dancing Alone

Dark Eyed Dreamers

You Me At Six

I awoke after several minutes of tugging on my arm. I groaned and turned onto my other side.

"Brianna, come on Anna wake up," I heard my mother whisper softly before tugging more forcefully on my arm. I sighed and rolled back, opening my eyes and letting them adjust to the light before looking her straight in the eye. As I did I noticed her stunning smile. It was perfect as always, but her face fell as she glanced over my faintly stained black cheeks. "Brianna. Is there something wrong?" She asked smoothing the hair from my face as I let out a low sigh.

"I'm fine mom, I promise," I lied sending her a weak smile. She didn't look as though she believed me, she could always tell when I was lying.

"Are you sure? Because I could always tell him to go home," she began before I cut her off.

"What do you mean 'him'?" I asked as the image of his face instantly flooded my mind. She sent me an uneasy look, biting her lip and facing the door as if there was an invisible person standing in the thresh hold.

"Alex is here to see you," she explained. I frowned a little; he wasn't the boy I'd expected. Or the boy that I'd hoped for. I felt a pang of disappointment but didn't make it too apparent. "He seemed pretty insistent that he saw you. Do you want me to send him home?" She asked with pleading eyes. I chewed the inside of my cheek and thought slowly.

"No. Let him in," was my mumbled reply. She nodded once in understanding and turned to leave the room without another word. A yawn passed my lips and I let my eyes flutter shut as I fell back into my lying position. I wrapped the sheets tightly around me as footsteps made their way towards me. I could sense the door creak open and a body pass it as it was shut again.

"Come on! Wake up!" Came a more urgent greeting. I groaned as the covers were pulled from me.

"Alex, what's so urgent that you have to get up and interrupt my happy time?" I mumbled into the pillow wondering whether he could actually tell what I was saying.

"The clock!" He yelled jabbing his finger in the direction of the black object sat on my table. I reopened one eye, following his point and taking in the time.


Both of my eyes instantly snapped open and I bolted upright.

"What the fu-" I began but making sure to watch my mouth as I heard faint footsteps walk around below the stairs. "How could I have slept that long?" I half screamed staring at Alex in disbelief as if he knew the answer. He merely shrugged incredulously at me and yanked me up by my arm from the mattress. After being shoved in the direction of the closet I stared at the wooden doors as if maybe an inanimate object had the answer. Alex soon appeared in front of me, quickly scanning through my random items of clothing before pulling out different objects and throwing them where I had once been on the bed.

"Get changed," was all he said as he made his way from the room whilst I stared at his back. After the door was shut my eyes finally landed on the clothing on my bed. I huffed once before doing as instructed and emerging from my cave-like hole. "Good girl," Alex smiled patting me on the head in the most patronizing manner. I scowled but he took no noticed as he once again, grabbed my arm and dragged me down the stairs.

"Where are we going?" I whined as I was yanked towards my kitchen.

"Say bye to your mom," I was instructed. I sent him an incredulous look before staring between the two bodies. The woman had a knowing look on her face which made me feel slightly worried. She clearly knew what Alex had snuck up his sleeve as she leaned against the counter, I however, was completely out of the loop.

"Um, bye," I muttered as she sent me a wave and we walked out the front door towards Alex's car. I was buckled into the passenger side; Alex being the gentleman he is held the door open for me. "Alex, what's going on?" I asked completely confused.

"You my dear, are gonna be pampered today," he stated simply. I furrowed my brows.

"How exactly?" I asked tilting my head to the side as he fixed his eyes out the front window and started the engine.

"You'll see," he smirked.


"No." I stated firmly. Alex had taken me to dinner at a classy restaurant, bought me all kinds of new trinkets and now it had become clear why. As we'd pulled into the parking lot of the new building I instantly recognised the people waiting outside wearing band t shirts: that was never a good thing. "Alex I'm not going in there." I warned. Alex kept the smile on his face but grabbed my hand.

"Bri, it'll be fun, just come in!" He tried to reason with me but I wasn't budging.

"No. Alex you don't have to take me home I'll get a cab," I muttered slipping my hand from his and exiting the car. Alex was quick to follow me, blocking my path as I attempted to walk away.

"What would it take for you to come inside?" He asked looking as though he was trying to find an easy way to phrase his words.

"For yesterday not to have happened," I mumbled and dropped my eyes.

"Bri come on," he whined softly pulling my face back up to meet his eyes. "If it makes you feel better he's been worse than you." I winced and instantly knew who he was talking about. I hadn't wanted Jack to feel bad, I'd just wanted him to take the message. "He didn't want you to feel uncomfortable around him, he just wanted to show you how much he cares because he doesn't get to spend enough time with you anymore." Alex bit his lip and dropped his hands from my face.

"Did he set you up to this?" I asked now feeling more than guilty and wanting to enter the venue even less.

"No, he thinks I'm picking up some guitar stuff. Only Zack and Rian know what's going on." I sighed, letting my face fall once again, this time Alex let me stare at my feet without pressing me.

"I feel stupid for thinking he was hiding something from me."

"Don't," was all he said. I looked up and saw he was now grinning back at me. I slowly allowed myself to smile but my hand was snatched up and I was led to a door towards the back of the venue. This time, I didn't protest.
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Okay first off thanks to everyone who commented and I'm really sorry but I doubt I can make updates as regular and if not regular, then they can't be as long. I'm touring across England right now, which is weird I know but I'm checking out venues and stuff like that. It's odd, but I don't really have a choice and I have very limited internet access. The most I could get is less than 2 hours. Sorry! So yeah I won't be online much to those who have my MSN/AIM. On a slightly better note I'm still looking for questions to ask ATL if you want to post something for that but I just have to double check with the guys what time it'll happen. Hope this crappy chapter makes up for the loss and please don't unsubscribe because there will be more, I won't leave it more than two days to update. I'm gonna be touring like this for two weeks and unfortunately this stupid computer won't let me on twitter or myspace. Who cares? Follow me anyway.