Our Little Fairy Tale

Sit by my Stream

"Billy I am going to drive you to Charlie's today for the game, is that ok?" I asked. Jacob was gone since last night and I needed something to distract me. My nails had practically become non-existent and I also needed to go and see my Granddad Charlie anyway, so this gave me the chance. He knew about everything with my mom and dad. They slowly broke it to him over the years. If he was to witness me grow at the speed of light he would of had to have known.

"Sure Renesmee, that would be great, thanks. And stop worrying, Jacob is well able to take care of himself." Am I that easy to read or was it just that I was pacing up and down the small house at an inhuman speed? I smiled weakly and rolled him out to Jake's truck. My car was still at home. After helping him into the seat I folded the wheelchair and placed it in the back. Billy did his best to distract me with as much conversation as he could muster up. It helped a little bit but still thoughts of Jake found a way to flood into my mind. I stopped once to buy some beer for Charlie and Billy. After about thirty minutes of forced smiles and pretending I was alright we pulled up outside Charlie's house. He walked to the truck and got out Billy's wheelchair while I helped him out of the car and into the chair.

"Hey kid." Charlie said as he hugged me tightly. "Missed you." Charlie was always a lot more chatty with me than he was with anyone else. I loved spending time with him. I never understood the awkwardness my mother had with him. It was obvious they loved each other a lot but I just came up with the conclusion that they are too much a like. I hugged him back and kissed his cheek.

"Good to see you Granddad." For some reason he always smiled when he heard me call him that, maybe it was the fact that for the first year of my life he thought I was adopted but I was too much like my parents, they could not deny me.

"Where is your other half? I have been wanting to have a chat with him." He said, serious now. I could only imagine the type of warning Jake would get off of Charlie. Charlie loved Jake but when it came to me I wasn't so sure it would be all rainbows and smiles.

I saw Billy waving his hand across his neck in a slicing action as if to tell Charlie not to ask about him. I rubbed his shoulder to tell him it was alright as we walked inside. "Sore subject." I simply said as I rolled my eye's. Charlie just nodded his head and did not ask anymore as he opened the front door. I could hear the commentator for the game blaze through the t.v. I had no intentions of staying long. I usually watched the games with Billy and Charlie but I was not in the mood today. "Beers are in the fridge, Granddad." I told him as they made their way into the living room.

"Thanks Ness. Come on the game is about to start." I walked in and kissed them both on the cheek. I giggled under my breath as I watched their confused faces look at me as if I had gone insane. "I am going to head away. Not really in the mood today." I smiled as I watched a genuine look of disappointment cloud their faces.

"Oh, come Ness. You have to stay. I have more fun watching you shout at the screen than I do watching the game." Charlie smiled.

"Hardly, Granddad. Next time I promise." I said as I took the keys from the table.

"Fine." He grunted. "Come back soon, honey."

"I will. I will call Saturday." I told him as I walked to the door.

"Renesmee." Billy shouted after. I backtracked my steps a few paces. "Phone if you hear anything." He said.

"I will." I promised him. I made my way back to the truck. I needed to go somewhere. I did not want to go back to any of the houses and I knew the perfect place to go. Everyone else had their own little special places. My father had the meadow and Jake had his cliff and I have my stream.

I drove for forty minutes before I found the narrow right turn. It was similar to the drive into my Grandparents house but longer. I turned left onto a dirt road. I could have kept on going but that lead to a house, I think. I stopped the truck and got out. It was breath taking, like always. The trees provided a canopy with tiny rays of sun breaking through the branches. It was autumn, my favorite season of the year. The red and gold leaves blanketed the ground with purple, yellow, blue and red flowers breaking through the leaves. Then, there was my favorite part. The stream that flowed right down the center. Tiny ripples crashed over rocks. The stream was small. I could have walked across it in eight steps. I know that because I tried it once. I was curious to see what was on the other side but it was much the same. I sat down in front of it, pulling my knees to my chest and closing my eye's, breathing in the fresh air and listening to the water travel its way down the stream. It was so peaceful and just as beautiful. I kept my eye's closed for a moment trying to concentrate on the sounds of the nature surrounding me but it was no use. Nothing was going to stop me from thinking of Jake in the worst ways possible. I just wanted him home with me, to hold him forever and never leave him go.

"Renesmee." A familiar voice called gently. I jumped up, hissing soon recognizing the voice. His cold pale face appeared from the darkness but he did not look like he was there for trouble. He did not even look like he was searching for me. His face was just as surprised as mine was. My breathing was coming faster and my heart was beating violently in my chest. "I'm sorry. I did not mean to startle you. Please relax. I am just as shocked as you are." He said, standing still. My pulse began to slow down a little bit. It annoyed me that I felt so intrigued by him. I finally found the strength to open my mouth and say something.

"Caius, what are you doing here of you were not following me?" I asked coldly.

"This is where I am staying. The house is about another mile up that road." I was never one to believe on coincidences but that was freaky.

"Oh." I exclaimed, suddenly realizing. Why wasn't I running like hell? I was seriously starting to annoy myself.

"I caught your scent. I thought something was wrong."

"Oh says the man who did everything in his power to try and kill me eight years ago." I spat. What was I doing? I didn't want to fight with a member of the Volturi. But his face surprised me. Regret was written in his eye's.

"Only because we feared you as a threat. And you could be if you wanted but we know Carlisle and your family do not want that. Now when I look at how beautiful you are I wonder how I ever-" He said softly but stopped himself before he went on. I was glad he did. I did not want to know where that conversation would have headed. I was shocked at how brave and firm I was acting. I felt like collapsing.

"Then, why are you still here? Is it not obvious we don't want anything from you?" I wanted to sound bitter or angry but I didn't. He smiled softly. A smile that could make a heart stop. Stop it, Renesmee. Think of Jake, a voice shouted in my head. I was thinking of Jake. I was only speaking to him.

"I am sorry if we are worrying you, but Aro made a promise that he would check up on things and he had to do it." Did Caius just apologize to me? Wow, my life is seriously messed up. I relaxed my muscles and sat back down in front of the stream. I have no idea why but I did not feel nervous around him. I was a good judge. I would have known if he wanted to hurt me. "I can leave if you want or would you like some company?" I looked over at him and swallowed hard. My curiosity was getting the better of me. I did not know what it was but something just made me want to talk to him. I wanted to know more about him and I hated myself for it. I will say no next time, I told myself.

"You can sit with me just don't anybody about this place, it is a secret." I smiled weakly as he sat down, a little bit too close than needed but I did not want to be rude. Oh my God, I think I am going insane. I knew in my heart Caius was one of deadliest vampires anyone could ever cross. Out of the three Volturi leaders he was the worst and here I was sitting my a stream having a conversation with him. I really needed help or some sleep.

We both stayed silent for a moment until he broke the silence. "So are you and the werewolf dating?" I almost laughed at what he implied. Dating as a word to describe myself and Jake's relationship really sounded off. I don't think there is even a word to describe how much I love him.

"You could say that." I said staring at him. His skin was so pale, I had never seen anything like it and his blonde hair was short but fell around his face. "Is Marcus here too?" I asked, knowing he was the other Volturi leader. It was weird looking at someone so young and knowing he was one of the most dangerous leaders of the biggest vampire family.

"Yes he is." He simply said.

"Caius, what age are you?" I felt like kicking myself all over the forest after saying it. I was seriously troubled. Instead of trying my best to get away from him, I was drawing him in. He just smiled and seemed happy to answer my question.

"I was twenty two when I was changed. I should be one-hundred and ninety nine years old." My jaw dropped.

"Jeez, you are old. You should be freakin' disintegrated by now." I joked. "You are one-hundred and ninety one years older than me. Now that is scary." I exclaimed. I glanced over at him to see his frame shaking as he laughed. "What?" I laughed under my breath.

"I just never thought someone so beautiful could actually have a personality." I lowered my head blushing. I really hated compliments.

"I should really get going." I said standing up. He did the same.

"I'm sorry." He apologized, obviously regretting his last words.

"It's ok, but I really do have to go. They will be getting worried." I said still staring at him, it was extremely hard to look away. It wasn't that I felt anything towards him like I did with Jake. He was attractive in a weird way but I just felt like I wanted to sit there forever and ask him questions.

"Can we be friends?" He asked extending his hand. That was one thing I was sure my family and Jake would hit the roof about.

"I don't think friends is a good idea. But how about we just won't be enemies?" I offered, reaching out my hand. He wrapped his fingers around mine gently as if he felt he was going to break me and shook my hand.

"Deal." He agreed with a grin. "Hopefully I will see you again, Renesmee." He shouted after me. I just turned and waved. I got back into the truck and again thoughts of Jake flooded my mind. Now I just wanted to go home and see if there was news. I missed him too much. My conversation with Caius had taken my mind off of things for awhile but obviously not long enough. When I looked out of the windscreen, he was still there watching me as if he was making sure I left safely. I smiled weakly at him and reversed out onto the road. It was killing me that I was already planning my next trip to the stream.
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Hey guys, thanks to everyone that is reading. I hope you are enjoying the story. Please please comment and tell me what you think of it. Lots more to come