Sequel: She's Dancing Alone

Dark Eyed Dreamers

Hayley Williams


I’d finally reached a conclusion. Part of it made me wanted to jump for joy and the other part doubted that it was right. I had to somehow prove my theory, I had to get her to open up to me and tell me what was really wrong. I knew it wouldn’t be easy, but I had to try. I’d thought about how badly kissing her had scared Brianna today. I thought about what had happened in the car over and over again until it clicked. She was ignoring my question and she asked about Jenna. That could only come down to a couple of things but I knew Bri too well. I knew there was only one thing she wouldn’t discuss with me because she was shy. I just had to prove it to myself.

“And... why did you ask about Jenna?”I asked, she simply shook her head. I was guessing, hoping that the way she was acting was because she maybe felt the same about me. “It wasn’t just because I kissed you was it?” I asked softly. I saw her wince and a flood of colour rush to her cheeks, but she turned away quickly. I smiled to myself, she was adorable. I hesitantly made my way over to her, placing a hand gently on her back. I could see her nose start to scrunch up meaning she was frustrated. I put a finger underneath her chin and looked into her eyes. She looked scared, at this moment ‘scared’ couldn’t describe how I was feeling. I swallowed my nerves and decided I had to do something. Her reaction would tell me whether or not my uncertainties were true.

“Jack what are you doing?” She asked, her voice cracking at the end. I studied her face for a while longer, she didn’t look angry, so I continued before I backed away.

“I need to do something,” I whispered. My eyes wandered momentarily to her lips and I leaned forward into her before I chickened out. As I brushed my lips past hers for the second time I didn’t feel her freeze up, I felt her melt to me. I didn’t feel her push me away and I instantly relaxed. I savoured every second I had this close to her before finally pulling away. Her face was calm and I swear there was a small smile on her lips but then her expression changed to one of fear. But the first expression was all I needed to know she enjoyed what we just shared.

Tears filled her eyes before dropping, I knew she was scared and I wanted to be here for her. I held her close to my chest and rubbed soothing patterns on her back. Her sobs were muffled in my hood and I turned my face to her hair. I closed my eyes as I took in everything about her. A part of me was relieved at my discovery, wanted to tell her I wanted to spend all my time with her. But the other part knew I couldn’t.

“I’m sorry,” I heard her whimper before letting out another sob.

“Ssh, don’t be, it’s okay,” I whispered into her ear. She wouldn’t listen though; we repeated those lines over and over again. I knew what she was apologising for, and I wanted to tell her that it was okay and that it wasn’t one sided. But I couldn’t, yet.

“I feel so stupid,” she whispered, pulling away from me. Her head was hung and tears continued to drop from her eyes. I leant my forehead to hers but she still avoided my stare.

“Hey,” I said causing her to look up reluctantly. “You are not, by any means, in any way, stupid,” I assured her wiping a stray tear from her face. “Do you want me to take you home now?” I asked. She replied with a nod before I quickly embraced her.

Arriving back at her house I helped her as much as she’d let me back up through the window. Seeing her get through the window safely I turned to leave.

“Jack,” I heard making me halt in my tracks. I quickly turned back around to see Brianna leant against her window; she was avoiding looking me in the eyes. “Could you maybe... stay? I just don’t really want to be alone right now,” came her voice. I let myself smile, looking at the foot of her house. I turned back up and nodded. After stepping on a few ledges Bri moved away from the window and allowed me access. I stepped inside and slipped off my shoes. I instantly moved in to hug the small girl again. This time she stayed silent and leant easily into me.

An hour later her head lay on my chest; her shallow breathing in rhythmic patterns as she slept peacefully. Her small fist lay in front of her face lightly clutching a piece of my shirt. I gently ran a hand across her hair. The few faint freckles around her nose were invisible in the light of the moon. My eyes wandered along every one of her features, taking in every imperfection which made her that much more beautiful. I didn’t ever want to forget any of her features. Leaning my head to the side I heard her let out a faint whisper from her dreams.

“I love you Jack”.
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N'aww love love. abnurmal commented like, as soon as this chapter got posted. Which reminds me, I have 22 subscribers 8 chapters and 26 comments. Fix it.