Our Little Fairy Tale


"Renesmee Carly Cullen, get your half vampire ass over here." Maybe I could pretend I didn't hear her. Ugh! Who was I fooling? Rosalie may look all sweet but you could hear her from the other side of the planet. I stood up wiping away the moss and leaves from my dark denim fitted jeans. They were about a mile away now, they would be here any second.

"See ya later, Ness." Leah popped up and headed towards the trees.

"Hey!" I called after her. "A little help would be nice. Friends remember?"

"Exactly. We will be very good friends if you are still alive later, it's just I'm not ready to live in a hole of dirt yet. I'm not your cushion." I didn't blame her, I would have ran too, but my dad was fast. "Fine." I sighed and bit down on my lip. She was gone before I could say anything else.

"5...4...3" I whispered to myself.

"2...1" I heard my father finish as he appeared from the darkness. The rest of the family followed soon after. As if I hadn't felt guilty enough, my mother's face just topped it off. My heart sank. God, I was such an idiot sometimes.

"I'm sorry guys." I started.

"Not half as sorry as you are going to be." Emmett interjected.

"Give her a break." Jasper snapped at him. His face looked like it was about to crack with worry. Then I remembered he was feeling all of our emotions, maybe not as strong but enough for him to look in pain, well more in pain than he usually looked.

"Stop that, Jasper!" Emmett said calmly and I had to bite my jaw to hold back the laughter. He was obviously sending out relaxed vibes to us all because the tension in the back of my neck began to ease. "-I really need to be mad at her right now."

"You will do no such thing, Emmett." Rosalie slapped his arm.

"She is right Emmett.-" Esme added. "Nessie is Bella and Edwards child." I saw a pained look sink into his face. I don't think she realized how much those words had hurt him. Emmett would have loved a child to play with, to protect. His life was missing a piece and I seemed to be doing the job of filling it in. I didn't mind, he was more like a second father to me anyway. Jasper on the other hand is the big brother type, even the best friend. By looking at him you would never say that he was a person you could confide in, but as I grew up, that was something I soon learned was not true. Not the smartest choice considering my father could read his mind and therefore knew my secrets but Jasper was good at keeping things he did not want my father to know out of his mind.

If my mother could have cried she would have. "Nessie," She said softly and walked towards me. She stopped and gazed into my eye's. Tears of sheer guilt ran down my face. "-You're safe." She murmured, hugging me tight to her. She did not need to scream at me, this was killing me enough. I think she knew it, too. "Don't ever do that again." She said firmly placing my cheeks in her hands. "You almost gave my unbeating heart a heart attack." Her laugh was covered with her breath.

"I didn't realize, sorry. I just needed to get out. You were all talking about where to put me, what to do with me. I don't want to leave. I am not going to let the Volturi get the better of me." My voice sounded brave. Braver than I felt.

My father's face turned sorrowful as he stepped towards me in two glides. He slipped his arm around my shoulder and gripped me tight. "I'm sorry, sweetheart. We were just so concerned for you. We want what's best for."

"What, and you think sending me away is good for me?" I snapped. How could they think that was good for me?

"Nessie, we are not sending you away." My father smiled. "You had obviously left to 'get some air', at that stage. We have decided to practically suffocate you with our very presence instead." Ugh! I knew what that meant. You will be lucky to use the bathroom without one of us there. But I was in no mood for arguing, so I just smiled politely and nodded. I heard Rose snort, she was about the only that knew what that smile meant. My father glared at her and then back to me. "We are going to suffa-suffocate you, just in case." Great! Gee, thanks Rose.

Keep those thoughts to yourself, will you? I sent out to her. She just looked at me apologetically. I had learned over the years how to extend my 'gift' just like my mom. So now I could tell anyone anything through my mind.

I sighed heavily. "Can we go home, now? You can kill me there. At least I can sleep while you shout." I laughed. I was getting tired again. I was tired earlier but their voices woke me.

"'Course, kid." Emmett grinned. He could never stay mad at me. It was impossible for him.

"Seriously, Renesmee. Next time you go on a little trip, bring a blanket. Your clothes are destroyed." Alice frowned her hands placed firmly on her hip. I looked down to see a tiny grass stain at the end of my jeans.

"Does it matter? It's not like you would let me wear them again anyway. God forbid I might where the same clothes twice." Everyone laughed in unison and Alice's face lit up with pride.

I saw Carlisle take Esme's hand as the ran back into the forest. The rest followed as I strolled behind. It wasn't like I could get tired from running but suddenly it felt like a metal block had been placed on my shoulders. I saw Jasper slow in front of me until I was walking beside him.

"Cheer up! It's not that bad. They were only worried. You know they can't stay mad at you." He rubbed my shoulder. Even with Jasper making me feel relaxed, I still felt odd.

"Just need to get some rest." I yawned. "Oh, Jake is going to crucify me." I laughed knowing the only thing he would do was take me in his arms.

"Surprised he already hasn't." Jasper smiled.

"No, but I'm sure I will get it from him back at the house. How come he waited there anyway?" Jaspers face dropped into a state of confusion.

"Ness wasn't Jacob with you before we came? Did he not go off with Leah?" I couldn't get his words into my head in a coherent way. Was he saying Jake left the house to find me? But I didn't even see Jake. A knot formed right in the pit of my stomach. "He came looking for you Ness." His eye's wide.

"But wouldn't he have followed my scent." I said, we had now come to a stop. My blood pounding furiously behind my ears.

"Not if he was angry enough. You know how Jake can be." He replied. His power's weren't working on me anymore. The shock was too big. My head starting spinning, I saw my family running towards us. They obviously wanted to find out why we had stopped. Then everything went black as I felt my legs cave beneath me. I gasped as I fell to the ground, suddenly realizing the first place Jake would have went looking.