Our Little Fairy Tale


I tried to open my eye's but they wouldn't oblige to my demands.

"Jake." I whispered hoarsely. Oh Jake! My mind suddenly snapped into place. Wow, that was a horrible nightmare. My eye's finally surrendered to my strength. I woke to my whole family standing around me.

"Drink this." Carlisle already had a straw back my throat before I could say anything. Obediently I sucked on the straw, feeling the tasteless moisture off the water run down my throat. Had I woken up? Or was I still dreaming? I pulled out the straw to catch my breath. I rubbed my eye's, the heaviness of sleep still lingered on them.

"How are you feeling?" My father asked, the worry evident in his tone.

My eye's narrowed. "Fine..... but confused. What is going on?" I examined my body for any signs I was dying or even hurt.

"You can't remember?" My mother began. "Jacob, sweetie." All she had to do was say his name and the realization of the fact that the nightmare I had was actually reality hit me like a tonne of bricks. It wasn't my body I needed to exam, it was my heart. The painful tug pulled at me from just under my ribcage. The sensation was so strong I could feel it tingle my fingers. Tears streamed down my face.

"It is ok, sweetie." My mother cradled me. "They have found him. The rest of the pack went looking for him along with Alice and Emmett." I sighed deeply. I just wanted him back in my arms. I shivered at the thoughts of him coming up against two members of the Volturi....On his own. Then it hit me. Would he come home injured? As if he actually could read my mind, my father answered my question.

"He is ok. They caught him just in time. It took him awhile to find where they were staying so that slowed him down." I sunk my head deeper into my mother's chest as she rubbed my hair. She positioned herself down on the bed pushing me down with her as she continued to rock me back and forth. It wasn't until I heard quiet moans escaping my painful breath that I realized I was sobbing. Everyone else left the room and again I succumbed to the darkness of my sleep.

Jacob's P.O.V.

I knocked three times on the door as Alice and Emmett stood by my stand. Emmett wasn't too happy with me for worrying his niece but either was I. How stupid could I be, all I had to do was follow her scent? But no I followed my mind instead. The thoughts of Caius being anywhere near my Nessie gave me chills. She was beautiful, anyone would have to be blind not to see that. He was obviously attracted to her, I could tell that from our little get together earlier. The door opened quietly to the smiling face of Esme.

"Jacob you are safe." The relief evident in her voice. She reached her arms towards me and hugged me lightly. "You are in for it with my grand-daughter though. I don't think she will be as forgiving." A light smile tugged at my lips. Nessie was so sexy when she was angry, but that was besides the point. I shouldn't have hurt her like that.

I stepped inside, my hands placed in my pocket's. "Where is she?" I asked before noticing a raging Bella storm towards me. Her voice was unexpected, I was waiting for her to yell by the look on her face but instead she whispered angrily. I don't know which was worse.

"Jacob Black. You better have a fantastic explanation." She screamed through her whisper as she pointed her finger in my face. "Hope you are happy with yourself." She turned around to walk away but spun back around on her heels, placing her hand on her forehead. "I mean the Volturi? Have you a screw lose? Seriously Jacob, you could have got yourself killed. And where would you have been when Nessie needed you? I will tell you where, in a pile of your own ashes in a hole somewhere." I let her off in her little mad at Jacob session. She needed to get it out of her system. I saw Edward smile, biting back his laugh as he watched his wife giving out to someone she had to raise her head to see. I had to admit in the middle of all that was going on she was kind of funny. Edward looked to the ground and bit his lip. "Edward Cullen if you don't get that stupid grin off of your face I will personally put the print of your head in the piano with you eating the piano keys." That only made him laugh even more.

"I am a fast runner her." He said. Emmett laughed along with him.

I blinked and she was gone. "Ow!" Edward squealed as she slapped the back of his head.

"Obviously not fast enough." She smirked. Now everyone laughed.

"Is Nessie ok?" I asked trying to get back to the important issue.

"She is fine." Carlisle informed me. "I think everything just hit her at once. She is sleeping now, she needs as must rest as she can. I don't think she had been getting a proper night's sleep in a while." I had to fight back the smile as I nodded my head, knowing the exact reason why she wasn't getting much sleep. I heard a growl erupt in Edward's throat.

"Sorry...Sorry." I apologized, putting my hand's in the air.

"You can go to her if you want? If it is ok with Edward and Bella?" Carlisle nodded his head towards them.

Bella sighed, "Ok, ok just keep your hand's to yourself." Edward winced.

I entered her room for the second time today, just this time she was actually there. I sat at the edge of her bed, just to admire her. All I wanted to do was kiss her, to feel her lips against mine. She was so beautiful. Her brown hair blended in with the brown satin sheets which were wrapped around her and clung to her flawless figure. I kissed her lightly on the forehead. She turned and stretched her body. She yawned and whispered my name. It was more out of habit rather than the fact that she knew I was here.

"It's ok Sweetheart, I am here. I love you Ness, I'm sorry." I climbed into the bed next to her and placed her in my arm. Her eye's shot open with the sound of my voice. She stared up at me with wide eye's. I think she was contemplating if I was really there or not. After a long moment of her staring at me, she finally smiled with relief. Tears swam in her eye's until they streamed down her porcelain face.

"Jacob." She whispered tiredly as she reached for my face. She stretched her neck and placed her soft lips on mine. I was such an idiot. How did I hurt her?

"I am sorry." I repeated as she kissed me.

"I know. Me too. If I hadn't run off in the first place none of this would have happened." She said and looked at me through sad eye's. She looked so guilty. I sat up leaning on my elbows. How could she blame herself, none of this was her fault? We should have spoken to her first. It should have been my job to protect her. Again flashing images of Caius touching her in a way that only I ever touched her crossed my mind. I shook them away before they had time to get the better of me.

"Ness, sweetie. Please don't blame yourself, I can't bare it."

"Just kiss me." She replied. I reached down to her. Her tongue grazed my bottom lips. I parted them leaving her enter. "I love you, Jacob Black." I could feel her tears on my skin and I wiped them away with my thumb.

"I love you too, sweetheart." I moaned as our kiss became more passionate. It felt different. It was hard to ex lain. So I kissed her harder, and pressed her beautiful body against mine, she whimpered quietly which made me want her more but for some reason our passionate kiss left me feeling that I did not have long left with her.