Our Little Fairy Tale

Birds and Bees

Jacob's P.O.V.

"I thought you two went to hunt?" Edward was talking to Nessie but never took his suspicious eye's off of me. I could really do with a gift like Bella's right now or be able to block him out like Nessie. It wasn't my fault, I am only human. Ever since our little session in the forest, I couldn't stop thinking of her. I just wanted to take her home and finish what we started.

"We did Daddy." Nessie said in her trying to be innocent tone, that just made me want her more. It was times like this I wish I could make everyone else disappear. I couldn't get the images of her out of my mind, which was not helping my situation with Edward.

"I don't want you taking my daughter anywhere if that is the only thing you are going to be thinking of. I can re-" His face went black. "Bella. Give me a break here, I am trying to warn him off."

"They are going out. It is what they are going to think about, now leave them alone and until you learn to deal with it, I will block Jake's thought's from you any time I can." She smiled and winked at me. I smiled back at her gratefully. I had never lost my friendship with Bella and it was times like this I was happy I didn't. "You can't say you we were not doing the same thing when we first starting going out, can you? You are lucky Carlie couldn't read minds."

"Seriously mom. That is something I really do not want to be thinking about. Bad enough sharing a house with parents that do not sleep without you two talking about it." If Bella could have blushed she would have. Instead, she just lowered her head into the book she was reading. Edward just decided to avoid the subject and turned on his heels to go and sit with his wife.

"Renesmee." I heard Alice's musical voice from the top of the stairs. "Could you come up here a minute, sweetie. Roslaie and I would like to speak to you."

"Sure." She beamed and planted a kiss softly on my lips. "Be right back."

Before she could walk away I caught her by the waist and pulled her back. She giggled. "I need to be getting off sweetheart. I have to do the whole patrol thing. I will see you tonight, I will come and get you if it is ok with Edward." Her face turned disappointed, I hated doing that to her but a smile soon returned.

"Ok, I will see you tonight." She winked.

"Don't do anything stupid, like going for walks or for some air. You know what I mean." She threw her eye's to the sky.

"How many times do I have to tell you, I won't?"

"I know, I know but I can't help but worry." I rubbed my nose against her cheek. "Love you."

"I love you too. See you later." She chimed as she ran up the stairs. I said my goodbye's to the rest of the Cullens. Of course I never did shake off Edward's deadly stare.

Renesmee's P.O.V.

After saying goodbye to Jacob I ran up the stairs to see what exactly Rose and Alice wanted. I could have swore I saw a smirk across my father's face. He knew exactly what they wanted me for.

I walked down the bright corridor and into Rose's room. They were both standing up and staring at me. For some reason they made me extremely nervous.

"Sit down, Ness." Rose said, pointing her hand to the small brown sofa. I sat down slowly, not once taking my eye's off of them.

"Do you know what these are?" Alice asked as serious as she could holding up a strip of white square packets. Oh sweet divine. They are trying to give me a sex talk. I blushed a bright red.

"Ok, back off. My mom and dad already gave me the birds and the bees discussion. I know everything about the facts of life. And yes I know what they are, they are condoms." I replied, my eye's wide with shock.

"Good." They both responded. It looked like they enjoyed playing the teacher role, even more so, they enjoyed torturing me.

"Can I leave? Please." I begged. This was something I was not expecting.

"No you cannot leave." Alice tried to sound forceful.

"We want to make sure you are being safe." Rosalie added.0

"I am." I reassured them quickly with my head to the ground. I started fidgeting with my fingers. "Guys, you do know that it is practically impossible for me to get pregnant right?"

"Not impossible." Rosalie started. "There is a slight chance that you could."

"Yes a very slight chance. I get my period twice a year at the most. Come on guys, seriously."

"We are just making sure is all."

"I know and I appreciate it but it is extremely embarrassing. You two are suppose to be the people I talk to about these things, it feels weird when you are showing me what a condom is, and by the way I already knew what it was. I am not totally stupid."

"Ok....Ok, it is up to you. We just thought it would be better if you knew. It would be nice to have another little baby around here though." Rosalie went off in a daydream and Alice went with her.

"You haven't a hope. Unless you are thinking of adopting because there will be no baby coming out of me, thank you very much."

"What is this I hear about babies?" My mother's voice came from outside the door. She walked in and looked at me, her eye's narrowed. It was then I realized that she had no idea what my two aunts had planned for me and probably thought I was pregnant when she heard us talking about babies.

"Oh don't worry mom, I'm not pregnant or anything. Just blame my God-mother and the fashion princess or Queen as she likes to be called. They decided to to take it upon themselves to tell me the facts of life." I stood with my hand's folded. My mother laughed.

"I already gave you that talk. And what is with all the condoms-" It was then I saw the box behind their legs. What did they think I was? "-You only wanted to show her, she doesn't need a hundred of them for that. Jeez, and I thought I was being over protective." She placed a hand around my shoulder and hugged me tightly. She understood what I was feeling, she would have hated that to have been done to her. "Come on, sweetheart, lets get you out of this room, before your mind explodes." She laughed while pulling me out of the room.

I could hear Rosalie and Alice whisper as we left, "A little baby would be nice though." Ugh, they never give up.

I walked down the stairs and sat next to my father on the sofa. His big grin told me he knew exactly what they had planned all along. I placed my hand on his arm - When I think of a good plan for revenge, you are soooo dead, Mr, I told him. This just made him laugh louder. He kissed me lightly on the forehead.

"Your aunt's are just looking out for you." He smiled.

Dad, have you any idea how embarrassing that was? I think it is great that they are looking out for me, but next time if they think of pulling something like that again, remind them to look out for me in some other way. Like doing things that normal aunts do, minus the sex talk.

"So how did your talk go?" Emmett asked as he flopped himself down on the sofa.

"Was I the only one that didn't know this was happening?"

"I didn't." My mother waved her hand from the corner of the room, her head still stuck in a book.

"If you knew do you honestly think you would have stayed?" I waved my hands in surrender and stood up.

"Dad, is Jake close by?" I asked, I knew my father was so accustomed to Jacob's thoughts that he would be able to hear them miles away.

"He is just at the edge of the forest outside our house, if you walked out you would see him." I smiled knowing the only reason he was so close was to keep an eye on me.

"Thanks dad." I said as I ran out the door. I could hear them shout after me but I could see him when I left the house, it wasn't like I needed an escort.

He was laying on the leaves with his eye's closed when I approached him. His eye's shot open as he heard my foot steps. He was in his wolf form. He stood up on all four. "Hey." I whispered. I knew by his eye's he was angry with me. "They know where I am." I informed him and the anger in his eye's soon disappeared. I sat down with my back against the tree. He lay down next to me as I rubbed his fur. "Is it just me, or is this just one hell of a day?" I sighed and I could hear a vibration at the back of his throat which only meant he was laughing. "You don't have to stay so close, Jake. I can't depend on you all the time. I don't expect you to be here all of the time, it isn't fair on you." I told him, it was how I felt. In truth, I felt guilty. He stared up at me with eye's that told me that I was talking rubbish. He stood up again and ran into the trees. He was gone to phase. Great, that just meant he wanted to give out to me for being so stupid.

"Ness, you talk a lot of crap sometimes, do you know that?" He said as he approached me in his black sweatpants, his muscular chest was bare. His eye's narrowed forming a crease at his brow. I threw my eye's to the sky.

"I am only telling you how I feel."

"Well you shouldn't feel like that." He breathed as he pushed me forward and sat behind me so I was placed in between his legs, he pulled me tighter to him. He locked his fingers with mine and kissed my neck. "I prefer being close to you, Ness. It is easier for me to breathe, if you know what I mean?" I knew exactly what he meant. I smiled, finally realizing he felt the very same way for me as I did for him. I had never doubted it, but now that he said it, it just felt more real.

"Yeah, I know what you mean." I breathed. He continued his kisses down my neck and across my jaw until I turned my head so he could reach my lips. He kissed me softly for a long moment until he pulled away.

"Oh, I knew I had something to say to you." He smiled. "You never told me you and Leah were friends." He did the same thing she had done earlier when he said friends, as if he was waiting for me to confirm it.

"Yeah, we are. She apologized. I never really disliked her anyway. I just wanted to know why she hated me and now I do. I know she didn't mean it." He laughed and shook his head. "What?" I demanded.

"I am in love with the greatest girl on the planet."

"Oh shut up." I slapped his leg. "You think that is funny? You should have stuck around at the house. Alice and Rose tried to give me a sex talk. Hence, tried." I placed my hand to his cheek for him to relive the past twenty minutes of my life. When I was done, he was in hysterics laughing. He placed his chin on my shoulder as he began to calm down.

"Wow, I am sorry I missed that." He said while he placed his hands firmly around my waist to pull me closer to him. "Well now that you are all educated, I think we should put your new found knowledge to good use." He smiled that cheeky grin I loved so much.

"Maybe we should." I smiled as I kissed him. He moaned as I pressed my lips harder against his. It took me every ounce of power I had to pull away from him. When I did he stared at me confused. "You seriously want another game of twenty-one questions with my father." I asked as I stood up.

"No not exactly. Damn his mind reading." He cursed.

"Pick me up later." I winked as I leaned over to kiss him one last time.

"Looking forward to it." I heard him shout after me as I ran back to the house.