Sequel: She's Dancing Alone

Dark Eyed Dreamers

Dying Is Your Latest Fashion

"I can't believe we're doing this!" I screeched along with the other girls.

"Jeez Brianna, calm down girl," Zack laughed along with the rest of the guys.

"No! Shut up! We're breaking the law and it's so... exciting," I gushed causing Jack to chuckle from behind me. He placed a kiss on my temple right before the van ran over a bump in the road and sent half the people in the back flying across it.

"Okay here's how it goes," Alex called back from the driver's seat. "We go in groups along the fence, nothing too suspicious just look like you're walking past." We all nodded in understanding. "Which ever guy's there in the first group is gonna climb over, unhinge the gate and let the others through. Last person in each group through the gate leaves the gate only slightly open. If there's any security around there, act casual, walk past, don't draw attention to yourself. Last person out of all of us shuts the gate and we all meet up by the nearest tent and set out to sell the records," he confirmed.

"Got it," we all nodded.

"You've really thought about this," Louise sneered from the passenger seat. Alex hushed her before involuntarily smiling and taking a hold of her hand. All the girls were here today, it made it'd make it easier for us to sell more stuff.

"I still can't believe we're sneaking into Warped," Carolyn laughed from next to Zack.

"I know, wow," I agreed letting the grin I was hiding take full force on my features. I turned to Jack and yelled into his neck to muffle the sound.

"It's my first time at Warped! I'm so excited!" Kara exclaimed bouncing lightly.

"Same here!" I yelled extending my hand and meeting hers with force mid-air. Alex pulled to a halt in the parking lot of a large building. As we slid the door on the side of the van open and stepped out onto the scorching terrain. As Louise and Alex joined us we all instantly began unloading boxes similar to the one Alex had shown me yesterday. We pierced the tape keeping the boxes shut and began loading CDs into any bags we had. We then sorted out the groups. I was paired with Zack, Carolyn with Alex, Louise with Jack and Rian with Kara.

Alex and Carolyn went first as Alex was the mastermind behind the whole operation and Carolyn was a damned good team player. They set off walking and talking looking casual down the long fence. Jack and Louise followed, as both of them were quick and could keep a look out. Next was Kara and Rian, and finally, me and Zack. We were laughing as we approached the gate but seeing someone in a uniform on the other side put us off. We followed Alex's advice, carried on walking, acting casual, and it paid off. Within a few minutes he was gone so we ran through the gate, locked it, and went to the nearest tent. The others were already there and waiting. Rian was the first to say anything.

"Time to get famous!"
♠ ♠ ♠
Here we go. Just another filler but I have 20 minutes and some guy's waiting behind me. When it comes to the ATL interview I only need one more question, one directly to Rian. Thanks for reading/commenting/whatever. Keep doing that. Bye!