Sequel: She's Dancing Alone

Dark Eyed Dreamers

Infinity on High

I hung the jeans back on the rack, too dark. Letting out a sigh I moved onto the rack of shirts across the store. I flipped through the selection trying to find something worth blowing on my money but nothing stood out too much. I dropped my hands to my sides and looked around the room. It was a slow, boring day. I’d normally be out with one of the girls finding things for myself or them, but I’d come out alone today. The past week had been hectic, and the boys hadn’t even played a show. They hadn’t played a show in a while come to think of it. I shrugged the thought off and slid the strap of my bag further over my shoulder. Turning on my heel I thought it best to leave the store.

I’d begun to miss Louise. Not only had she not been there to throw different materials at me in an attempt to make me buy something but she hadn’t even called. As I allowed my shoes to slap against the cold tiles of the mall floor I routed through one of my bags. I pulled my phone out and quickly typed in a few numbers before pressing the device to my ear.

“Hey?” I heard her faint voice greet me.

“Girl you’re not even up yet? Since when do you not get up before me?” I asked tilting my head and furrowing my eyebrows as if she could see. A small giggle came from the end of the line and ruffling was heard.

“Yeah you woke me up, thanks,” she yawned.

“No problem! Wake up calls at eleven prompt. I could make it daily if you’d like?” I asked faking a formal voice.

“Ew. No thanks. I was up ‘til early this morning with Alex,” she stated.

“Ew! Lou I don’t need to know that! EW, ew, ew! Fuck!” I cussed at the mental images flooding my head.

“Shut up,” she muttered, clearly not amused. What? I was being serious. “We were just talking. I have morals, so take your dirty mind and leave me be!” She clarified. I thought over her words and raised an eyebrow to myself.

“What d’you mean you have morals? Does that mean Al and you haven’t done it yet?” I asked pretty bluntly earning a few disapproving looks from the people surrounding me. I brushed them off, but I was mentally slapping myself.

“Shut it! Unlike you I can have a relationship that isn’t purely intimacy,” she scolded. That was a bit harsh.

“I was simply referring to the fact that Alex is a boy driven purely by testosterone,” I argued pouting to myself.

“Whatever,” she sighed. “Anyway d’you want to come over? I’ll wake Alex.”

“Leave the boy,” I halted her adding a short laugh. “Yeah I was hoping I could come over. I’m just at the mall but I could make it over in-”

“You went to the mall without me?!” She exclaimed out of pure shock.

“I’m sorry. You were asleep anyway,” I reasoned.

“Ehh,” was her reply.

“Anyway like I was saying,” I continued. “I could make it over in just enough time for you to get dressed. So get up.” A loud groan came from her end of the phone making me raise my eyebrows. “You sure Alex isn’t up?” I asked almost inaudibly.

“Fine, I’ll get up. But you better be here. If I wait more than five minutes I’m going back to sleep,” she replied ignoring my comment. Perhaps she didn’t hear it.

I arrived at her place just in time. When the door opened I was faced with a very tired looking Louise. Her hair was damp and her eyes were half shut as she yawned. I shifted past her and allowed myself into the kitchen.

“It’s yo’ birthday next week,” Louise stated as she slumped across her table.

“Oh yeah,” I replied nonchalantly.

“Oh yeah?” She asked sitting up and sending me an incredulous look. “You’re turning 18! Are you not excited?” She asked.

“In all honesty,” I began taking a seat next to her. “No.” The look of disbelief didn’t leave her face.

“But, why?! You’re the youngest of all of us, we were all excited!” She whined.

“Yeah but it’s just another year right? I don’t get anything from it,” I shrugged. A pout plastered across her face.

“You suck. Remember how excited Jack got?” She asked in feeble attempt to make me feel bad for not being excited.

“Yeah I do. He drove me insane, I think that’s what put me off,” I replied biting my cheek in thought.

“Ew! Get off my table!” She exclaimed childishly bringing her feet up and shoving me off the edge with them as she clung to the wooden surface. I laughed and hopped down.

“Whoa, what’s all the yelling?” Alex asked appearing in the door way rubbing his eyes.

“She isn’t excited for her birthday!” Louise exclaimed jutting her bottom lip out as if I’d insulted her.

“Is this true? I’m offended,” Alex softly replied looking at me emotionlessly despite the fact I knew he was half kidding.

“I’m afraid it is,” I sighed in an apologetic tone.

“Well you should get excited then,” I tilted my head cautiously but questioningly. “Because a birthday means a birthday party and yours is gonna be the best we’ve thrown all year,” he continued with a grin as Louise hopped from the table and he looped his arms around her from behind.

“Oh the joys.”
♠ ♠ ♠
A lot of thoughts are passing through my mind right now.
"Am I the only person who thinks Lady Gaga is actually pretty?"
"I wonder if Bruno is actually Jack and Alex's love child?"
"I want to get to know my readers more."
So that's my question to you. Drop a comment telling me something that most people don't know about you! I'll give you something.
My roots are in Maryland! So technically I'm not actually British, but my grand parents moved over here and I don't get to visit anymore which is why I love the states and admire All Time Low so much.
Now you tell me something.