Our Little Fairy Tale


I ran up the steps to my grand-parents house and opened the door. "I am back." There was no need to shout, a bare whisper usually did the job.

"We are in here, sweetheart." I heard my father's voice. My heart was beating in double time. They were back. I walked down the hallway and into the living room where I saw my mother and father snuggle up to each other on the couch. I smiled widely and ran to him giving him a tight hug.

"Oh, thank God." I breathed and he chuckled softly. I missed you so much, I told him through my thought's and he smiled at me lovingly. He scrunched his nose and looked at me for a moment but then shook his head as if he was shaking away whatever thoughts he had. "Where is Jacob?" I asked urgently. I really needed him, I never thought being away from him would make me feel so empty.

"Emmett and Jacob went to the cottage to look for you. They thought you might be there. Where were you anyway?" My mother asked, sceptically.

I swallowed hard. I wasn't about to tell my mother and father I sitting next to the most dangerous Volturi leader there was and we had a casual chat. I don't think that would go down very well. "I went for a drive." I smiled innocently. He nodded his head, he seemed happy with my answer. It was times like this I was thankful I did not inherit my mother's inability to lie. "I will be back in a bit and you can tell me everything that happened. I am going to find Jacob." I told them as I ran out the door and towards the cottage. I was there in less than a minute.

I swung the door open and I could hear them talking. Emmett walked out to the hallway, wondering who the hell almost broke the door. "Ness." He called hugging me tightly.

"Hey Emmett. I missed you." I whispered. "Is everybody ok?" I asked. I had forgotten to ask my father that. I was too occupied thinking of Jacob.

"Everybody is fine. We will tell you later ok?" I nodded in agreement.

"Feeling extremely left out over here." I heard a deep voice from behind me. I turned and swallowed hard looking at Jake's strong frame lean up against the wall. I ran as fast my legs could take me and jumped into his arms where his lips met mine in a passionate kiss.

"Ok I am going to leave before the walls fall down with you two." I heard Emmett chuckle as he closed the door but he sounded miles away. We kissed for a long moment until he both pulled away gasping for air.

"I love you." He whispered as he buried his head in my hair.

"I love you too." I replied. He stayed there for a moment and I could have swore I heard him sniffing. "Jake?" He set me down on my feet slowly and looked at me as if he was searching my face for something. "What's wrong?" I had never seen him look at me like that before. His eye's turned cold and his hand's began to tremble. "Jake." I screamed. He was beginning to scare me.

"Renesmee, why is there a different scent on you?" My eye's narrowed as I looked at him confused. I had no idea what he was talking about. "Why the hell can I smell Caius on you?" He almost shouted. My eye's widened. I had totally forgot his over sensitive senses. That was why my father was looking at me like that. My mouth became suddenly dry. How was I going to explain this? "What did he do to you?" He screamed, his hand's shaking even more.

"Jacob, will you calm down?" My voice was beginning to break. "He didn't do anything to me." I told him. I really needed to get him to relax.

"What were you doing with Caius? Come on Renesmee, I saw the way he looked at you last time." Was he seriously implying that something happened between us?

"What is that suppose to mean?" I shouted, backing away. "We didn't do anything."

"I never said you did." He stated. I was really digging myself a hole here.

"I dropped your father off at Charlie's and went to the stream not knowing that they were staying in the house up from it." I touched his hand replaying everything from when I dropped Billy off to right at that moment.

"So your his friend now?" He asked bitterly. I looked at him, tears forming in my eye's.

"Please don't do this Jake?" I pleaded looking away. He bit down on his lip and placed his hand under my chin forcing me to look up at him.

"I trust you, it's him I don't trust. You are going to stay away from there!" It was more of a statement than a question.

"Jake you can't make me stay away from there. If I notice he is around I will leave."

"I am not letting you up there, it is out of the question." He said softly but there was still a demand in his tone. I wasn't one of his wolves, he better not Alpha with me.

"Jake you are not my body guard." I spat.

"That is what it feels like to me." His voice was getting louder. He took his hand away from under my chin sharply "I imprinted on you Ness. I love you with all my heart and I am suppose to protect you. It's my job."

"I don't want you to feel you are obliged to protect me Jake. Like I am something that gets in the way and you have to do it." I looked away from him again.

He stayed silent for a long moment until I looked at him and there was tears in his eye's. "Do you honestly think that I feel like I am obliged to protect you and that I really don't want to." I shrugged. That was the part I never got. If Jacob hadn't imprinted on me would he have even looked at me twice? He would have never loved me, and now I did not know if I was something that just got in the way. "Oh baby don't you ever think that." He breathed as he pulled me into a tight hug. It was then I realized I was still touching him and he could hear my every thought. I saw my tears soak through his shirt as he kissed my head. "I am so sorry, sweetheart. I never meant for you to feel like that." He apologized. I looked up at him and planted a soft his on his lips.

"Don't apologize, please. But I promise you Jake I never knew he was there, I go there all the time. If I knew do you honestly think I would have put myself and everybody else in danger like that?"

"I know you wouldn't. I just got mad when I could smell him. I thought he hurt you or something." He said running my tears away with his thumb.

"I am still going to go up there, Jake." I told him, firmly.

"Will I be able to stop you?" He asked weakly. He knew he wouldn't. I could be sneaky when I wanted to be.

"No." I smiled.

"Well, just let me know when you are so we can keep an eye on you." He told me kissing my lips. I just nodded in agreement. "Well, how come I never knew about this stream?" He raised his eyebrows playfully.

"How come I never knew about the cliff?" I defended myself. He chuckled softly.

"Fine you win." He smiled. I stretched up and kissed him as hard as I could manage. He kissed me back as he tangled his fingers in my hair.

"You know I have a very big bed in there that is feeling rather empty at the moment." I murmured against his kiss. He grinned widely.

"I love your thinking. You are a very smart woman." He chuckled lifting me up so that my legs wrapped firmly around his waist. He turned pressing me against the wall. "But that bed would take too much time to get to, maybe we should just start here."

I laughed under my breath. Do me a favor? I asked him through my thoughts.

"Mmm?" He answered as I trailed kisses along his jaw line. I smiled widely, he looked like he was in a different world. I trailed the kisses to his lips and told him my favor.

Leave the house standing.

"I won't promise anything but I will try." He laughed kissing me so we could carry on.