Sequel: She's Dancing Alone

Dark Eyed Dreamers

Enter Shikari

"Yeah, I'm at most of their shows," I laughed as my new friend held his CD in his hands.

"Well then I'll be sure to come along and smother you in some way," he smiled.

"Oh I'm sure you would. Well, I have to sell more stuff," I sighed.

"That's okay. Oh! Do you mind if we exchange numbers? It's great having a new friend."

"Yeah sure! You got a sharpie or something?" I asked tilting my head to the side and shoving the now almost empty bag under my arm.

"Indeed I do," Aaron grinned pulling one from his back pocket. I smiled greatfully and stretched his arm out in front of him, scribbling numbers onto the side of it.

"You can read that right?" I asked laughing at my own handwriting. He laughed along and read along the lines.

"Yeah I can, nice meeting you," he commented extending the defaced arm to give me a half hug. After returning the comment he turned and left. I smiled to myself, turning around and involuntarily running into Alex as a result of this.

"Oh! I'm sorry!" I apologized as both of our CDs dropped to the ground. He laughed and caught my lips with his in a form of forgiving.

"Don't worry about it," he grinned bending down to pick the cases up. I mimicked his actions. "So, how's the selling business going?" He asked while shoving an equal amount into both the bags we had.

"It's going well. Infact I'm having a lot of fun." He looked up with a smile on his face that seemed to match mine. We looked at each other, just studying our facial expressions before we felt a tapping on our shoulder. When we looked up there were a few men, guard looking, in warped staff shirts. We looked over to the tent we'd stuck by to see Alex taking a picture with a girl. He'd been doing this all day, girls thought he was from another band and he'd happily posed for photos and signed signatures. Poor girls.

We quickly made our way to the others but the guys stayed hot on our tail.

"Excuse me," one of them called, grabbing onto my forearm.

"Could you get off my arm?" I asked struggling to get from his grasp/

"Sorry miss but I'd like to see your ticket," he answered. I swallowed heavily and could almost feel the sweat building on my brow.

"Dude let go of her!" I heard Alex call reaching forward and slapping his hand away.

Only one word was going through my mind at this point: Fuck!
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Short. Filler. Busy. 64 people have subscribed to the sequel. If you haven't already then there's a link in the top right corner of the page. Need to go! Thanks for commenting, keep commenting. I love you.