Sequel: She's Dancing Alone

Dark Eyed Dreamers

Nothing Personal

I awoke the next morning to the sound of muffled talking and ruffling. I instantly noticed I wasn’t lay on a body anymore and cracked an eye open. From where I was lay none of the bodies could tell I was awake. Louise was asleep, her head lying across Alex’s chest as he traced his fingers along her back. Carolyn was lying on her side under the covers I’d brought down for her and Zack. Both Zack and Jack were gathering up their belongings. While Rian and Kara lounged in an armchair the guys began talking about plans for the day in a muffle voice. I didn’t get to catch a lot of the conversation before Jack stood from tying his shoe.

“Okay, I’m gonna go,” he began before bending down and pecking Carolyn’s lips. “I love you,” he murmured earning everyone awake and within ear shot to raise their eyebrows in astonishment.

“Bye,” she whispered with a large grin as Zack stood back up. Jack simply waved to the guys and turned towards the door. I frowned and Alex seemed to be thinking the same thing as me.

“Dude, aren’t you gonna say bye to Anna?” He asked furrowing his eyebrows. I propped myself up on my elbows before his reply.

“She’s not even awake,” he shrugged causing me to raise an eyebrow. Alex looked over in my direction and frowned heavily.

“Yes she is,” he mumbled. “Morning Bri,” he paused with a warm smile before turning back to Jack.

“Oh,” he mumbled. “Hey,” he half smiled.

“You’re leaving?” I asked tilting my head to the side although I already knew the answer. He quickly looked between me and Zack before focusing his attention fully on me once again.

“Uh, yeah,” he mumbled rubbing the back of his neck. “I’ve just got some things that I need to take care of.”

“Oh,” I muttered in understanding. “Okay well, bye,” I bit down on my lip and saw him give a small smile before walking over to kiss my cheek. Not another word was said as the boys walked across the room, luggage in hand, and silently left the household.

“Dude. What just happened there?” Rian asked confusion apparent on his face. Alex gave him a stern look and Rian seemed to brush it off as if he hadn’t said anything. I let out a heavy sigh and walked into the other room. Empty beer cans and bottles adorned the countertop along with various packaging either empty or half filled with food. I swept some of the stuff to the side and pulled myself up onto the worktop. I sat biting my bottom lip and thinking things over. Jack seemed reluctant to say goodbye this morning. I shuddered. Goodbye was such a final word. I let out a shaky breath and thought things over. Things would have to change. I placed my hands in my lap and weighed up my options.

Either I continued to let Jack keep secrets from me or I confronted him about it. Considering no one else was acting too different I knew there wasn’t anything going on with Zack. I decided something needed to be said. The others clearly knew what was going on but I didn’t care. I wanted to know the truth and I wanted to hear it from Jack. I trusted him not to cheat, but something had to be going on and I needed to know. Hearing movement follow my path into the kitchen I snapped my head in the direction of the body. Seeing Alex’s familiar grin I sent him a weak smile before dropping my gaze to my legs that were swinging back and forwards slightly.

I could sense him taking steps closer to me and I looked up just as he enveloped me in a hug. I slowly returned it before he pulled me up from off the counter and sat me down on the table with him sat on the chair right in front of me.

“What’s up?” He simply asked, folding his arms and resting his elbows against the edge of the table as I pulled my legs up to sit Indian style. I looked at him for a long moment as he did to me. His expression was soft and kept his father like qualities. He looked calm; the corners of his mouth were naturally turned slightly upwards as if he were smiling. I held my gaze just long enough to take all this in before shutting my eyes and letting out a low sigh as I shook my head.

“You know Alex,” I assumed holding my head in my hands.

“I know what?” He asked playing dumb.

“You know exactly what,” I muttered looking back up to him again. “You know why Jack’s acting so distant; you know why he’ll hardly talk to me. I don’t care if you lie to me; the truth is you know something that he isn’t telling me. And so do the rest of the guys,” I explained firmly. His expression didn’t change, he simply looked at me. I could tell him was debating what the best way to respond was in his head before he unfolded his arms and grabbed both of my hands.

“It isn’t my place to say anything,” he responded causing me to sigh as I felt the frustration build up inside me. Although he hadn’t said anything, he’d confirmed my suspicions and although I should have been angry I’d been lied to I was more hurt. I masked my emotions with a straight face and nodded once at Alex. He sent me a small smile, letting go of my hands before standing up and walking back into the other room. I bit down on my lip racking my brain of what I could do now. After an hour or so I slipped off the ledge, walking upstairs to my room and walking to my purse. I pulled my cell phone out and typed in Jack’s number before pressing the call button. Within seconds I was transferred to voice mail. I bit my cheek and hung up the call before the beep could sound. I quickly tapped in a message and sent it to the same number. After sending the message I threw the device down onto my mattress and allowed myself to fall back onto the sheets.

Within moments I could hear the vibrations from just a little distance away. I turned my head to the side and saw the screen flashing. I took the phone and pressed a button to accept the call.

“Brianna,” I greeted in a flat tone.

“What did you want to talk about?” He asked getting straight to the point.

“Jack. I know there’s something going on,” I trailed off. Silence enveloped us causing me to bite down on my lip before I heard a sigh from his end of the line.

“We should talk face to face,” he concluded.

“Okay, well, where and when?” I asked flatly.

“That park near the burger store we found back at Alison’s party. About noon,” he decided.

“Okay,” I nodded as if he could see. “Well, bye then. I love you,” I murmured.

“Yeah, bye,” was all he said before the line went dead. I stood holding the phone to my ear for a few more seconds as if his voice would suddenly flood back over the other end. I was in a small pit of denial. It stung not hearing him say it back.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey sweetie, I need you here tonight
And I know that you don't wanna be leaving
Yeah, you want it but I can't help it
I just feel complete when you're by my side
But I know you can't come home 'til they're singin'
La, la la la, la la la
'Til everyone is singin'