Our Little Fairy Tale

Knot of Betrayal

"Where is Jacob?" I asked nearly shouting the words as I opened the door to both my mother and Alice.

"Renesmee, hush, you will wake Billy." My mother snapped.

"Sorry." I mumbled as I positioned my body into the sofa. The last thing I wanted was to wake Billy. "Well where is he?" I whispered, the anxiety evident in my tone.

"They all had to go up north. Something happened to Seth, we are not sure what exactly but he followed a scent and ever since not even the wolves can hear him." My hand shot to my mouth as Alice explained the situation.

"Oh God, poor Seth. But how many? What if they cannot come up against them?" I rambled.

"Your father along with Carlisle, Jasper and Emmett have gone along. There wasn't many there, maybe four at the most they will be outnumbered and with talents like Jasper's and Edward's, they are at an disadvantage. Don't look so worried Ness and stop biting your nails." Alice warned hitting my hand away from my mouth. Even in times like this she was worried about how I looked. I had not realized but I was beginning to shake, I never even wanted to think of any of my family in trouble - out numbered or not it was still dangerous and I knew Jacob would do absolutely anything for Seth - anything.

"What about Rose and Gran?" I asked realizing they were not mentioned.

"They are looking around close by." By mother told me as she rubbed my arm supportively.

"Alice, what are you doing?" I asked noticing her digging her fingers into her temples moving them around in a soothing motion.

"I can't see anything when the wolves are involved, it irritates me like crazy." Her little musical voice getting a bit louder as she spoke, annoyed. I just nodded my head. She knew she would never see anything when the wolves were around but that did not stop her trying, she hated giving up on anything when she knew there was a way around it.

"Don't concentrate on them too much, Alice. Try and concentrate on Rose and Esme, at least you can see them, you won't if you are thinking too much about the wolves." My mother advised. Alice dropped her hands from her head and sat down realizing my mother had a point. I rested my head on my mothers shoulder as she stroked my hair, before I knew it I had succumbed to a darkness of my own - my sleep.

Everything was black. I could hear voices and screams but I could not see anything. Then the first glimmer of light shone down on me and broke through my darkness. I squinted my eye's and held my hand up in protection. I could smell the leaves and moss. I could feel the damp on my back. I shivered as the coldness made its way up my spine.

"Run Renesmee!" Someone was screaming my name but I did not know who. It was too far away in the distance. "Renesmee, get up!" They continued. My vision blurred for a moment as I took away my hand and let the sun seep through my eye's. I strained my ears. "Please babe, get up and run!" I knew that voice. It was my Jacob. I stood up, and swayed as I struggled to get my balance. I was in the forest, I could see the rays of sun shine through the gaps in the branches. I caught onto his scent, he was getting closer and fast. He appeared through the darkness of the trees. His dark brown eye's caught mine, his expression pained as he walked towards me. He placed my face in his hands and leaned his head against mine. "Forgive me." He pleaded through his whisper. "I love you." He said as he rubbed my cheek.

"What- What are you talking about? I don't need to forgive for anything Jake. Please Jacob what is wrong?" I begged.

"Please Ness, don't." He placed his finger on my lips to stop me from saying anymore and replaced it with his mouth. He kissed me softly and then stopped. "Forgive me." He repeated. "Now run!" He ordered as he pushed me. I obeyed him, running until my legs ached. I closed my eye's for a moment, I wanted to know if I could still smell him, if he was near or following me but he wasn't. I could not smell him anymore. When I opened my eye's I came to a sudden halt. I was at his cliff, looking down at the black ocean. It was dark now with a white full moon beaming in the sky.

"You look beautiful in this light." I heard a familiar satin voice behind me. A voice I dreaded, a voice that haunted me but now I only dreaded it because for some reason it was making me calm. It was comforting to me. I felt his cold hand on my hip, I couldn't pull away, I did not want to. I turned my body around to face him, I needed to see his face, to see his eye's.

"Nessie!" I moaned turning my head. "Are you ok? You were screaming a minute ago. You take forever to wake." I opened my eye's slowly looking at the face of my pixie looking aunt.

"Just a dream." I whispered sitting up.

"Yes just a dream." She laughed. Her musical laugh resonated throughout the room. I rubbed my eye's trying my best to get rid of the haziness, I was in Jacob's room, in his bed.

"Must have been a bad dream." Alice commented as she stared at me. "You are sweating." Cold sweat was running down my neck and rubbing off of my collar bone. I just nodded my head as I heard my heart beat furiously in my chest.

"Jacob, where is he?" I asked swinging my legs over the side of the bed. I realized it was bright out he must be back by now.

"They have not returned yet. Give them time Ness, they might have needed to go further up north than expected." She smiled trying to comfort my worried eye's. I stood up and swayed just like I did in my dream, but Alice caught my waist and steadied me. I smiled weakly. I couldn't get the dream out of my head, I hated dreams like that. They looked so real, I could feel everything in them. I could feel the coldness of the ground, I could feel his soft lips brush mine, I could feel his breath on my face and then I could feel that touch, that could cold touch. I shook my head to get rid of the images bu they would not go away. They made a tight knot form at the pit of my stomach. My eye's stung and watered because just like the time I saw him last, the cold, stone-like but now amazingly beautiful face of Caius, a man who just eight years ago tried everything in his power to kill me but yet looked at me so intensely lingered with me even when I did not want it to and for some reason I could not get rid of what felt like a knot of betrayal in my heart.