Sequel: She's Dancing Alone

Dark Eyed Dreamers

Ed Minton

Things were awkward from that point on. Me and Jack hadn’t said a word to each other since we’d rejoined the group and I’m pretty sure both of our minds were racing. I’d spent the rest of the day sat minding everyone else’s belongings and my head buried in a book to take my mind off things. I’d tried to postpone going home for as long as possible; after all, Jack was my ride home. When in the car the journey was silent. I made no attempt to start conversation whereas Jack would say something every few minutes earning no reply from me.

“Oh man did you see when Alex smacked the ball into Rian’s face? God the look on his face almost had me crying with laughter,” he giggled. Once again, no reply. I felt his eyes on me as he stopped laughing, letting out an exasperated sigh.

“Listen, Bri, I’m really sorry for what happened at the beach,” he begun.

“Forget it,” I replied emotionlessly, my voice cracked and my eyes never left the glove compartment in front of me. Suddenly we were at the side of the road which I recognised to be near home and Jack had turned in his seat to face me.

“Look, I’m sorry, I didn’t know it’d offend you this much but we can just forget it, it doesn’t matter that kiss back there meant nothing,” I felt a sinking feeling in my chest as the words rolled off his tongue. It meant nothing. Tears lined the brim of my eyes but I refused to let them fall. No, stop it. Don’t you even think about it. If you cry, you’re weak.

I’m weak.

“Brianna? What’s wrong? Why are you crying?” I heard Jack asked. My eyes never moved and I stayed as still as I could but the tears kept coming. My stone expression began to crumble and more tears spilt. I felt Jack quickly move over and wrap me in a hug. I was pulled over and my face was pushed into his chest but I didn’t bother to fight him off. Only one thing was going through my mind. One word was enough to push me over the edge. Nothing. I silently wept as he cooed in my ear and rubbed my back.

“Bri, tell me, please you’re killing me,” I heard him say but just like before, I stayed silent. His hands loosened around my shoulders and he looked my dead in the eye. It was the first time I’d looked at him since walking away from him and I saw the concern riddled in his eyes. His eyes looked full of emotion, frantic, whereas mine were dead as stone. “Have I done something wrong?” He asked softer. I carried on seeing that the concern in his eyes was genuine before slowly shaking my head. “Please, I don’t know what’s going on, you were fine until... the beach,” he pleaded, carefully choosing his words. “I need you to open up to me, please, I know something about that hurt you but I don’t know how to make you feel better. Please, Bri, I want to help you,” he finished, his voice cracking at the end. I looked into his shining eyes and wondered what could possibly make him care so much.

“What’s going on between you and Jenna?” I demanded blankly. His features suddenly looked embarrassed, ashamed as he turned his face away from me.

“I don’t want to make you worry while you’re in this state,” he replied, his hands were still firmly around me as his hair hung into his face.

“I need to know Jack,” I muttered. His eyes lifted to meet mine once again. His expression was weak, but nonetheless, he told me.

“She’s... seeing other guys,” he answered blankly. I immediately quit feeling for myself and stared at him in awe.

“But, what? You’re kidding me aren’t you?” I asked frantically searching his face for any sign of him being false. He simply hung his head.

“No,” he muttered.

“Jack, I’m, I’m so sorry,” I apologized earning a shake of the head from the man sat in the driver’s seat.

“It doesn’t bother me, I don’t love her,” he confessed. I screwed up my eyebrows and gave him a questioning look.

“What?” I asked in disbelief. A small smile tugged at the corner of his lip.

“There’s someone else”.
♠ ♠ ♠
Note: I'm not a fan of Elliot Minor, there was just no other musician's name beginning with E.

abnurmel, Selleck and slashXdash thank you for commenting so regularly. I love you! ♥ So this isn't that long. I'm gonna go update again but this one has more understanding and gives you a clearer picture of what happened before Chapter One. For those of you who've been reading my other story Infatuated I don't want a repeat of that where after Chapter 17 I still haven't gotten to the main plot, so this is why I've gone straight into the story. Comments improve updates.