Sequel: She's Dancing Alone

Dark Eyed Dreamers


I pulled back from Carolyn.

“I’m sorry,” I mumbled leaning my forehead to hers.

“You don’t have to be,” she sighed folding her arms across her chest and avoiding my eyes.

“You’re upset because of me,” I stated placing my hands on her sides.

“I’m not upset,” she argued biting her lip and allowing her hair to fall in front of her eyes. “I just need to think about some things.” I nodded to myself in understanding whilst letting out a sigh.

“Honestly, I want to take you with me,” I mumbled only loud enough for her to hear. She glanced up, her smooth hazel eyes meeting mine.

“You mean that?” She asked.

“Of course,” I replied with a shrug. “Why wouldn’t I?” She had a thoughtful expression on her face as she shifted her balance to one foot. I could tell what was running through her mind and answered her question. “I want you to witness all the amazing things with me,” I answered causing her to look up and smile. My heart jumped a little at the look on her face and I suppose I got caught up with what was going on. “I love you,” I managed. Her face changed to one of amazement, she looked overwhelmed, but in a good way from what I could tell.

“Really?” She asked with a small grin. I simply smiled back and nodded. In honesty, I wasn’t expecting anything in return. She took a step closer to me, unhooking her arms from over her chest and tying them around my shoulders allowing me to slip mine around her in another long hug. When she pulled back she pressed her lips to mine quickly. “I don’t know if I love you yet,” she answered honestly. “But if I don’t, I’m getting there,” she added making me smile.

“Let me know when you’re there?” I asked hopefully.

“Of course I will,” she laughed light-heartedly. “But I really am tired.” I nodded in understanding and pulled away, leaning against her door frame.

“Get some sleep then,” I answered earning a small giggle from her. I leant forward, pecking her lips once more. “See you tomorrow?” I asked. She nodded in return. I pushed the hair from her eyes and tossed her a smile. “Night.”

“Good night,” she replied. I could feel her eyes on me as I pushed myself from the frame. I could hear the door close quietly behind me after a few moments. I could see Louise approach the group on the other side of the street. Brianna was curled into Jack a short distance from the others. I felt a pang of guilt that she was the only person left to not know what was going on. As I neared the huddle the few closest to me sensed my presence and turned. Sympathetic looks were sent to me as they made a space for me but I brushed them off.

“So I guess you told her,” Kara began quietly. The awkward silence returned to the group straight after she asked right before I let out a low sigh.

“Yeah I did,” I muttered rubbing the back of my neck.

“She took it that bad?” Louise asked as Alex put an arm around her. I thought for a short second and shrugged my shoulders.

“No actually,” I replied almost nonchalantly much to the group’s surprise. “She just said she wanted to think some things over. She isn’t upset,” I assured them. The shocked faces softened to looks of understanding as people nodded.

“So...” Rian began from behind Kara. Everyone glanced towards him but his eyes were fixed on the opposite side of the circle, focused on the couple out of earshot. “Bri’s the only one that doesn’t know,” he confirmed. The level of awkwardness rose instantaneously and people began to shift on their feet.

“She’s gonna take it bad,” Alex sighed shaking his head.

“When’s Jack planning on telling her?” I asked quietly. He bit his lip and looked towards the side walk beneath his shoes.

“I don’t know,” he confessed. Jack had insisted no one was allowed to say anything to Anna before he had a chance to. So far he’d had plenty of chances but he hadn’t acted on any of them. The rest of us had begun to grow anxious, wondering why he was leaving it so late to do so. Surely the later he left it the worse she’d take things? Whereas some of us shifted their eyes to the ground others looked towards the other two. They looked in a world of their own, inseparable. I let out a long sigh and turned back to face the others.

“What did you tell her?” I asked whoever was willing to answer.

“Jack just told her there was something going on with you. You know, like family stuff or something,” Louise shrugged. I bit the inside of my cheek and felt another pang of guilt. We were all lying to her. You evil person.

“Well,” I sighed. “We’ll just have to stick with that story for now,” I confirmed sending Louise an assuring smile. Everyone silently agreed and once again, no sounds escaped any of us.

“We should really head back,” Rian concluded. Everyone nodded in agreement and we began to decide who was riding in which of the three cars. Alex made his way to Jack and Brianna. They pulled away from each other and nodded at whatever it was Alex was saying. Hands laced, they took towards Anna’s car. Jack slipped the keys from her hands and held the passenger door open for her. It was best to leave them alone right now. I grabbed a ride with Rian, it was the best idea.
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Thanks to everyone who commented on the author's note. *rolls eyes*
Okay so there's 9 chapters after this one to go before the sequel. I've written 5 of them and I'm gonna give you a few warnings right now.
Infinity on High is just a filler. It's the same size as a normal chapter but nothing too important happens in it, it just lets you know what's coming up.
Karmacode is unbeleivably long. Like, insanely long. It's literally 4 and a half pages long on Microsoft Word which is three times whatever my long chapter's been so far. If you don't like long chapters then I sincerly apologise but all the chapters have been mapped out and I can't split it up.
Metro Station is another filler, but it's needed and I need to pad out the ending. I'm pretty sure you won't like any of the chapters from The Lady Luck onwards but that's just how the story goes. Sorry.
The Questions we ask at night is the final chapter and I know you're all gonna hate me but even though it's the last chapter I'd still like comments on it to know what you thoguht of the ending. That's crucial.
Now that that's over, I hope you enjoyed the update :)