Sequel: She's Dancing Alone

Dark Eyed Dreamers


I awoke spluttering and freezing as I felt cool liquid splash against my skin. Seeing the people surrounding me and Alex with a basin was enough to make my blood boil. Again? The cold finally settled in causing me to shriek in horror. The boys closest to me shied away whereas the people on the furthest side of the room continued to snigger.

“I am going to murder you!” I screamed quickly throwing the covers from my body and launching myself at Alex. He attempted to move but was too slow as my body came into contact with his. People instantly flew to me as I choked Alex. I only got a short opportunity as I was pulled literally kicking and screaming off of him.

“Bri calm down!” I heard Zack yell as I was yanked to the other side of the room.

“Calm down? Calm down?” I asked in disbelief. “Are you kidding me? That bitch just soaked me and my bed and I want a good explanation from all of you why you’re waking me up,” I snapped.

“Uh, well, it’s your birthday?” Zack asked more than stated. My face softened and I allowed myself to catch my breath while everyone looked at me. Looking around I saw Alex still on the floor looking dishevelled, Jack staring in shock, Rian and Kara keeping a good distance and Louise trying to comprehend what had just happened. Carolyn was leant against my back wall; she was the first to break the silence with her laughter.

“Should I pay you for that? That was one of the funniest things I’ve ever witnessed,” she cackled. Alex stared at her in shock that she was laughing at his misfortune but I simply sent him a smug smile. It was kind of funny.

“Do you guys really care that it’s my birthday?” I asked with a slouch.

“Course we do baby, it makes me feel good that I’m older than someone. They just care because you’re their friend,” Jack replied causing the others to laugh and me to roll my eyes.

“That’s no good reason to get me wet!” I argued.

“Hey! That’s what she said!” Alex called from the floor causing Louise to hit him in shock and those who were too afraid to burst into fits of laughter had amused expressions on their faces as they averted their eyes. “Joking aside, we need to get you dressed.” Everyone’s eyes turned to me once again as I raised an eyebrow.

“‘Get you dressed’? Is this some kind of joke?” I asked looking between the expressionless faces. Louise and Kara both advanced towards me, linking their arms with me and carrying me backwards in the direction of the bathroom. “Oh shit.”

A grunt escaped my lips as I was thrown onto the seat of my toilet. Letting my eyes adjust to the room the last movement I saw was Carolyn enter the room and lock the door behind her. I groaned. I knew what they were gonna do, it seems typical but these girls really did take these things way too seriously. Make up brushes and bags filled with a mixture of things were enough to make my stomach churn as I saw them littering the counter.

“Come on! We never get to make people up because, well, let’s face it we all pile on the makeup anyway,” Kara admitted. Carolyn agreed with nothing more than a shrug of her shoulders.

“Hey!” Louise exclaimed seeming to take offence to Kara’s comment. The other girls, plus myself all turned to her with vacant expressions. “Whatever,” she groaned. The others turned back to me and continued.

“And you don’t so it’s fun to try stuff on you,” Kara added.

“What am I a bunny? Can I take up a court case against you for animal testing?” I scoffed.

“No.” Carolyn answered simply folding her arms across her chest.

“Why not? Humans are animals! And you are testing on me,” I retorted.

“That’s beside the point,” Louise laughed opening a few of the bags.

“Okay what are you doing?” I asked.

“Just looking through things,” she shrugged. “Do you think this’d look good on her?” She asked pulling out a small plastic case and holding it up to Carolyn. She paused for a moment and looked at me with a thoughtful look.

“We’ll see later. She needs to shower,” she concluded. I mentally laughed at how serious they were all being until they exited the room. I rolled my eyes and walked towards the door, my intention to sleep wouldn’t be ruined again... so I thought. I gripped the handle, trying to turn it but realise it was completely stiff.

“Aw come on open the door!” I whined kicking the wooden surface for emphasis.

“No can do! Get in the shower,” I heard Louise holler.

“Oh and use this!” Kara exclaimed suddenly opening the door only enough for her hand to slip through with a bottle. I frowned but took the bottle nonetheless. As soon as I did the door bolted shut again. I tossed the bottle on the surface next to me and rested my hands on my hips.

“And by the way, don’t lock the door,” Louise instructed.

“What? Why not? I’m not having any of the guys come in while I’m all nude!” I complained.

“Trust me, we won’t let them anywhere near but do not under any circumstances lock the door,” Kara added. I rolled my eyes and followed their instructions. If any guys decided to throw a naked party I was gonna strangle those girls.

After being tortured for what seemed like endless hours I was finally given the all clear.

“Guys it’s my birthday I’m not getting married!” I cringed as Carolyn put two pins in my hair before pulling back and smiling.

“Shut up. You look good, that’s the important thing,” she beamed. I rolled my eyes and stood up slouching towards the door. Much to my surprise when I came downstairs no one else was in the house. I frowned and turned to the other girls.

“Where’s the party?” I asked them.

“Jack and Alex insisted we couldn’t tell you. Well, they insisted Carolyn couldn’t tell anyone,” Kara explained clearly agitated at her lack of knowledge. How did she think I felt?

“That’s because I’m driving and you two can’t be trusted,” she shrugged earning scowls from the other two. I just laughed at their drama. “But now we’re already late, come on.”

Less than ten minutes later, we arrived at a place I recognised instantly.

“They put it on the beach?” I’d normally think it was a stupid idea but this was the same beach I’d had a certain amazing memory a few months back.

“Jack!” I whined causing him to break out into laughter. I felt my cheeks burn and buried my face in his chest but found myself laughing too. A moment later we were still laughing and I looked up at him grinning to see what he was finding so funny. When I looked back up I caught his eye and he looked at me, grinning just as much. Within that moment our eyes locked and I was certain he could see how comfortable I felt with him. His eyes then flickered down to my lips as mine did to his and both of us lent in to close the distance between us.

I smiled at the thought before glancing around the place.

“Happy birthday!” A familiar group of male voices all hollered. Carolyn and Kara were the first girls to walk over. I took my first steps forwards before a hand latched onto my forearm.

“Not so fast,” Louise warned leading me in the opposite direction.

“What? Come on! Let me see my boyfriend!” I pouted.

“Nu uh! You should greet your guests first,” she smirked pulling me away. I turned to the others, Jack was already talking to someone else and Rian simply sent me a knowing smile. I frowned to myself before looking where Louise was taking me.

I took time with a few groups and received gifts off nearly all of those I’d greeted.

“Thanks so much,” I smiled to Adam who the guys had invited along with Jon and Jason. Louise began to pull on my hand once again as I glanced to the boys I loved so much. I let out a sigh of sadness to myself as I watched them all laughing and enjoying themselves.

“Come on,” Louise whispered. I hung my head as I walked even further away from them.

“Hey Anna!” I heard a familiar voice chirp. As I looked up I couldn’t help but grin as I put the voice to the face.

“Jake!” I squealed leaping to hug him. “I’m so glad you’re here,” I confessed. He let a smile pull at his lips as Louise looked more pleased with herself.

“Oh hey, I got you this,” he began routing through his back pockets. I raised my eyes and watched as he brought out a folded up brown package. I frowned and tilted my head to the side as I took it from him. “Sorry, I didn’t have time to wrap it,” he apologised.

“Oh don’t worry about it. I’ve been telling people I didn’t want stuff all week I’m not gonna complain about how it’s presented,” I answered bluntly earning a chuckle from the tall boy as he swept his hair from his face. I unfolded the paper and dipped my hand inside the paper bag. I took out two slips of paper and held them up so I could read them.

New Found Glory.

“No way!” I squealed bouncing on the spot and holding a hand up over my mouth. “Thank you so much!” I exclaimed hugging him tightly once more.

“Don’t worry about it,” he laughed. “Alex told me you liked them. They come round in a few months and I’m already there so I didn’t feel jealous to give you a ticket to take Jack with you,” he teased. I rolled my eyes and laughed along.

“Thanks so much. You didn’t have to do this.”

“I know I don’t. But it’s not every day you turn 18, so I thought I’d do the nice thing,” he reasoned. I smiled in return and looked at Louise. “Well it was awesome talking but if you don’t mind I gotta excuse myself.”

“Sure thing I’ll see you later,” I smiled as he pecked his lips against my cheek.

“Awesome,” he smiled before taking off. I watched him leave and sighed, turning to Louise.

“What time is it?” I asked quietly. She smiled, looking down at her watch.

“Not late enough,” she mumbled earning a confused look from me. “Look! Your cousins are here!” She screeched pointing over my shoulder. I turned away from the girl bouncing on the spot and looked where she was pointing.

“No way.” I took off running as fast as I could and leapt at the eldest of the three people walking towards me.

“Anna!” The girl exclaimed as I pulled back and grinned wildly.

“Jamie!” I greeted enthusiastically. “I’ve missed you so much!”

“I know! We have to come down to Maryland more often, it’s nice here,” she commented turning out and looking over the sea. Her brilliant blue eyes dazzled in the light reflecting off the water and her bouncy chocolate brown hair hung over her shoulders. I saw two boy’s faces; one framed with black hair, the younger with brown, behind her and grinned at them both.

“Hey Ashley, hey Tyse,” I greeted. Jamie took a small step back allowing me to hug the two. “Ew! You guys have gotten so much taller than me,” I pouted.

“Yeah that’s because we’re not stuck in the body of an infant,” the older of the two, Ashley, rolled his eyes. Tyson laughed earning a glare from me.

“Shut up. How old are you again, twelve?” I asked crossing my arms.

“I’m almost sixteen!” He defended. I rolled my eyes and took in their appearances. Tyson had grown the most out of the two, mainly because he was the youngest. Ashley turned nineteen a couple of months before I’d started seeing Jack, that was the last time I’d actually seen the members of my family I was closest to.

“So how long are you guys here for?” I asked.

“No talking. I see hotdogs,” Ashley halted a serious expression coming over his face as his eyes fixed behind me.

“Dude where? I’m starving! I want that shit now,” the younger exclaimed.

“Watch your mouth!” Jamie warned as she folded her arms and rolled her eyes.

“Whatever!” He exclaimed as the two took off running in the direction their eyes were fixed. Jamie rolled her eyes and we both laughed.

“In answer to your question we’re here for a week. We’re staying in a hotel nearby,” she nodded.

“That’s awesome,” I gushed.

“So did you arrange all this?” She asked glancing around the large stretch of land covered in people.

“No I didn’t. My best friends and boyfriend did,” I answered. She raised her eyebrows at me and let an amused expression take over her face.

“Boyfriend huh?” She asked.

“Oh come on I’m an adult now. I’m allowed a boyfriend,” I smirked.

“You’ll have to introduce me,” she grinned.

“Oh I will. He’s a keeper,” I smiled to myself looking in Jack’s direction. I could sense a body growing closer and fast. I turned to see Louise running towards me.

“It’s time!” She grinned. “Hey Jamie,” she greeted quickly before turning back to me. “Come on you can see them now!”

“Thank the lord!” I groaned as she pulled on my hand and pulled me towards the others. Jamie came along as we neared the group. Alex was the first up to me holding out numerous bags.

“This one’s from me,” he grinned holding out a red bag. I giggled and took the bag, opening it to see a bright red hoodie just like the one he regularly wore. I took it out and held it out reading what the writing on the back read.

Gaskarth beats Barakat.

I laughed and folded it back up giving him a quick embrace before taking the other bags from him.

“Who are these ones from?” I asked.

“Zack,” he answered pointing to the green bag. “Dawson,” he finished pointing to the yellow bag with a smile. I opened the stuff quickly. Zack and Carolyn had bought me a Blink-182 shirt and all their CDs whereas Rian had brought both Kara and his presents in the same bag. Rian gave me eighty dollars along with Kara making me an amazing scrapbook of all the pictures of the guys over the last few years. There were even photos from before I’d met her and Carolyn. As I reached the final page I was almost in tears. The book was so beautiful and the memories behind the phrases and pictures were just as amazing.

“Thank you guys so much,” I smiled wrapping them all in a hug as I began to get emotional. Pulling away I noticed Louise stood with Jack, both of them smiling. I turned myself towards them as the others backed away. Jack took a few steps towards me and pulled a tiny box from his pocket.

“Don’t worry I’m not gonna propose,” he chuckled as he opened the box and revealed a ring that glistened against the pastel colours of the setting sun.

“Oh my god Jack,” I exclaimed bringing my hand to my mouth. “No, no way am I letting you spend this much on me,” I argued shaking my free hand.

“It’s a promise ring,” he laughed over my dismissal. I slowly dropped my hand and looked up towards him. “Yeah it bit my wallet but I don’t care because I bought it to show that no matter how much of a dick I am, no matter what I say or do I will always love you and I’ll always be your shoulder to cry on when you need me,” he explained tying his arms around me and pressing his lips to mine. As I pulled away I grinned and took the ring from him. “But if you don’t like it that’s a totally different story.” I rolled my eyes and quickly slipped the ring on before bringing my arms up around his neck.

“You have never been a dick, you’ve never said anything wrong and even if you did it wouldn’t change how I feel about you. And this is gorgeous,” I smiled twirling the ring around my finger. “Please don’t change it, it’s pretty. And it’s so sweet you picked out one you knew I’d like,” I smiled referring to when he gave a list of things I liked at the carnival.

“It’s no problem. You’re worth the hard work,” he grinned pecking my lips once again. We parted when Jamie neared. Jack’s arm went around my waist and he pulled me tightly into his side.

“So this is the boyfriend?” She asked, the amused smirk returning to her face.

“Indeed it is,” I grinned. “Jamie, this is Jack. Jack, my cousin Jamie,” I introduced.

“Pleasure to meet you,” he smiled. Jamie returned the smile, taking a step forward and bringing her lips close enough to my ear to hear her whisper.

“I approve.”
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Don't complain at how long it is. I warned you and explained myself. God funny stories :')
I wanna do things like that more often. Makes me feel more p[ersonal with my readers. I love you all especially now I've hit the 400 mark. Thanks guys.